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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The Illusionarium - by Peter Loughran :: Encore in Illusion Shows (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Peter Loughran
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Ontario, Canada
2683 Posts

Profile of Peter Loughran
On March 10th, 2006 (last week) I took my regular limo tour with friends down to see Mr. Copperfield here at the Hummingbird Centre in Toronto, Ontario Canada.

This happened to be the An Intimate Evening of Grand illusion that we are all familiar with.

He last visited Toronto about 2 years ago and since I have been going to see him every time he comes to town for the past decade and a half, I had already seen the An Intimate Evening of Grand illusion show. It was great the first time, and just as good the second.

However the strangest thing happened...

2 years ago when I saw the show, all the TV ads and radio ads advertised his "13" illusion. After he finishes with his trip to Hawaii, he gets a standing ovation and then comes out to do one final illusion which happens to be "13".

For those of you not familliar with the illusion, he makes 13 volunteers vanish, and as with all of his illusions, it is very well done, and quite spectatular. That's the beauty of his show, even though you may know how the illusion is done, or you have seen it before, or whatever, it is always spectacular and always a joy to watch him perform.

However, like I said above the strangest thing happened. He finished with his trip to Hawaii, and got the standing ovation, but then everyone got up and started to leave before he had a chance to come back out. It was the weirdest thing. Especially since that all the TV ads and radio ads all advertised his 13 illusion again.

2 things occured to me; perhaps there was a problem with the props, or he was just shocked that everyone left before he could get back out there for his encore. Or maybe the TV and radio ads didn't realize that the illusion was taken out of his show. I beleive it was one of the first two things that I mentioned.

It was an interesting tale of the tape that I thought I would share with you all. And would love to hear your thoughts on Encores in Illusion Shows, yea or nay?

Please PM me with your thoughts and why. I will then do a comparison on the subject with the thoughts and comments I receive.


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