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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Not very magical, still... :: Two words... (32 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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3574 Posts

Profile of Wravyn
Shoes shined
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Oakboro N.C.
7024 Posts

Profile of bowers
Shined car
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3574 Posts

Profile of Wravyn
Car salesman
Mark Boody Illusionist
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Inner circle
1371 Posts

Profile of Mark Boody Illusionist
Salesman incentive
Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible. Frank L. Gaines
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Oakboro N.C.
7024 Posts

Profile of bowers
Icentive bonus
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So.California / Centl.Florida / retired Florida
1188 Posts

Profile of Russo
Bonus check
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Oakboro N.C.
7024 Posts

Profile of bowers
Check point
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3574 Posts

Profile of Wravyn
Point counterpoint
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Oakboro N.C.
7024 Posts

Profile of bowers
Counterpoint bit
Mark Boody Illusionist
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Inner circle
1371 Posts

Profile of Mark Boody Illusionist
Bit unusual
Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible. Frank L. Gaines
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Inner circle
3574 Posts

Profile of Wravyn
Unusual ideas
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Oakboro N.C.
7024 Posts

Profile of bowers
Ideas remembered
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Inner circle
3574 Posts

Profile of Wravyn
Remembered times
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Oakboro N.C.
7024 Posts

Profile of bowers
Times forgotten
Mark Boody Illusionist
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Inner circle
1371 Posts

Profile of Mark Boody Illusionist
Forgotten son
Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible. Frank L. Gaines
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Inner circle
Oakboro N.C.
7024 Posts

Profile of bowers
Son disappeared
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Inner circle
3574 Posts

Profile of Wravyn
Disappeared overnight
Mark Boody Illusionist
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Inner circle
1371 Posts

Profile of Mark Boody Illusionist
Overnight stay
Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible. Frank L. Gaines
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Inner circle
Oakboro N.C.
7024 Posts

Profile of bowers
Stay away
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Inner circle
3574 Posts

Profile of Wravyn
Away game