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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricks & Effects :: MENTAL DICE by Tony Anverdi (246 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Okay, I am too stupid. Please copy that link if you wanna see it. Smile

This one works better:
Magic Mark
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Profile of Magic Mark
Those are incredibly minor "chips". Are you certain that they are chips (can you feel that plastic is missing)? Is it, instead, little overspray dabs of white paint from when the pips got painted?

Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
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Profile of dvno
It's very small, so it's not easy to spot if there's a little gap or oversprayed. I tried to peel it off, but that doesn't work. If someone really knows that the die definitely can't chip, that would be fine. As I mentioned before: It doesn't bother me at the moment, because it's such a small dot and you won't see it in normal use. My only fear is that this will cause some problems later on.

Edit: I am only talking about the chip in the front (left) corner.
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Profile of dvno
Got a message from Murphy’s and they‘ll send me a new die (without asking). Wow, what a great customer support!
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Profile of videoman
On Jun 7, 2020, dvno wrote:
Got a message from Murphy’s and they‘ll send me a new die (without asking). Wow, what a great customer support!

That’s great!
So did you contact them or are you saying they just saw your posts here and messaged you?
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Profile of Doric
Fantastic news. I bet you feel so much better for doing it eh?
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Profile of dvno
They saw my posts and contacted me. Wasn’t expecting that, haha! Smile


Yes, I feel much better. Smile Thank you all for your help!
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not far from Cologne in Germany
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Profile of Schmendrick
Since this year the "Mental Dice" are also available in Germany. I have written a routine with 5 tricks. I had asked Murphy's if they would like to have it for free for their customers. Apparently not, since I haven't heard anything more. Then I can at least save myself the translation of 15 pages...

The information from the "Mental Dice"
Like all dice, the "Mental Dice" have eyes in the numbers from one to six on the six squares of their surface. They differ in their colors blue, red and white. They can thus provide three different types of information:
1. color - 3 possibilities
2. number of points - 6 possibilities
3. color AND number - three times 6, so 18 possibilities
Taking this sequence into account, the five tricks of my routine access the dice so that each trick is an increase of the previous one without devaluing it.

In the 1st trick a matchbox contains a prediction of the dice the spectator has chosen.
The basics of this trick are from Steve Cook, Die-Abolical, Alakazam Magic. The performance is exactly the same, with minor differences, as Peter Nardi from Alakazam Magic explained and showed in the explanation video for Dia-Abolical V5.
In the 2nd trick the mentalist predicted where the viewer has hidden which dice from the mentalist.
The trick was created by ACAAN and is explained by him in detail in the video explanation of the "Mental Dice".
In the 3rd trick, the spectator takes a card from a deck of playing cards that was in the position corresponding to the sum of the dice. A duplicate card from another game is placed in an envelope on the table to prove that the person performing the trick knew this would happen.
In the 4th trick, the mentalist has placed his dice under a dice cup exactly in the position corresponding in color and number to the dice thrown by the spectator.
In the 5th trick, the spectator and mentalist are each given a deck of 18 cards with all possible dice tops in colour and number. According to the three dice, each of the two protagonists places three cards face down on the table. When they are revealed, two cards each match in color and number.
Tricks #3 to #5 are from me.
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Profile of MurphysNEW
We knew Mental Dice by Tony Anverdi was going to be a hit, but we had no idea how crazy the demand would truly be as people tried to keep it stocked on shelves. Thankfully, it is back. Now is the time to get yours.

It is the most up-to-date, innovative version available playing tribute to the original creator of this effect, Tony Anverdi in 1976. See what the magic community is saying about it:

"Wow! One word - Amazing! Murphy's Magic went above and beyond in the creation of this effect, from packaging to design. The advanced micro electronics are astounding and most importantly RELIABLE! I have been collecting and using Anverdi magic for over 35 years and this miracle has taken his genius to the next level. Tony Anverdi would be proud."
-Chuck Caputo

"This is a must have weapon in every mind reader's arsenal."

