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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Boxes, tubes & bags :: Linking Hangers (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Rainboguy
I consider myself very fortunate to have a 5 coat hanger set of Ben Stone's Delben Coathangers and signed copy of the "Coathanger Capers" Routine & Booklet that came with it.

These are FABULOUS props and the routine is equally outstanding.

Audiences GASP at certain moves that you can only do with these props, my favorite of which is the "drop link to hook" move.

You'd have to see it but, trust me, it's a work of art.

Now if I could just find a Delben Die Box............
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Profile of NurseRob
Has anyone delt with a breakage problem with the aluminum rings..and if so, how did you recover? If the key ring goes? then what? new set needed, or can you get the key replaced?

And about those older Caveney sets..which are different from current stock , what can be done with the 3 remaining if the key goes kaplooey? Anyone have any extra oldies lying around which can be made into a replacement key? A lot of questions I know..just askin.
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Profile of halejs
Just for reference, here is part of a Caveney performance: