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Owen's Rings Rock my face I bought my first set of them in order to replace an old indian set. and I didn't know what the heck I was looking at when I pulled them out of the box! They were HUGE! made my other rings look like little coat hangers. and that is because they did look like coat hangers. the oowen's rings have an awesome tone and awesome weight. I love them with all my heart.
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Profile of rikbrooks
As far as the count goes, I bought 8 rings from WalMart, cheap little things. Then I handed them to my brother and told him to show that they are all seperate rings. He did something like the Odin Count. He's never been a magician.

So I took my cue from him.
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Profile of kregg
I too love my Owen rings. has a beautiful set of hollow rings as well.
The only down side to hollow is... hollow rings ring like bells and I prefer solid rings for my musical act.
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Profile of jErMZ
Ok I need help here.,.

who owns a set of Klamm's Magic Linking Rings?

I just need one single ring for my routine.,.

so I just wanna noe if they are good, do they flake how long they last and stuff like that

thanks thanks
Alan Munro
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On 2005-04-15 22:19, jErMZ wrote:
Ok I need help here.,.

who owns a set of Klamm's Magic Linking Rings?

I just need one single ring for my routine.,.

so I just wanna noe if they are good, do they flake how long they last and stuff like that

thanks thanks

I use Klamm Rings. They can chip, but I've found that it takes serious abuse to make them chip. They should be fine for years, as long as you don't smack them on concrete.

On 2005-04-14 08:12, magic4u02 wrote:
I once realized I overdid the rings way too much. I figured I had to prove and overshow the rings saying they were solid at all times. It got to a point where my overshowing of the rings and counts, became so distracting to the routine that instead of proving they were real solid, I was drawing attention and proving that they were not.

This lead me down a path of creativity for my ring routine where now I do not overdo it at all. I simplifed the routine greatly. I told myself, that if I was to become natural with these, then how would I move and how would I hold things naturally if the rings were indeed solid.

This then led me for a week to jut hold two solid rings in my hands and play with them. It taught me a great deal on what and how to look and feel natural. It taught me that if I was going to cause these rings to melt, how I would move to do so.

It also taught me that if the rings were real, then why would I bother repeatively showing each ring over and over. I simply wouldn't do that. I would just do a drop count in my hand and just naturally pick up the rings and begin the routine. This simplification I think works nicely for the rings.


The thing that really proves the rings to be solid is handing them out to an audience member, just after linking them. That's why I love performing a routine to patter.
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Profile of jlevey
With a three ring routine the spectator never holds two linked rings. Still with a strong routine they are convinced that they are solid and have the impression that all three rings have been passed around.

For more than twenty years, I have often performed my three ring routine in silent-comedic fashion. Not a audible word is heard, yet the communicative exchange between myself and the audience is very, very satisfying and impactful.

The rings...very visual, very tactile, very magical and a very memorable experience for all involved (including this entertainer).

May you enjoy each and every performance!

If you enjoyed this Linking Ring post, consider checking out the post at:;forum=8


My Ten inch Owen Rings recently arrived and it's a thrill to use them. The old ones seem so thin in comparison.

Max & Maxine Entertainment
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Profile of magic4u02
I agree with Jonathon. I think it may be a bit of overkill to have top hand the rings out. I think this screams that soemthing is not right. If the rings were truely solid in every way, then why would the magician ever have to prove anything? He simply wouldn't.

He might be nonchalant with just doing the routine smoothly and with a sense of confidence. I also tend not to use more then 3 rings. I think more then this can become a bit tedious. It certainly can be done well if worked around so that the routine makes sense.

For me, I love doing my 3 ring routine to music after I do my pre-patter that sets the mood etc. It is a simple 3 ring routine that is about 3 mins in length and flows and has transitions in it. It is jist long enough not to get tedious or repititious.

Kyle Peron

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My Mingling Magic three ring routine is also approximately three minutes. Though I do allow for a bit more or less, depending on the spontaneous reactions and interactions with the spectators.

Max & Maxine Entertainment
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Profile of magic4u02
Jonathon. I have also found that for me the simplcity of the 3 ring routine is just that.. beauty in simplcity. I feel I never need the overkill of more rings as for my own routine, it would kill the flow of it. 3 mins with the music and my transitions and interaction with the audience leaves to a very nice short and sweet routine that gives the audience something more without boring them to tears with repitition.

Kyle Peron

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"3 mins with the music and my transitions and interaction with the audience leaves to a very nice short and sweet routine that gives the audience something more..."

Congratulations Kyle on finding the right length and style of presentation for your three ring routine.

