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Christopher Starr (Toronto)
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Profile of Christopher Starr (Toronto)
I've just bought a new Dwarf Hotot rabbit after falling in love with Ken Scot's rabbit (not literally). He's only 2 lbs and shouldn't get bigger than 3 lbs.. My large 8.5 lb albino will retire when the new rabbit is comfortable and trained.

I was all set today to buy Wacky Wolf's Fun House, but now I'm concerned about how big it is. A week ago I thought it might not fit my large rabbit so I was finally able to find a breeder 1.5 hrs away (I almost had to fly one in before I found this breeder). Now that I have the small rabbit I thought I should have a smaller production to save space and avoid an extra road case. I like the idea of putting the prop in my large Lefler suitcase/table. When I'm performing up to 3 or 4 shows a day I son't want an additional heavy case to lug in.

I've read all the posts about the different productions. Eventually I'll have to try to buy or make a bag for a hat load (any suggestions on where to buy the bag/ DVD?) now that it's practical with such a small rabbit. In the maentime I think I should get another prop so I don't always have to use my big Chalet Doves to Rabbit. Some smaller or repeat shows I might not use the doves and just finish with the rabbit production. As a simple and not too expensive production I 'm looking at an elegaant wooden drawer box by Douglas Tilford:

I like Tilford's Duck bucket but it's too big to carry (as it can hold a duck):

I also like Tilford's flaming hat to dove or small rabbit:

Can you tell I've been all through the Tilford site for the last hour? I also love their new ProLine Linking Rings with Locking Key (which part of the Café can I discuss that effect?).

Chance Wolf is considering custom making a smaller Fun House for me but with his busy schedule I'm unsure when it would happen. I love that prop and will probably buy it eventually for another production option, but right now I'd like something that will fit in the suitcase/table.

It's been an interesting discussion for me to read, and with so many people favoring a hat production I'll start to work toward that, but no one mentioned where to buy the load bag and routine/ DVD. Any suggestions to help me on my search? Any other small/ med rabbit productions I should consider?

Thanks guys!
Christopher Starr
Starr Entertainment Inc.
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Profile of WisMel
Congrats to your new bunny Chris! The Funhouse is an awesome prop and you won't regret buying it. My mini rex is only a couple lbs and he works great with the Funhouse. The Elusive Bunny Box is a great prop too. It has a unique finish to it also.

James Warren
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I just put a used Balloon to Bunny Box on sale on eBay if anyone is interested. No reserve. Click on, or copy and paste the following link:
John Tudor
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Profile of John Tudor
For the rabbit production, I also do the rabbit from hat. No bag is used, a medium sized rabbit can be produced, and the hat is widely examined beforehand. (and after if you like) The actual production takes place out in the audience, where appropriate. It's a misdirection based routine, available in my lecture notes (you knew that was coming) and has fooled MANY magicians. Just PM me and I'll get you a copy.
"Ars longa, vita brevis." (Life is short, the art so long to learn) -Hippocrates
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Profile of FunTimeAl
I do a double rabbit out of the hat production.

The rabbits stay in their travel carrier the whole show. At the end of the show I have the birthday boy/girl come up, put on a cape, get a wand (home-made gag wand routine thrown in at this point) and then I put a beenie hat on his/her head. That gets a big laugh. Patter, patter, patter...I then exchange the beenie for an Uncle Sam top hat, a Wizard hat, and finally an Elope, false bottom magicians top hat.

All the while I've taken my collapsible top hat on and off my table (making room for the other hats) and loaded a bunny in "cups & balls final load style". I have a black 1/4" disk cut out to the profile of my hat brim that keep the bunny in the hat (the hat is never turned open-end-up).

The child pulls the Elope bunny out of his/her hat and then I ask the audience how he/she did it. They retell the story and I remove my hat (which has been on my table in plain site all the while) to produce the rabbit. In classis cups&balls style, I load bunny #2 as all eyes are on bunny #1. I finish by asking the birthday child what just happened, and produce bunny#2 at the right part in the story.

I do gags with my collapsible hat throughout the show (basically showing it empty as a consequence) and this is a killer finish. I came up with it after many failed efforts at finding a more traditional bunny outta hat routine that I thought was humain.

This is my first real submission to the Café and I'd love to read feedback.

