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Review King
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On 2006-06-10 17:56, daddyof2 wrote:
The blackpool effect on sankey's new dvd sounds exactly like "storm force 7" found on martin sanderson's "Corporate Close up" dvd.

That's OK 'cause Jay gave his a different name.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

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On 2006-06-10 17:56, daddyof2 wrote:
The blackpool effect on sankey's new dvd sounds exactly like "storm force 7" found on martin sanderson's "Corporate Close up" dvd.

Not at all IMO.
The deck is set up differently, and Blackpool effect has an added climax.
I teach leaders the magic of curiosity and empathetic communication. keynote Speaker | Seattle magician
Craig Petty
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In all fairness, I always thought Storm Force 7 was just like "just name it" bySankey and that came out first (I think). The Blackpool Effect changes the style of the effect anyway. SF7 is a mentalism piece while TBE makes it more visual in nature by adding a very strong change at the end.

Cameron Francis
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Just Name it has been out for a long time.

Some of my favorite effects on this dvd are the most simple ones: Hot Wax and Permanent Press. Restrawed is really good as well. Great restaurant themed material.
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No one has mentioned the new handling of it any good for a resturaunt magician!?
Cameron Francis
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Airtighter is great. Very good for a restaurant magician. It's a little different from the original. The first phase is missing. However, this version is completely impromptu (as long as you have the balloons) and very practical. I have the original handling in Richard's Almanac but have never tried it. Might actually start doing the Airtighter version.
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Profile of stannmaple
The first phase where a spectator picks a card? Or the first phase where the deck does into the balloon? (cause isn't that the whole trick?) I'd love to hear a description of the new effect.
Cameron Francis
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The phase where the deck goes into the balloon. You physically put the deck in the balloon and then blow it up. The second phase of plucking the card out of the balloon is still there.
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Can somebody please tell me the effect of 'The Blackpool Effect' as the spectator see it.

Thank you

"Believe it, or believe it not!" ~ Manuel Muerte

Review King
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On 2006-06-16 05:21, Eva wrote:
Can somebody please tell me the effect of 'The Blackpool Effect' as the spectator see it.

Thank you


You write a prediction on the back of a card ( let's say queen of D ), turn the deck face up and they name any card they see ( let's say 10 of spades ). Turn the deck over and your prediction is correct. Take the prediction card and transform it into the actual card they named.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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On 2006-06-16 10:26, MagicChris wrote:

You write a prediction on the back of a card ( let's say queen of D ), turn the deck face up and they name any card they see ( let's say 10 of spades ). Turn the deck over and your prediction is correct. Take the prediction card and transform it into the actual card they named.

"Believe it, or believe it not!" ~ Manuel Muerte

Bobby Forbes
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Sounds pretty good. As for airtight. I think taking out the part where the deck visibly penetrates the balloon would weaken the effect. Taking a deck of cards and slamming them into a balloon is something you don't see everyday. That is one of the most magical parts of the routine IMO. Why take it out.
I'm still a huge sankey fan by the way
Cameron Francis
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It doesn't weaken the effect if the spectator never knew that part of the effect existed. Pulling a signed card out of a balloon is still pretty amazing.

He takes it out to make the effect more practical for walk around. And it also makes it impromptu. Provided you have the balloons.
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Bobby Forbes
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Makes sense
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Profile of matt.magicman
I have SF7 too
tryng to decide which one to stick wth
both great effects
each has its own benifits
SF7 you show more blank backs at the begining
blackpool effect has the additional last climax
I'm thnkng of combining the two effects, to allow for both the above mentioned points to be possible
if you see what I mean..........
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Profile of joeKing
I made my order for this amongst other products earlier today...I will post up a detailed review after watching it.
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Profile of stannmaple
The blackpool effect sounds exactly like an effect on Boris Pocus. I believe the demo video is still up here:
It's the effect where boris has a prediction ( a blue card with a question mark on the back) on top of the red deck. He turns the cards over and the spectator names any card. The prediction is turned over and turns out to be that card. Looks like a slieghtly differnt effect, but the same concept and method.
Cameron Francis
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I know the effect you are talking about. But Blackpool Effect is better. It's cleaner and is a one two punch combining magic and mentalism.
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Craig Petty
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For any of you that perform Guarantee fromm the new DVD (which IMO is a great effect) my friend Chris Congreaves came up with a GREAT idea to make the effect more practical. Basically, the one draw back of the effect is it ruins 2 cards (the one you give away to the spectator and one other). His idea means you only need to ruin one card which is a giveaway anyway and no other. Just like the Sankey version all you need is the pack of cards and nothing else. I will speak to him and ask if I can post his idea on this thread as I am sure it will benefit everyone with this DVD.

Craig P
Cameron Francis
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I, too, have had a couple of ideas about that. One of them is to use a Guarantee Joker. That way you only have to ruin one card.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!