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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The International Brotherhood of Magicians! :: Introduction: What is this forum all about? :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Steve Brooks
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Founder / Manager
Northern California - United States
3783 Posts

Profile of Steve Brooks
It is my own personal belief that we are responsible for how magic will be presented and received in the coming years ahead. We can either get involved and try and make a difference, or sit around and complain while others shape the art we all love and enjoy so much. As Eldridge Cleaver once said; "You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem". That statement made a lot of sense back then, and it still merits our undivided attention even now.


The International Brotherhood of Magicians (I.B.M.) is considered to be the world's largest organization for magicians. Embracing almost fifteen thousand (15,000) members around the globe and operating in more than seventy-three (73) countries, the I.B.M. is both long established and well respected by many in magicdom. Boasting over three hundred local meeting groups (called Rings), members are offered the opportunity to both socialize and learn from each other.

In addition, members receive many other benefits such as the monthly magazine;The Linking Ring, which is filled with various articles of interest, general advice on magical topics and original pieces of magic. All that and delivered to each member on a monthly basis. In addition there is an annual convention (held in a different city each year), local clubs and more - so you really can't go wrong by getting involved.

Having said all that, I myself have been a member of the I.B.M. for years and wanted to do something to help. I have always had good relations with the various I.B.M. officers and believe the club has only the best intentions for magicians around the globe.

As The Magic Café has grown into arguably the world's largest online community for magicians, it stands to reason that a good many of our members are probably already somehow involved with the I.B.M. What remains are a slew of folks who just may be interested in getting involved themselves.

Indeed, I find posts scattered all over the board having to do with subjects specific to the I.B.M. People are always asking questions about joining or where the national convention will be held, etc. I felt that a special forum dedicated to the I.B.M. would help us to consolidate all such postings into a single area. Add to that the fact that the I.B.M. does not have a decent online community for its members, and you can see it was pretty much a no brainer for us to provide such a place here on the Café.

While this forum was built specifically for members of the I.B.M., non-members are certainly welcome to post questions or participate in topics that may be of interest.
However, much of what will no doubt be posted here will be of interest mainly to actual members of The International Brotherhood of Magicians.

I hope that all of you will make use of the space we are providing for you, and I look forward to reading all the great topics that will no doubt appear within this forum. Smile

"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks