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stevie c
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Quick update. It took less than two mins to return the previous version for a refund and redownload the book as per Bev's instructions above. Looks perfect on my Kindle Paperwhite. Happy days:)


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On Jan 30, 2024, stevie c wrote:
Quick update. It took less than two mins to return the previous version for a refund and redownload the book as per Bev's instructions above. Looks perfect on my Kindle Paperwhite. Happy days:)



Yay! Thanks for your understanding.
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For those interested or perhaps still on the fence, I will do a chapter by chapter overview of the contents of this wonderful book.

Praise, Dedication, Who This Book is For, You Only Live Twice, Table of Contents (P. 1 - 13)

Forward (p. 14)

Julian introduces the book and provides a brief history of prior publications of The James Bond Cold Reading and Cold Reading Games which, updated and combined, led to the creation of James Bond Cold Reading REDUX.

The original James Bond Cold Reading book was written for magicians and mentalists. Cold Reading Games was written for the general public.

One of the things I absolutely love about this book is, "Cold Reading Games gave laypeople a variety of tools to help initiate conversation during awkward social situations." (p. 14)

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Overview (p. 15 - 20)

Readers, Clients and Oracles, terms defined. What is Cold Reading? Definition and examples. What is James Bond Cold Reading? An explanation. Truisms and Traits. What they are and how they are used. Sections and Symbols. An explanation of frames and symbols used throughout the book, including: Imagine (visualization exercises), Get Your Mouth In Gear (exercises to help you practice out loud) and Nutshells (summaries of earlier sections), Photo Opportunities (a tool for creating your own reference materials), James Bond Cold Reading and Cold Reading Games Cross-Reference Info Boxes ("notifying you of relevant, interesting and illuminating sections from each book's counter part." p.20).

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James Bond Cold Reading

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James Bond Cold Reading (p. 21 - 25)

Original Forward by Enrique Enriquez, Original Introduction by the Author, Support Documents.

The Classic Reading (p. 26 - 33)

The 12 Lines of the Classic Reading, My Personal Take on the Classic Reading, Mechanics of a Reading, Drawbacks, Solution.

The JBCR Method (p. 34 - 37)

James Bond Cold Reading Script A

The 12 Scenes

The Classic Reading Text

The 12 lines

IMAGINE # 1 - Bond vs Classic

James Bond Cold Reading Script B

Alongside the Classic Reading for Reference

IMAGINE # 2 - JBCR Script B

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Conceptual Riffing

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Conceptual Riffing (p. 38 - 49)

"Conceptual Riffing is about remembering the key concept behind each James Bond Cold Reading Scene (riff) and improvising around them in your own words (riffing). Describing these concepts to a Client in your own words takes practice, but will always sound more natural than parroting traits from a list." (p. 38)

Examples of riffing

Get Your Mouth In Gear Basics. How to "put yourself on the spot" before someone else does and practice.

Dicey Business. A method to help you practice with both positive and negative responses from Clients.

On the Record. Another way to practice riffing.

James Bond Cold Reading Concepts contrasted with those found in the Classic Reading.

IMAGINE # 3 James Bond Cold Reading Concepts. A visualization exercise.

JBCR Recap. Revision One. Get Your Facts Straight.

Revision Two. Get Your Mouth In Gear.

* * * * *

The many practice exercises included throughout this book are very useful and help the reader internalize the concepts (rather than just reading about them).

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Riffing On Bond

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Riffing On Bond (p. 50 - 57)

In this chapter, Julian emphasizes the importance of the reader practicing Conceptual Riffing in their own words. Then, to get the reader going, he offers multiple examples of some of his own riffs for each James Bond Cold Reading scene.

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The James Bond Plot

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The James Bond Plot (p. 58 - 66)

This chapter explains how to "...weave an overarching plot through James Bond Cold Reading. Linking the end of each scene to the start of the next acts not just as a memory aid, but also enables us to jump seamlessly from one scene to the next. This is far easier than memorising a series of disconnected lines." (p. 58)

The plot Julian uses is provided including a complete example of how all of the scenes fit together.

