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Profile of chosen1
Benjamin Earl has created a masterpiece for this moment.

In his Real Coin Magic dvd he explains his effect Primary Movement. For the size of my hands it actually works even better with a ring which I'm wearing anyway. It's also just an incredible trick.

Follow this up with Pocket Time Machine and you have a beautiful sequence that has a feeling of finality. That's all they should ask to see.

We should all be in a constant state of wonder
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I absolutely appreciate your input, Dick. It seems to me, you know what is important and you teach it.
PM it is!
Quote of the Month
Those who think that magic consists of doing tricks are strangers to magic. Tricks are only the crude residue from which the lifeblood of magic has been drained."
- S.H. Sharpe
Dick Oslund
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On Jan 10, 2019, Doctor Zolar wrote:
On Jan 10, 2019, Dick Oslund wrote:
Thanks Paul!

Note that the 'good doctor' BEGINS with an "IF". The remainder of his 'argument', depends on that two letter word: 'IF'.

It's rather obvious, to me, that he does not understand the basic meanings of words like 'trick', 'prop', and, 'effect'.

In 70 years, I have worked 'behind the counter' in three magic shops. (ABBOTT'S, MAGIC INC. even the now defunct EdMar's. I KNOW that many. if not most, dealers, will try to inflate the ego of a new customer, by 'selling him a trick'. A dealer can only sell you the prop, or secret!!! It's up to the customer to PERFORM a trick with that prop or secret.

I have presented THOUSANDS of shows, coast to coast, and, border to border, for some challenging groups. I wonder about him.

I would ask the good doctor, 'how many shows, he has presented? (--and, where?) (not just a card trick for a friend or stranger.)


There is no point of ANYONE posting their OPINION.

It's a free country! OPINIONS are always welcome. If I have an opinion about something, I write "IMO" (in my opinion).

You started your comment with "IF", then proceeded to express your opinion(s) as facts.

I would suggest that you read, FITZKEE!
Doctor Zolar
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I must start EVERY post now with: "In My Opinion."
(as if it's not OBVIOUS what ANYONE says is not words coming out of their mouth and IS their OPINION, and from THEIR View Point.)
(We are not a Borg Collective.)

So, IMO,

Back to the Original Post of TRICKS I carry with me.

I wear jeans (blue or black) with the little watch pocket 99% of the time.
All of my Carry Around Tricks are in there.
Each trick or apparatus is in a SOFT Coin Flap. Soft with rounded corners.
SOFT so it will fold easily without crispy-crunchy breaking or cracking.
In each SOFT Coin Flap I carry:
1. Gypsy thread on a small card in one flap all by itself.
2. A regular Large Eisenhower Dollar and one with a [ (So that's both sides of the flaps.)
3. A TRIPLE TUC Eisenhower Dollar and a regular Eisenhower Dollar on the other side of the flap.
The TRIPLE TUC can also be used just like a TUC.

So, I've got up to 15 minutes of material right there.
The SOFT Coin Flaps fit nicely in the "watch pocket" that comes on Levi Jeans.

I'm also wearing a ring, so that's another 2 minutes worth of material, similar to all the single coin routines/ transpositions.
As well as, MY Gypsy Thread is actually a Gypsy Yarn, so is big enough to be seen for 20-30 feet and use the Restored Yarn piece and ring together or use the Gypsy YARN for an additional cut routine like a regular cut and restored rope. Cutting the YARN with scissors in the middle (as a regular cut & restored rope). So, that's 2 uses of the Gypsy YARN.

I do not do any tricks that require laying anything on a table, so can be done stand up or sit down . . . AT . . . a table.
Many restaurant or bar - pub tables ARE WET. (Drinks, food, coffee, crumbs, etc.) that get in the way and are messy.
Or there is simply NO ROOM left on any table. Too many glasses, dishes, phones, etc.

I don't want to get my props wet and sticky.

I start any trick with "My dad showed me a magic trick one day."
So, now there is an excuse for carrying what MIGHT BE a coin my dad gave me. . .

All in my "watch pocket."
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Profile of Wravyn
Doctor Zolar, with everything in that pocket, shouldn't it be called a 'watch this' pocket? Smile
I appreciate the minimum for maximum.
Doctor Zolar
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On Jan 12, 2019, Wravyn wrote:
Doctor Zolar, with everything in that pocket, shouldn't it be called a 'watch this' pocket? Smile
I appreciate the minimum for maximum.