"AMAZING! I can see so many possibilities with this!"
- Shin Lim

3 standard size 16mm die, wireless charging, small receiver with large display screen, no risk of "glow", and an online tutorial with 7 effects.
Battery indicator for EACH die.
A single charge is expected to last 800 performances or more.
"Sleep" mode option available to conserve charge for on-the go performers.
Comfortably use your dice up to 40 feed from the receiver.
Less expensive, but more technologically advanced than past options.

You can learn more about Mental Dice HERE>>
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Profile of dvno
Received a new die today, thanks again at Murphy’s Magic! But I have no idea how to synchronize it with my receiver. I loaded it for a while but it doesn’t turn on - or isn’t recognized by my receiver. Any ideas?
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Got some help from a Café member. Smile
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Profile of gibby357
Finally got around to looking at this rascal and consider my mind blown. Great price and it is flawless. The video gives you several effects to get you started and explains everything from charging to ideas about how to get the information undercover. Where in the past you would have to guess, this system even tells you how much charge is left on the receiver AND the dice. Unreal. Great all around production and quality. Simply Awesome! I love it!

Dan Watkins
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Profile of Dan Watkins
I have a perplexing issue with the Mental Dice. I took them to my vacation home at the NJ Beaches. At my house the Mental Dice did not work. If put the dice in one hand, and the reader in the other hand and just spread my hands apart, the reader loses connection.

I thought maybe I had something in this house that was interfering with them so I left the house and went to several distant places from my house and again, they exhibited the same problem so it was not my house, but something else in the area.

The only thing I could think was that the island has telephone poles and lines to every house, could it be power lines? I went to an area that was a hundred yards or so away from power lines and it still had the problem. Could it be ATT wifi that is in the area?

I could not figure it out.

I leave and come back to work and in my office, I can walk 30 feet away and still get a signal. So its definitely interference with something in an overall general area where my vacation home is.

Anyone else experience any issues like this?

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Magic Mark
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I used to work near a Naval base. When one of the ships would dock and they’d leave on some radar or communication system while in port, it would play havoc with everyone’s keyless remote for their car. I’d leave work and my fob would not work to unlock the car door. I could hold the fob right near driver’s door window and sometimes it would work and other times not. Yet, the moment the ship’s electronic system got shut off, my fob would unlock the door from halfway across the parking lot. It was so common that the first time it happened to me and I asked about it, all of my coworkers were aware of the issue.

So, yes, certain external electronics can cause problems with RF signals, big time.

Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
Dan Watkins
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Profile of Dan Watkins
It is definitely something along those lines. If you look on Google maps, I tested the connection at the Cape May Airport, and it had 30+ feet range. Then I tested them in Rio Grande and in Wildwood and Wildwood Crest. All of those locations failed. There is a Coast Guard base with a very large communication tower just south of the Wildwoods and North of Cape May. Maybe that has something to do with it. It’s pretty much unusable on the island.
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Profile of dvno
I noticed that the signal is sometimes interrupted even when I am in a close range like 2 meters. It happens that maybe for a few seconds the signal of the blue die is lost, then a moment ago the red one and after that everything is fine again. But I don't have a constant signal for a longer period - which of course I only noticed during practice as I don't look for such a long time on the receiver while performing.
Magic Dust
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Profile of Magic Dust
These dice set is very well thought out and a pleasure to play with ⭐️

The cool designed box with sound and light effect was a real extra surprise

I can think of completely different possibilities with the dice than pure dice tricks
Magic Mark
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Profile of Magic Mark
My new little drawer box to hold my Anverdi dice.


Designed and 3D printed by a member of the Anverdi Facebook group. Oh, it also holds the other item that comes with the dice. You can close the box and set it down in plain sight and the information you need is pointed right at you. Or, you can drop it in your shirt chest pocket and get the information that way.


Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
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Oakboro N.C.
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Profile of bowers
Very nice and practical Mark.
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Germany, BW
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Profile of Cebulon
Wow, what a cute little storage box. Should be included in the original Mental Dice set - which would lower my "should I buy this" threshold a bit more.