IN A NUTSHELL, An abbreviated version of the James Bond Plot

JBCR - LEARNING AND APPLICATIONS. Learning, Recalling and Using JBCR.

SPEED LEARNING JBCR. A streamlined 5 step process.

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Oracular Vernacular

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Oracular Vernacular (p. 67 - 78)

This section explains how the structures of JBCR may be applied in different contexts, including enhancing traditional oracles as well as non-traditional readings.

TRADITIONAL ORACLES WITH JBCR. "Although James Bond Cold Reading can work as a standalone system, it works extremely well when combined with more traditional oracles in a variety of ways." (p. 67). Examples.

NON-TRADITIONAL ORACLES WITH JBCR. Non-traditional oracles may be perceived as pseudo-scientific by your clients. Why you have to act and behave with a level of authority. Suggestions for how to do that.

HOT OR NOT. The difference between Hot Readings and Cold Readings. James Bond Hot Reading example.

GYMIG # 1 - Hot Readings. An exercise for practicing giving hot readings using fictional characters.

GYMIG # 2 - Fictional Stereotypes. An exercise to help generate truisms using a random image of a stranger.

GYMIG # 3 - Friends and Family Stereotypes. Another exercise to help the reader come up with truisms on the spot.

Tepid Readings.

Warm Readings. Why most readings tend to be, at the very least, warm.

GYMIG # 4 - Broken Stereotypes. Another exercise to practice generating truisms.

Hot Readings Revisited. Why they are a double-edged sword. Ways to avoid triggering a negative response.

White Hot Readings. Why they are the most useless of all...and what to do instead.

A Catalogue of Truisms. How to start, develop and refine your own personal catalogue of truisms.

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Shaping a Reading

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Shaping a Reading (p. 79 - 91)

"A reading is a narrative and requires a sense of progression to keep our client's informed, entertained and coming back for more. It turns out that a great template for this kind of narrative is the tried and tested Bond film itself." (p. 79)

Introduction (Titles) Before your reading starts. Two very important ideas that set the stage.

Summary (Credits) A brief and optimistic re-telling of the reading will, among other things, help determine what they will remember.

Three Act Structure. Borrowing a proven structure from traditional oracles. Designing a beginning, middle and end to your reading.

Lenses of Time. Three Lenses of Time. Charles Dickens. The humanity of everyday life.

Past, Recent Past and Present. Giving JBCR a sense of progression. Lenses and age relativity. The three Acts. Examples.

Get Your Mouth In Gear # 1 - 3. An exercise to begin practicing Lenses of Time.

Retrospective Lenses. How to re-frame a riff that falls flat. This is brilliant.

Get Your Mouth In Gear # 4. An exercise to practice re-framing a riff.

Topical Lenses - CHARM School. The concerns of most people are predictable. The five Topical Lenses. Examples.

Get Your Mouth In Gear # 5. An exercise to begin practicing riffs using the CHARM model.

Inner and Outer Lenses. Understanding the Client's inner and outer worlds through two lenses and three traits. Reframing mixed responses. The three traits seen through both lenses with examples.

Get Your Mouth In Gear # 6 - 7. Two exercises to begin practicing Inner and Outer Lenses.

Structure in a Structure. The twelve scenes in a JBCR viewed as three acts, each with four scenes. Applying CHARM. Examples.

Get Your Mouth In Gear # 8. An exercise to practice using the concepts.

Lens Within a Lens. Combining lenses. Seeing one lens through another.

Get Your Mouth In Gear # 9. An exercise to practice JBCR using three lenses at the same time.

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Lucky Escapes

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In case you couldn’t tell I love this book. It is such a wonderful combination of theory, practical application, and is loaded with exercises that make integrating the concepts really easy. Plus it is formatted so well and free from spelling errors making it a joy to read.

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I’m not sure I deserve the attention, but I am grateful for it. Have you used the audio?
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You definitely deserve the attention!

