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Profile of DonDriver
The Fuzzle pitch is on my DVD and I'm doing it. The fuzzle is a strong pitch item. I also give you info on where to get them wholesale.
Thanks Mark
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Profile of markjens
Don, thanks so much for the info. After getting a fuzzle from you, I can see that there is a real difference in where you procure these. By the way, I was hoping it was you doing the fuzzle pitch, rather than a certain guy who sort of 'phones it in.' Thanks again!
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Profile of Bridgewater
I received Don's DVD today and I can echo the praise it has already received here. I would like to point out that if you are pitching Svengali decks (or anything else) you will need to pay state sales tax. To purchase Svengali decks from a wholesaler you will need a state sales tax I.D. number. Here in North Carolina, you must also display your state merchants tax I.D. at your booth if you are working a flea market, a festival, etc.
This DVD is easily worth three times it's current cost.
"Don't run with those..."
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Profile of markjens
Don, after all these years, it is great to see this treasure coming from you. Have you any more hidden jewels that you will be releasing? How about some of the other 'careers' in your past? I remember seeing pictures of you doing Houdini type escapes, blockhead, etc. Any chance of you releasing any of this type of stuff? I have to tell you, it is wonderful to have this information available as part of our magic history. Thanks for passing it on.
Ryan Matney
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Profile of Ryan Matney
I can't add anything that hasn't already been said. I just got Don's dvd and it really is THE source for pitch information. If you ever want to pitch or just learn what it takes to pitch, you need this dvd.

The tips that Don gives will also help your magic. Pitching will help your magic. There's no better way to get to know people, how they think, what they want.
The Close-Up Magic Shop
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Profile of sethb
I agree with Ryan that pitching definitely helps your magic. Where else would you get to perform the same few effects over and over again? There's no better way to polish an effect than by constantly performing it, and that's what a pitchman does.

Although I am not a pitchman, strictly speaking, I demo and sell 3-4 different tricks at street festivals and craft fairs, such as a Svengali Deck, the Dime & Penny set, Jumping Gems paddles, the Cups & Balls, and the Money Paddle. After you've performed a trick 12-15 times in one day, you get a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't. And best of all, you also get paid for your time!

Thanks again, Don, for providing the basics of pitching and passing this great information on. There's no feeling like having kids crowded around my demo table three deep, all smiling and waving $5 bills at me! SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
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Profile of DOCJON
Hi guys!
"If it's good enough for Larry ....." that's right ... Larry Jennings.. He learned the pitch from Don ... he went to meet the old man (Don, of course) in Apple Valey Ca., I think it was, just to learn it from him.
I blew into town to see Mike and Don and he told me Larry was thinking of pitching the cards at the Castle ... so he wanted to get it (the pitch) from Don. He grabbed his tape recorder and went to see Don ... My man taught it to Larry!!! Would you believe that one ... on the square!

I was in Hawaii and offered people ... including Yashita ... $200 for the pitch ... just if they would record it from someone on the main land at a fair or midway or flee market.

That led to a mid way with E.K.F. But it scared me half to death when they told me to get 20 gross and they'd put me in the midway. Don worked for them too ... years earlier.

Added note: Ryan ... you hit it pal!! repetiveness 'hones' your skills ... and ... pitching gives you a different perspective. It's very deep ... you are paying attention to so many things at one time ... Don lays this all down. He is one hell of a teacher ... things you just cant think of ... you have no reference to them ... but, he has a reason for every dam thing he does ... just like when he was at the Jams ... step by step ... these things have been written in stone for 100 years!! Listen to Don ... hone your skills so that every thing you do is like cutting butter with a knife and listen to him again and you can't miss (don't let your own intellect get in the way) they've been doing it and they have the 'secret' phrases that's been around and proven! ...that's why they were great at what they did. From cards to knives. Ask Don about the Steel Pier!
I'm getting carried away .
But had to share it!
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From back-alley'crap shoots' and cardroom 'steer joints' world wide Las Vegas slots and high stakes poker, over 20 years of honed experience on and off the tables a retired 'cross roader' and 'mechanic' ....
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Profile of sethb
OK, I'll bite --- what about the Steel Pier, Don?

As a lifelong resident of Atlantic City, N.J., I spent many pleasant hours on the Steel Pier in the early 1960's. When I wasn't watching the High-Diving Horse or getting my fortune told by the trained parakeets that dropped a rolled-up paper in your hand for 10 cents, I was standing at the Svengali Pitch, watching a very smooth operator at work. Was it static electricity? Magnetism? An optical illusion? Sleight-of-hand? All of the above? Whatever it was, this guy sold tons of Svengali decks every summer, about a dozen of which were bought by me over the years. At that time, I believe the decks were selling for $2 or so apiece!

So let's hear more about it, Don! SETH P.S. I also recall that there was an elderly couple doing a Zancig-style coded mindreading act on the Pier, but I just wasn't old enough to appreciate it at the time.
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
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Profile of DonDriver
Your getting off thread "Reviews" this is not story telling.
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Profile of sethb
Sorry, Don, and you are right, I will save the "war stories" for another thread.

Thanks also, for sharing your pitching expertise with everyone. I know your video has saved me from many dead ends and hours of work trying to put together a good Svengali pitch. And every time I go out, I still learn something new from my audiences/customers. It's a great diversion, doesn't hurt anyone, makes a good dollar, and gets plenty of kids interested in the wonderful art of magic. Who could ask for more? SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
Review King
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On 2005-08-26 13:09, Whit Haydn wrote:
You will really like the DVD version of Don's pitch tape. We should be shipping by the end of next week.

Like it? I LOVE it!

I just received the DVD. It's everything that I hoped for and more.

