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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Starting a new Zig Zag Build (3 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of illusionman2
On Mar 23, 2017, Dan C wrote:
Thank you for the walk-through illusionman. I have enjoyed watching your progress. (the budget was especially appreciated)

The zig zag is a pretty well documented illusion, If I posted this same kind of walk through for an original illusion (At least I have never heard of it) would that pass the café code of conduct or would the construction methods potentially give away to much?

I would think you would be OK if it is yours or in public domain--- I tell how I build but not why, I think what I post would be of little interest to the lay public.
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Profile of illusionman2
On Mar 24, 2017, illusionman2 wrote:
On Mar 23, 2017, Dan C wrote:
Thank you for the walk-through illusionman. I have enjoyed watching your progress. (the budget was especially appreciated)

The zig zag is a pretty well documented illusion, If I posted this same kind of walk through for an original illusion (At least I have never heard of it) would that pass the café code of conduct or would the construction methods potentially give away to much?

I would think you would be OK if it is yours or in public domain even if not if you just tell how you build and not give away any secrets I would think you would be OK.
--- I tell how I build but not why, I think what I post would be of little interest to the lay public. I forgot to add screws and nut and bolts to the budget above $35.00
tip-- if you use spray paint you must wear mask and goggles--- If you wear glasses and don't wear goggles you will mess them up
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Profile of illusionman2
I mounted the roller blinds to a 1/2 inch strip of plywood and put industrial strength Velcro on the back for mounting.
the next pix shows where I placed the industrial strength Velcro in side the prop
the roller shades were mounted inside the prop.
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Could not get the pin striping (I wanted) locally so I ordered it on line.
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Got the pin striping done-- Zig Zag finished-- I will try to take a picture and get posted before next Mon.
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Profile of illusionman2
It should zag over that far with me in it- I will post a pix of me in it when I get.
Zlwin Chew
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On Apr 7, 2017, illusionman2 wrote:
It should zag over that far with me in it- I will post a pix of me in it when I get.

You did an amazing job!!!