Oh, I build my own magic stands and made my busking table to serve as my bunny outta hat table as well. I'd be happy to send a link out to interested readers.
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Profile of Dynamike
If you want to save money, I advise you to check out Tarbell's volume 3. It has a section about how to make dove/rabbit props:
Tod Todson
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Profile of Tod Todson
I''like Mark Tripp's idea above.

I think it makes sense on a number of levels.

Am going to look into it.
Mystifier, Youth Speaker
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I like a rabbit from a silk fountain
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Profile of Dynamike
Check out the following, the quality looks fine, and it can be seen from angles because of the bars: It looks similiar to a small fire cage. That is who I'm ordering from to get an illusion like that.
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Profile of coachc
Ive had great results with Barry Mitchells PET PRESTO...GREAT
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Profile of Mumblemore
I love the Burling Hull bunny filing cabinet drawer box. Does anyone know if these are still around or where one might be purchased?

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Profile of Mumblemore
I have been using Wolf Magic's Funhouse lately and find it gets the strongest reactions. The black art, the creative lettering, the pull crank and the party popper noise combine to make it much more than just a balloon-to-rabbit.

Plus, I use routine where I fail to make a balloon animal and then say that my balloon animal machine will make a balloon rabbit, my volunteers and I pop the balloon, and then the real rabbit appears. This and Mitchell's Presto Production Box are to me the best out there.
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Profile of magicjy
I aways wanted to use a rabbit in my show. I now turn a Rubik's Cube into a live rabbit as the finale of The Rubik's Cube Manipulation Act.

However, I do not always perform that act all every show. I would like to open up with my silk act, which uses a hat. Then produce a rabbit without using a box, etc. My rabbit is sort of large for a white drawf. I would love to hear some ideas.

Joseph Young
MAGIC is believing in yourself.
If you can do that, you can make anything happen. - Foka Gomez

Joseph Young
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Profile of RJE
This thread is over 5 years old. My favourite rabbit production is over 80 years old. Volume 5 Tarbell, Changing Rabbit to Box of Candy inspired it.

Constructed the box similar to the description in Tarbell. However, made it a single load and used heavy upholstery material instead of paper. I use the back of the table as a ditching device.

Effect: You stand behind a small table and hold a 24" unprepared silk in front of the table, but below the table top, so the audience can see there is nothing there. Without any moves, you pull the silk across the top of the table and the rabbit appears on top of the table. The audience can actually see the bump of the rabbit appear under the silk as if by magic.

It happens so quick and magically that it usually gets gasps from the audience. I have never seen anyone else use this simple yet ever so effective production.
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Profile of Mumblemore
Wow, that's a good one. Do the rabbit's nails get stuck in the silk?
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Profile of RJE
Hi Mumblemore,

The rabbit's nails are no where near the silk so it's not a problem.
Lou Hilario
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Profile of Lou Hilario
I used to assemble the parts of a stuffed bunny in front of an audience. Then, I place him in an emty box previously shown and closed. The box is again opened and a live rabbit appears.
Magic, Illusions, Juggling, Puppet & Parrot Show ^0^
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Profile of Decomposed
On 2006-06-17 01:55, hypnoman1 wrote:
I use Abbott's Illusive Bunny Box I am with Ken on this I have found it to be the best. Especially for the kid shows.

My best prop when I did kid's shows.
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Abbotts Bunny Box.
Bill Hegbli
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
On 2008-08-20 19:20, RJE wrote:
This thread is over 5 years old. My favourite rabbit production is over 80 years old. Volume 5 Tarbell, Changing Rabbit to Box of Candy inspired it.

Constructed the box similar to the description in Tarbell. However, made it a single load and used heavy upholstery material instead of paper. I use the back of the table as a ditching device.

Effect: You stand behind a small table and hold a 24" unprepared silk in front of the table, but below the table top, so the audience can see there is nothing there. Without any moves, you pull the silk across the top of the table and the rabbit appears on top of the table. The audience can actually see the bump of the rabbit appear under the silk as if by magic.

It happens so quick and magically that it usually gets gasps from the audience. I have never seen anyone else use this simple yet ever so effective production.

It is poor showmanship to perform behind a table. You should work out another positioning of yourself. Thus it will make the effect even more amazing.