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Profile of Mystician
I just wanted to add that if you are looking to buy the marketed effect rather than use a "real" skeleton key, know that there are two makes out there: what I believe is the "original", by Fun Inc., which is chrome plated and looks pretty authentic (although shiny and new), and then there's the newer one made by Magic Makers / Rob Stiff, which is gold (?) plated and fancier. And frankly, IMO, not anywhere near as authentic looking, nor as well balanced. It looks identical to the "Golden Key".

After I got my first one, which was one of gold ones, I spent ages trying to "age" it! Unsatisfied with the results (and general look), I bought another key from a dealer in PA, based on their web page photo at the time, thinking I was getting the Fun Inc. version. What arrived was another Rob Stiff key; this one can unscrew in the center and the mortise doesn't quite line up with the end of the handle. Nothing like a little bait 'n' switch, eh? Finally I got the Fun Inc. key, and I have to say, I like it much, much better. Caveat Emptor and all that stuff.

Here's the Fun version:
And the "new" version:
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Phil Thomas
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Profile of Phil Thomas
I found that if you soak it for a couple of days in salt water, it will start to rust and give it a nice aged look. Also, a nice rust color paint will work as well. Sand the key first to get it looking rough, then get Krylon happy! Hope that helps you out a little. And mystician, your new avatar is totally wicked. It scared the pants off me. You're not that "thing" that lurks in my closet at night are you? Smile

"If we lose the sense of the mysterious, life is no more than a snuffed out candle."

Albert Einstein
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Profile of todsky
I've been doing the haunted key for a while. I picked up the key at a magic auction in Montreal. It's silver, doesn't look very old though. Don't know who makes it, but it works well, nice and slow. I'm going to try aging it according to some previous suggestions. My patter is that I was in a graveyard and the key was sticking out of a grave, having belonged to a skeleton (thus 'skeleton' key).

It's been mentioned by others that this can be done on the spec's hand. I assume the mage must be holding the spec's wrist to accomplish this?

Oh yeah: I've tried this trick on kids, and most kids definitely don't seem to have the patience for this one.
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Profile of mrunge
I have been doing this for several years now. Found an old, brass, tarnished looking skeleton key at a locksmith store one day while having a key cut and bought it for $1.50.

I use the method found in The Phoenix, pg 984, attributed to Dr. Jaks, called The Key. It is placed on the tip of MY finger and slowly starts to rotate. I don't worry about the key being perfectly balanced, instead just find the spot along the key where it WILL balance and go on from there.

I use some story line about finding a key while in an old graveyard downtown that belonged to someone who died trying to get out of a bldg (fire, flood, pick your favorite disaster...) and could not get the door open in time, and that to this day he still tries to open the door with the key. Gets them every time!

Just run down to a locksmith, check his table for an old looking skeleton key...and have fun! Mark.
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Profile of sbroomheadsr
I use the haunted key from time to time and explain it's pristine condition to the curse. The spirit of an old housekeeper who had betryed a witch in Salem was placed inside. She does not grow old nor can she die. The key looks the same as the day the housekeeper opened the witch's chest to reveal all.
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Profile of themagicofjoseph
Hi All,
Just my 2 cents. My routine with it. When I approach a table and find people on a date. I say that there is a way to find out if this guy is really the one (This gets a laugh when the couple been together 30 yrs), as I display the key I explain that, "a woman's heart is like a lock, and through out her life, looks for that one special guy, who will beable to unlock her heart". I place the key in her hand and have her hold it over her heart, then with the other hand, hold the hand of the guy, this, I explain, "it will gather both your energy and transport it to the key". I then take the key form her, saying, "you can still hold hands if you like", if they let go quick...I say, "been together too long huh"? If they keep holding hands..."now that's nice, more should do that".
I then place the key in my hand and say, we are going to see if his energy will be enough to turn the key and open your heart. The key turns slowly, "it looks like this is meant to be".