This stuff is not in the way and I don't carry any outside things/ deck of cards, etc.
Who carries a deck of cards in public ? No one.
Manufactured stuff like Okito coin boxes and cards and silks just scream: "I've been waiting for you !"
One coin routines with a regular silver dollar are great !
I gotta work on that more.
The silver dollar is easier for ME to palm and work with.
I thought it would be too large. But, actually easier than half dollars.
Im trying to get/ look very impromptu.
The sliding scale of believably is greater when they are not expecting "a magician."

(After a while. . . it would be obvious when I end up doing 12 things with a single silver dollar !)
But, in the beginning . . . I drop them.

If I'm "hired", to do a show, well, fine. I perform magic. OK.
I say: "Sometimes people will say that I do miracles . . . (pause. . .)
and some people will say that I do magic tricks. You'll have to decide on your own !"
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Profile of Wravyn
That’s a great saying Doctor Z... miracles...tricks...decide on your own. Wish I would have thought of that.
I too feel that in an impromptu performance, it should not look/feel as if one was ‘loaded for bear.’ There are plenty of things already around that one can use in an impromptu setting, though I too carry a few items. In a JOL Himber Coin Wallet I have my HH set and Steve Dushek’s Copper Silver Transpo; 90% of the time I have a TT and my imagination on what I’m going to do with it; I carry John C’s Ultimate Positive Negative in my wallet; and a Hot Rod. I also have a card trick with no cards used which has a home in my wallet.
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Profile of debjit
When I'm in the mood, I like carrying the self-tying shoelaces. It's so quick and visual Smile
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Profile of LightningRod
I carry two lengths of rope, a TT and streamer, bubbles, chinese laundry ticket and a knot. One of the lengths of rope is long enough for me to quickly into a Professor's Nightmare, though it's been a long time since I've had to. The long rope goes over my neck and down each sleeve, short rope coiled in left suitcoat pocket. TT/streamer in right suit pocket, along with knot. The bubbles go in a pen-sized container in my inside left breast pocket. I also wear a ring that can be used as well. This is enough for any impromptu situation I've encountered and these 8+ effects can be leveraged into quite a LONG presentation for a group of formerly unruly kids at the gate in an airport when the flight kept getting delayed (yeah, that happened... and the Moms were incredibly grateful for my impromptu magic show at the gate that kept the kids engaged until the flight was FINALLY called... I had my yo-yo in my pocket, too, and that helped as well). I've found that many new magicians think they need to rapid-fire a boatload of "tricks" when actually very few effects are needed to engage and entertain the audience. Just keep your best one as your "closer."
- LRod
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Profile of Wx4usa
Classic tt, ks tt, modified ks tt some bills and 2 diamond cut silks.
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Profile of Miraclemakers
I'll bring my phone and wallet almost everywhere... it contains everything I need to amaze people......
Magical Moments
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Profile of Magical Moments
I sometimes carry around a small travel bag with a few coin effects, a hot rod or two, a card packet trick, and whatever I feel like stuffing in there which will fit.

Other times, I will place a Tenyo trick or two in a jacket pocket along with Professors Nightmare and whatever else I feel like performing that day such as Sponge Balls. It is mostly a mood thing.

One thing for sure is that I always prefer to use tricks which I have been doing for a long time. That is when I am most comfortable and do my best work.
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Profile of Mb217
I try not to carry too much nowadays, always a couple of coins (a Morgan and a dollar size Chinese coin usually), sometimes a deck of cards now, or I just wear Sankey's "Leaving Home" key around my neck for an unforgettable on-the-spot moment. Smile

But for "just in case," I always have in the back of my mind the old "Hoy Book Test," for those times when I'm around some books or magazines. Always blows people completely away. And what's great is that it takes up absolutely no space in your pockets, so nothing to "carry." Just a wonderful old effect that's still one of the very best to have on you...just in case! Smile
*Check out my latest: Gifts From The Old Country: A Mini-Magic Book, MBs Mini-Lecture on Coin Magic, The MB Tanspo PLUS, MB's Morgan, Copper Silver INC, Double Trouble, FlySki, Crimp Change - REDUX!, and other fine magic at Smile

"Believe in YOU, and you will see the greatest magic that ever was." -Mb Smile
Jed Maxwell
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On Apr 30, 2019, Mb217 wrote:
But for "just in case," I always have in the back of my mind the old "Hoy Book Test," for those times when I'm around some books or magazines. Always blows people completely away. And what's great is that it takes up absolutely no space in your pockets, so nothing to "carry." Just a wonderful old effect that's still one of the very best to have on you...just in case! Smile

I agree. I am always on the look out to use it. I use Andrew Gerard's "Gerard on Hoy" take on the book test and when meeting someone new will always suggest a coffee in a near-by bookstore. A IP, gimmicked Sharpie, and a loop makes up my EDC.
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Profile of MichaelJMoore
I love the idea of learning & creating impromptu magic that packs small & plays big, & doesn't require really going out of your way to make sure you carry with you extra props & take up a ton of extra pocket space, so I like magic that uses objects that I always have with me anyway.