Seeing S.David Walker pitching was a real treat. Seeing him work the crowd was a bice addition.

And, Don shares the real work on everything.

This is a must have, even if you don't plan on pitching. It's always a great lesson to see professionals out there doing it.

Don, thanks for sharing this with us all!!

Oh, and ordering from Don is so simple. He takes paypal for those that like to use that service. And he shipps faster than lightening:

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the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of akio
I just got Don's Svengali DVD as well...ditto...ditto...ditto
Don really has a way for teaching and you should all know when Harry
Lorayne was on the cover of Genii a few years ago he had a two page
called "My pitching days with David Walker" so watching David pitching
this DVD is a bit of history.That footage alone is worth the price of
Ryan Matney
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Profile of Ryan Matney
I can echo the sentiments already written. It's very nice to have footage of S. David Walker in my collection. It's amazing how hard the guy can still work. If you have a small market or place to set up, this is THE time of year of year to pitch. Don's dvd has all the ins and outs, plus historic footage of the famous Walker pitch.
The Close-Up Magic Shop
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Profile of KeithP
For Christmas I got Don's Svengali pitch DVD. Don's experience is so evident. His clear understanding of the psychology of the customer audience has helped Don refined and simplified the pitch. Don, the architect of this pitch, has built on the foundations of the past, but has refined for the audiences of the present. Thank you Don.

Vandy Grift
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Profile of Vandy Grift
Hey guys. If you are in the Denver area, Don and David and even Ryan Matney are working the Denver Stock show through the 16th of this month. If you have an opportunity, stop out and say hello. They are great guys and would love to say hello to any magicians or pitchmen that come by. I had a great time with them here in Milwaukee during the State Fair and if I could have, I would be out there in Denver right now. Get the DVD and check it out for sure. But if you have a chance to stop by in person, do it. If you've studied your materials and worked on your pitch, they might even let you get up on the joint and try your hand at pitching the Svengalli Deck and one of the Countrys biggest venues!! Smile

"Get a life dude." -some guy in a magic forum
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Just a quick clarification. I stated above that Don and David would be in Denver until the 16th of this month. That was incorrect, the fair is 16 days long. They will be there through this Sunday.

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Profile of DavidEscapes
I got the original video ages ago and was very glad to see the DVD edition had some actual extras on it that make it worth buying in addition to the VHS version, DVD 'extras' normally being worthless!

Hopefully I will have the chance to meet up with Don when I come over to the states later this month. It will be excellent to see his work in person.
David Victor - The artist formally (and still occasionally) known as David Straitjacket.

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Don got back from the Denver Stock Show the end of January. I've had a few contacts with him and he is busy working on getting his crowd gathering DVD out soon. I think it used to be how he drew crowds for the jam auction.

I saw him do this at the Wisconsin State Fair...we couldn't get away. I just asked him to dem it...we didn't have anything in mind except to draw a crowd and suddenly we had a very large group of people standing there wondering what to do next!

His Svengali pitch rocks and his method for gathering crowds works great and is universal, whether or not you are pitching decks for $5 or going for a jam auction for thousands. If you need to draw a crowd, keep an eye out for this new DVD. Don is with it.

This isn't theoretical stuff, I've seen him do it...if you have any need to draw a crowd this will fufill your dreams.

I basically posted this to kick Don a bit in the butt...I want this now...

Don, when is it coming out?
Rudy Sanchez
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I now have Don's Svengali Pitch DVD. Awesome Don! Now I look forward to your Drawing a Crowd DVD.


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Profile of modern_sorcery
I saw Don at the Denver show.

I don't know him, but he is a magician and uses very powerful techniques during the pitch. It looks to me like he is a magician first and a pitchman second, and that makes is pitch very strong and entertaining. (Most pitchmen are not magicians) The DVD is extremely educational to a magician. Don does a lot of work teaching you why the script works.

In magic and in acting we are instructed to keep our face up so our audience can see us. When I was six years old I was being instructed on holding the cards/coins up to my face. When I walked by Don's pitch joint I saw him looking down at the cards. The two cards were standing on the table facing the audience and I swear Don's nose was an inch from the top of the cards, looking down. Everything that I had been taught came back to me and I thought, "That poor man is never going to sell a thing." Just shows that after 28 years of magic, I still get fooled. Also shows what a pro Don is. Let me explain.

I had never been interested in pitching before. I stumbled onto the pitch thread after going to the western show. I kept seeing good reviews of Don's video, especially the posts about how personable and helpful he was with the other Café members. I also recognized him from the western show. For the education value I decided to get his DVD. $20 videos are not always found in magic.

What a deal! It is always a controversy to use other peoples patter. Not here though. Stick with Don's patter word for word. That is what it was made for. It is your script, use it.

Here is an actor's technique for learning lines. Memorize the first sentence. Move on to the second sentence. Memorize that then go back to the first sentence. Once your have those, go to the third sentence. Go back and start all over again. I learned the regular pitch in a couple of hours this way. PM me if this doesn't make sense.

Don has an excellent reason for looking down at the cards. He shows you in the DVD.

Any magician will benefit from learning the pitch even if they don't perform it or use it to sell. You will learn how to use your patter to keep your audience off of their toes. A very useful tool to become an expert with.

This pitch is a great way of performing with the Svengali. I threw my deck away when I was a kid. I know some disagree but very few of us in the magic community like to use a sven. Most magicians don't like them. Talk about exttremely gimmicked. very hard for spectator examination. This way of performing the Svengali takes care of those issues.

Don, I wouldn't mind shaking your hand one day and listening to some of your stories 'from the trenches'. Good work putting out a valuable product to the community.