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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Alan Rorrison's Sigillum Diaboli (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Scott F. Guinn
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"Great Scott!" aka "Palms of Putty" & "Poof Daddy G"
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On 2009-03-31 05:29, Alan Rorrison wrote:
ps Scott I tried to contact busby to no avail. I had a lengthy discusson with Roy about this who stated he would have a word on my behalf.

That doesn't surprise me. Jeff had a stroke a few years back. I haven't heard how he's been doing since, but Jeff has always been, shall we say, different regarding his interaction with others. I've been quite close with Ray Grismer, Jeff's father-in-law. Last time Ray mentioned Jeff, he said they hadn't spoken in years, and at the time they lived within a couple of miles of each other.
"Love God, laugh more, spend more time with the ones you love, play with children, do good to those in need, and eat more ice cream. There is more to life than magic tricks." - Scott F. Guinn
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Alan Rorrison
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Profile of Alan Rorrison
Nice review in this months magicseen folks. If you can pick up a copy.
Scott Fridinger
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Gloucester Pt, VA
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Is that a magic magazine or something?
Sleight of Hand, Sleight of Mind
Alan Rorrison
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Profile of Alan Rorrison
Yeah it's a uk based one I believe. I know that you can get them in borders in the uk.