We all have cell phones, & there is tons of great impromptu magic using just the phone, or using apps, most of which are free, especially lots of mentalism, there should be no excuse for not being able to do at least one thing with a phone, in some cases, even a borrowed phone. Lots of tricks you can learn for free right now on Youtube, especially on Rich Ferguson's channel, among many others. One other effect that came out recently that got me excited about potential phone magic is Blake Vogt's impromptu phone vanish, absolutely brilliant!


Lots of magic that can be done impromptu with bills, such as Andrew Mayne's Infusion/Ghost Bills, Dan Harlan's impromptu stuff such as Presidential Expression/Suspended Funds, & on & on. I've also come up with a couple quick impromptu things that pretty much any magician can figure out how to do, such as making a credit card rise out of the wallet, & a couple others.


Two words- RING THING!!! One of the most visually brilliant pieces of magic with endless creative applications, I cant give this concept & Garrett Thomas enough props, I'm so jealous that I didn't think of it first, & is THE reason why I ALWAYS wear a ring. That, and another masterpiece, PINNACLE, which finally leads to...


This is pretty much the only acception to the rule of carrying something that a normal spectator most likely wouldnt always carry with them, rubberbands. But, these still don't get carried in the pocket, I always carry a bunch on my wrist, much like Im sure most everyone else that does rubberbands does. Again, one of the greatest, most visually shocking & favorite pieces is the rubber spaghetti. You know a trick is good when people who see it request to see it over & over & over, & a perfect opener/attention getter to start off ANY magic set.

NO PROPS- Body magic, body stunts, strength tests, mentalism, hypnotism, pick pocketing, levitation

& then of course, finally, there is an arsenal of effects that uses NO props, & I am determined to one day put together an entire one man no prop stage show as an experiment see to how far the concept of no prop magic can be taken, as well as creating entire walk around routines for restaurant work.

I love this concept, because it makes YOU the magic, not the props you are handling. A magician essentially has "magic powers", super powers so to speak. Does Superman need "props" to demonstrate his magic powers? Heat vision? Super breath? Super strength? Flying? No way! The closer we can get to that, the more magical we can appear to be. And we can demonstrate SOME of these powers. Super strength? You bet, ala The Georgia Magnet tests. Super breath? Absolutely! A PK effect where you move something, in particular, something heavy, but pretend you're using your breath, this could be accomplished. Flight? Kind of. We have the Balducci levitation/King Rising, which both is also no props. A few sources include Stephen Ablett's Body Tricks DVD, John Fisher's Body Magic book, James Coats No Props Needed DVD & more.
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Profile of obrienmagic
I'll carry Extreme Burn in my wallet. Packs small and makes sense to always be in my wallet. Organic and feels impromptu.
I also wear a finger ring all the time so I can do effects like Circuit, Divorce, Reflex, Ring Thing, etc.
I also have an iPhone so I'll use apps such as ear worm or inject along with my calculator app to perform toxic.

Everything I mentioned I keep on me basically 100% of the time so I am always ready to do an impromptu set for about 10 minutes or so if the situation ever arises. Not to mention using any object around me to perform with such as borrowed coins, napkins, etc.
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Profile of obrienmagic
I'll carry Extreme Burn in my wallet. Packs small and makes sense to always be in my wallet. Organic and feels impromptu.
I also wear a finger ring all the time so I can do effects like Circuit, Divorce, Reflex, Ring Thing, etc.
I also have an iPhone so I'll use apps such as ear worm or inject along with my calculator app to perform toxic.

Everything I mentioned I keep on me basically 100% of the time so I am always ready to do an impromptu set for about 10 minutes or so if the situation ever arises. Not to mention using any object around me to perform with such as borrowed coins, napkins, etc.
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Profile of Kong
I'm putting together my first EDC kit and so far it consists of:

A deck of cards (prepped for Angle Z with Pass Through reveal).

A finger ring will be added in due course, as will a half dollar and English penny once my skills improve.
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Profile of mentaldiego
Imbert wallet

deck of cards

piece of paper
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Profile of Woodini
I always have card warp with me. That has been my go-to pocket trick for over 30 years.
I must have done it many hundreds of times by now. Always plays well.