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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Up in smoke! :: Just got my first high-quality hand flasher (Volcano from Ellusionist) -- any advice on handlings? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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I've just received my Volcano from Ellusionist and Magic Dream. I'm impressed with the build, and I'm hopeful that this could be a reliable analog solution to add some fire to my close-up work.

The flasher resembles a Sharpie, so having something signed or written down could be part of the effect. Alternatively, I could palm it and use it covertly.

I'm wondering, does anyone have advice on using finger flashers? Is it as simple as creating the flash with one hand, and effecting a production with the other? Any tips, or resources where I can learn more techniques and handlings? Also curious about others' flash routine ideas that naturally involve a Sharpie. Cheers all!