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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Identity (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Xcath1
I love seeing the posts like the one from comicsecret. You really can't believe how hard the change at the end hits until you try it. The only trouble is it is not easy to follow
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Profile of cosmicsecret
Okay I just thought to give you a update.
I perform Identity on a regular basis since 3 months now.

Xcath1 had stated in one of his posts,that the jumping of the marks phase is a must and I totally agree!
Now the fact that the marks come off to another card gets not always a great reaction.
Sometimes they start to wonder,freak out or saying do it again!
But that's okay,its just there to build up and if the spectators get misdirected by
another person who joins the group - no problem.
The phase were you vanish the marks completly get their attention back after the 3 times repeaded phase of the jumping marks its something they do not expect.

After the name has been revealed - people come back to me asking how did I get the name on that card.They can´t backtrack the method at all.

I will try now the variation,which has been mentioned here by a Café member (sorry forgot your name) where you hand them the selection face up and the reveal happens in their hands.
I know the payoff not being visuall but card changes happening in their hands are always STRONG stuff.So i´m tempted to try this variation and see what kinda results I will get.

Will keep you posted. Smile

PS: After every performance of Identity I palm the gaff out - but people NEVER wanted to see the deck....NEVER.
In example during a ACR people wanted to see the deck,checking out if there is a dupe....strange.If someone knows the why they don't want to check the would be great to hear.

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Profile of RNK
Performed Identity at a wedding Saturday- wow- one person asked me if a sold my soul to the devil? What an AWESOME reaction. I have had this for a long time and really never did it. Well, I did it 3 more times that night and I can't stress enough how good the reactions were- I even did it to the bar server (who I NEVER met) and when his name appeared on the card- he just shook his head in disbelief and said, "WOW- you are good- really good". I am going to have to do this routine more often.

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Profile of RNK
On 2009-11-18 01:04, Monte wrote:
I will give my full review for this trick!

Practicality - This effect is not practical at all. You will essentially reveal the secret of the trick while you are performing it. Trust me, just check out the youtube video performances of it and you can figure it out.

What? If you reveal the secrect when doing this routine- it will have NOTHING to do with how the trick is routined- it will have EVERYTHING to do with your own handling skills. Trust me- people go crazy when they see this performed (CORRECTLY).

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Inner circle
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Profile of Xcath1
Great trick, I never fail to jump in when it comes up in a thread. Doing the change in a spectators hands is awesome. It is a very magical feeling.
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Profile of Illusionist58
May have to pick this one up!
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Columbus, Ohio
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Profile of emyers99
Been doing this for years. Wish he hadnt re-released it.