Am I to understand that your routine is primarily done on stage, or do you also perform it during mingling magic at cocktails?

Max & Maxine Entertainment
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I do not do much cocktails of mingling style magic. I do a lot of festivals, fairs, and theater style shows so I mainly perform this routine at those events. It works out quite well. I could do it more close-up if the chance ever happened for me to do so.

It took me a while to find the right length, the right music and the right style that works for me and my personality. It was worth the time and effort though.

Kyle Peron

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Brent McLeod
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On 2005-04-16 05:20, Alan Munro wrote:

The thing that really proves the rings to be solid is handing them out to an audience member, just after linking them. That's why I love performing a routine to patter.

Confession Time-!!!!!!!!!!

Was Performing at an outdoor festival market last summer & remembered a story about using stooges so my mate who popped along to see me was handed the Key ring by me unexpectedly at the end of the Routine! The other rings were handed out as well!

Worked well-Proved any doubters !

We had a good laugh about this later!!!!!!!!
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Philadelphia, PA
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I think that is fine abd please do so if it fits your personna. I just personally feel that I never have to go about proving the rings solid. To me personally I feel it is a bit of overkill. My magic is to entertain and not to fool people. I want them to be entertained by what they are seeing. For me to stop the routine to hand out the rings just sems to ruin that flow and that sense of wonderment that I am creating.

Now this is certainly just my own opinion. Each magician has to see what works best for your own individual style of performance.

Kyle Peron

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Brent McLeod
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I agree!!

This was a 1 off show, circumstances were different & as mentioned in previous posts I do a very polished stage version to music etc but was having a great time with the crowds & I passed the keyring to my magician mate during the final stages of the routine etc-was good fun!!-I still finish with all 4 rings around my neck!!!!!

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Philadelphia, PA
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Profile of magic4u02
No problems here. Infact if I had a magician mate in the audience at one of my festivals, I might be inclinded to do the same thing, just for kicks. Certianly nothing wrong with that. I just try not to make it the norm of my routine is all. =)

Kyle Peron

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Profile of jlevey
Handing the key ring out to a shill is a nice touch Brent, especially for a street show.

Like Kyle, though,I too don't fel the need to "prove" there are no "trick rings", I simply work the rings with confidence and let my spectators enjoy touching and handling them, to the point where they have the impression that they've handled them all. More importantly, I let them (us) enjoy the moment, and of course, the performance. They do get to examine "some" rings and are even led to feel that all have been inspected at some point during the routine. Still, the fun is in witnessing the miracle of solid metal rings penetrating one another and then coming apart, not in trying to find the "soft spot". In my close-up routine, this linking and unlinking happens inches away from their noses and also right in their very own hands.

Lots of fun, lots of gasps and lots of "how so you do that?!".

My response is always the same and also awe inspired... "...MAGIC!"

Happy linking to all,and to all a good night!

Max & Maxine Entertainment
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Profile of n3cromanc3r
Chris Capehart was in town a few weeks ago for a magic lecture and does a stunning 3 ring routine. It can be performed close up, parlor or stage. The guy performed as a street magician for many years and his skills are clearly honed on the effect. When performing close up or parlor, some things happen litterally inches away from the spectators face. If you have not seen his DVD on the subject, I highly recommend checking it out.
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Profile of jlevey
When it first came out, Chirs Capehart's Three Ring Routine book was very influential on my routining and handling of both audience and rings.

Roy Benson's silent link was a treasure to find and master.

Max & Maxine Entertainment
Magicians with a touch of comedy!
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Philadelphia, PA
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Profile of magic4u02
Chris Capehart lives near me and I have seen him and talked with him many times at conventions locally etc. He is a great guy and his ring moves and abilities have been honed over years of performing it on the street. You certainly can learn a lot from his DVD or from his lecture.

Kyle Peron

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Hi Kyle,

Aren't you from Philly?

That's the city where I first performed my street show, in House Square (circa 1982). At the time, I shared the spot with the "Give and take Street Jugglers", a superb comedy duo. I seem to recall a wonderful street performance given by a distinguished gentleman who played Ben Franklin's invention, using bottles filled at varying levels to create, marvelous music. Ahh, those were the days my friend...

But, I'm really getting off apologies.

Sounds like you have been quite fortunate in your contacts with your neighbor Chris Capehart.

If you see him, please encourage him to visit us up here in Montreal. I would be honored to try and arrange for him to do his lecture to our local group of magicians.

Out of curiosity, how does Capehart's style of performing the rings compare with Ross' and Whit Haydn's style?

All the best.

Max & Maxine Entertainment
Magicians with a touch of comedy!