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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Plans for automatic sefalaljia (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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The Holy City of East Orange, NJ
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Profile of Spellbinder
I have also begun playing with the use of a skull to replace the ball in glass. I start with a life-sized adult skull (from Dollar Tree) and shrink it down to a small sized foam light weight skull (also from Dollar Tree). I found the small skull needed a magnet in the base to match a magnet glued into the base of my Dollar Store plastic Sefalaljia crate, so when it drops into the glass, it rights itself no matter what. I use a straight walled glass that looks more like some kind of beaker than a drinking glass.
Professor Spellbinder

Professor Emeritus at the Turkey Buzzard Academy of Magik, Witchcraft and Wizardry

Publisher of The Wizards' Journals
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Profile of tabman
The full-sized skull seems to overpower the box on top although Im working to stay true to James original intent. Kreskin used a candle and picking it up and blowing it out does the move and its very logical. It also gives credence to a pack of matches for the smoking cigar.

Spellbinder, I thought your plastic crate idea is very clever. I bought your eBook and enjoyed it.
...Your professional woodworking and "tender" loving care in the products you make, make the wait worthwhile. Thanks for all you do...
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Profile of jolyonjenkins
I got my skull from ebay. It's made of resin but looks pretty realistic and as if it's been dug up from a hole in the ground rather than coming from a medical school. It's not full size - about the size of a 6 year old. This is fine because it was a child that died in the haunted house whose timbers were used to built my box! The box is not quite James' dimensions but nearly - 6" x 6" x 17" - that's because I was reusing some wood from another project that was a bit too small.

I think that if you have a skull you can use it throughout the routine by addressing the skull as the embodiment of the ghost in the box. Which can do all kinds of things - Slydini silks, invisible deck, blok kord, ring on rope, swami writing and no doubt plenty more until the audience is bored. Eventually a picture of the dead (Victorian) child magically appears in a photo frame.

Still looking for a good cheap way to get it to ring a spirit bell when the box is closed.
Jolyon Jenkins
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Profile of tabman
On 2009-10-03 05:00, rjenkins wrote:... ...I think that if you have a skull you can use it throughout the routine by addressing the skull as the embodiment of the ghost in the box. Which can do all kinds of things - Slydini silks, invisible deck, blok kord, ring on rope, swami writing and no doubt plenty more until the audience is bored. Eventually a picture of the dead (Victorian) child magically appears in a photo frame.

That's good. I like the fact that you've puit some thought into the use of the props and how they fit together in your routine. Thank you for the information.
...Your professional woodworking and "tender" loving care in the products you make, make the wait worthwhile. Thanks for all you do...