The audios and flash cards are great learning tools. I will include them as part of my review Smile

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Lucky Escapes (p. 92 - 98)

"...devoid of friction, a reading can be dull and lifeless." (p. 92) "Better to be adventurous like Bond than play it safe..." (p. 92)

This chapter explores how to use contradictions as a tool in a reading and how friction provides "seams of gold".

Traditional Reading Waypoints. How traditional oracles naturally provide friction through contradictions, and how these contradictions can lead to more richness in the reading.

James Bond Cold Reading Waypoints. What happens with a traditional character readings when the client disagrees. The best approach for handling disagreement. Examples of potential mis-steps and an exploration of how to respond to a negative reaction. Embracing moments of friction.

Shifting Focus. Softening the blow. False traits. Taking the heat off. Taking the reading in a new direction.

The Humble Vessel. Separating riffs from yourself. Insights ripe for interpretation that even you may not understand.

Bare Faced Flattery. Nothing gets you out of a tight spot faster than this. Connecting a riff to flattery, and what to do when you can't.

Breaking Serve. A tool to derail a negative take on a riff.

Other Techniques

The Truth Train. Jumping on the train to expand on riffs the client agrees with and also get them talking.

Divide an Conquer. How to use an old marketing trick to hijack negative responses. Examples.

Pick and Mix. The "smorgasbord version" of Divide and Conquer. Examples.

Charm Offensive. How to combine Divide and Conquer and Pick and Mix using the CHARM method. This is an ingenious combination of techniques.

Riffing it all Together. An example of how the concepts in this chapter may be used together to create a "broader, more colorful dialogue".

Something that dawned on me as I read this chapter is how it is clearly written by someone who has been using these concepts for a long time. There is a depth and richness that comes through in how these ideas may be applied.

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Protaganother (p. 99 - 100)

What do Tyrion Lannister and Bruce Wayne have to do with JBCR? Julian explains how different protagonists can take your readings in new directions. Examples.

The Imaginarium (p. 101 - 104)

"Non-traditional oracles not only require a great deal of thought, it's a simple fact that many of their techniques, although fascinating, do not translate will into readings." (p. 101) One solution to this dilemma is to take the client on a guided visualization which creates a shared experience. Though very different, the example provided reminded me in some ways of The Cube. The concept taught here is more freestyle and you will need to come up with your own structure and interpretation. One aspect of the model taught that I find intriguing is the responses elicited from your clients will almost certainly be unpredictable as Julian points out. This makes for potentially more interesting experiences for both the client and reader. Adding JBCR to The Imaginarium.

This one has really got me thinking. There are an almost unlimited number of ways to structure a guided visualization as part of a reading. How the reader chooses to craft their own script will result in a process unique to them, as well as a unique experience for their clients.

A Waking Dream

An example is given of a more generalized, longer visualization. Suggestions for creating and using your own visualization scripts.

JBCR Conclusion (p. 105)

The James Bond Cold Reading section of the book is wrapped up with words of encouragement to the reader.

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Cold Reading Games

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Before moving on to Cold Reading Games, I should mention the free supplemental audio and flash card downloads Julian offers to all who register on his website. The free downloads, for James Bond Cold Reading REDUX - and many of Julian's other books, are available to all who register, even without purchasing anything.

The James Bond Cold Reading REDUX audio downloads include 12 files that contain practice exercises. The quality of the audio is superb. There is also a PDF called "Recaps and Quizzes" that covers the contents of the entire book.

A second download contains a 24 page PDF of JBCR Flash Cards that cover all of the JBCR lines (along with the companion Classic Reading line for each) and the plot for each line. There is also a blank line for you to create your own riff on each card. This PDF is an excellent memory training tool. A second PDF in this download contains another set of flash cards, however on this set the JBCR lines are removed, replaced with a blank line for you to fill in the name of your choosing. For reference, the Classic Reading lines, a blank line for you to create your own riff and JBCR plots are present. This second set of flash cards may be used to create your own riffs specific for any of the traditional oracles, or non-traditional oracles.

