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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Up in smoke! :: Best Smoke Producing Utility For Table-Hoppers (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of thegreatgeorgio
Hi all,

What is the best smoke utility for table hoppers to use eg to vanish a coin?

Ultra Smoke 2000? Little Smoke?


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Profile of haywire
I have both and after using ultra smoke, you'll never want to go back trust me.

Little smoke is a pain to setup and use, makes your fingers dirty/stiny messy...

Ultra smoke works wonderfully for vanishes and productions and the smoke amount is like 100 times that of little smoke.

Little smoke makes a little whisp of smoke, which is sometimes hard to see.
No one will miss ultra smoke, trust me... Smile

I was on the fence with buying it for awhile, but I'm glad I did now...

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Profile of Mystician
Little Smoke can be pretty stinky, definitely not something I'd recommend in a restaurant ! Like Haywire said, it doesn't provide volumes of smoke either, but it's very cool in a close up personal kind of environment. In fact, the stuff even glows with this erie blue luminescence when you rub your fingers, which looks very cool in the dark - but then you don't really see the smoke so much, so dim lighting is best for that added touch.
I honestly hadn't heard that many positive reviews of Ultra smoke, so it's good to hear one good one.
Haywire, have you tried flashburst yet ? The one with the xenon strobe bulb ?
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