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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Deck the Halls :: Momentum Poker Deck (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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I just received a deck of Momentum Poker Deck playing cards by Artisan Tarot, which I believe is their only non-Tarot deck, and I was quite impressed.

The name of the deck has "poker" in it, but don't let that fool you. It's printed on premium stock w/ a linen finish, so it handles quite well for magic and cardistry. The back design of the cards is actually really good for cardistry too. I'm not a cardist though, so pfft! =P (but, it's not too busy of a design that it would be bad for magic)

The faces are nice too. They're custom designed pips and courts, each court having a few special subtle features that make them one-way designs, but fun to look at. My first thought when looking at them was "if I'm using this deck in a poker game, at least I'll know when any of the other players have courts because they'll be staring at the cards (especially the Queen of Hearts if you know what I mean!)"

The deck's printed in Taiwan, but I'm not sure by which printer. The tuck and website don't say. However, the tuck's decent quality and the cards have stood up for a day of practice and are still feeling springy, so it's a quality printer at least =]

If you're interested in more info or a close-up view of the deck, check out my review on YouTube!