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Cold Reading Games

Introduction (p. 109 - 114)

"Whether we're on a first date, or chatting casually with a potential friend or partner, most of us have lost our mojo at some point. When the conversation stutters to a halt, it can often leave us wondering what to say. Even the most outgoing of people can run out of steam occasionally, and for the introverted among us, there can be little steam to start with. Getting things going in these situations can be tricky, and keeping them moving can be even harder. And with complete strangers, many of us lack the courage to strike up a conversation at all. Palmistry, Graphology and Numerology can help reduce Introduction Anxiety by focusing on other people's hopes and dreams. Rather than agonizing over the perfect opener, readings help us leave our egos at the door, giving us the chance to converse with others in a meaningful way." (p. 109)

How to Use This Book

Yours and Mine


Get Your Mouth In Gear

A Quick Note About Cold Reading

Three Skills

"Cold Reading Games teaches how to use Palmistry, Graphology and Numerology to help break the ice in social situations." (p.112)

The Formula

Top Top

The thing I love so much about this book is that it teaches practical tools that can be developed into skills for approaching anyone, anytime, anywhere, breaking the ice and starting a conversation. For someone introverted who shies away from social interactions and misses out on much joy and opportunity, learning the tools taught in Cold Reading Games is potentially life changing.

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Backstory (p. 115 - 117)

Creating an imaginary justification for your skills to help you develop your persona.

Palmistry backstories. Examples.

Graphology backstories. Examples.

Numerology backstories. Examples.

Using the examples provided as a springboard to create your own.

What's Your Excuse? Creating a vibrant, colorful, unique, interesting and memorable backstory.

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Palmistry (p. 118 - 170)

This is an in-depth chapter which provides a short course on giving palm readings, filled with examples, nutshells, re-caps and quizzes.

"of all the oracles taught in this book, Palmistry is one of the few that can be performed on anyone at the drop of a hat and, for that reason alone, more pages have been devoted to this chapter than any other. This chapter not only covers the meanings of the lines and fingers, but also delves into some of the more broader concepts behind giving readings." (p. 170)

One of my favorite sections of this chapter is "Comparisons - The Crux of Any Reading" which explores how contradictions, rather than being a hinderance, actually give you a lot to say and add depth and richness to a reading. (p. 123)

Another highlight is "P4 The Approach. This section is about drawing people into a conversation about Palmistry." (p. 150).

There is more than enough instruction to get you started giving palm readings. For those wanting to go deeper, Julian also offers a more in-depth book called "Palmistry - Palm Readings In Your Own Words" and "Palmistry Tick Sheet". I own both of these and they are excellent.

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Graphology (p. 171 - 208)

"People can be quite receptive to Graphology. Few people have had their handwriting analysed, giving it a high novelty factor. One advantage Graphology has over Palmistry is the ease with which one can interpret several samples at one time. The most important loops, curls and dots are easy to point out, and people love comparing each other's signatures." (p. 171)

How a Graphology reading may be done with just one short sentence (or one word) plus their signature.

This Graphology Method comprises six easy to remember stages.

G1 The Letters T & I - Graphology Golf. How your client approaches life, and whether their either helps or hinders their life goals. Examples.

Each section that follows has its own:

"In a Nutshell". The key concepts briefly summarized.

Recap of concepts taught.

"Get Your Facts Straight". A brief quiz.

"Get Your Mouth In Gear". A practice exercise.

G2 The Letters Y AND P - Sociability and Physicality

G3 Slants and Baselines.



G4 Signature. Methods for analyzing your Client's signature. Full name, initialed first name, first name only, surname only.


G5 The Graphology Approach. This section is about drawing people into a conversation about Graphology. Advantages and disadvantages of Graphology compared to Palmistry. Why Graphology needs a 'set up'. Two ways to strike up a conversation on Graphology. Examples.

G6 Bringing it All Together.

Chapter Recap and Quiz

G7 Graphology Reading Example. A complete sample reading, including responding when the Client is "taken aback" by something the reader tells him.

G8 Graphology Reading Practice

G9 Graphology Conclusion

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