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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Cutting Edge Cards and Coins with Jason Dean and John Born (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of ftlum
Any new reviews on this DVD? I was less than impressed with the trailer, but the list of effects in the print ad made me curious. I was wondering, in particular, if any new ground on 3 Fly (namely the last coin) was broken.

Also, when I think of "cutting edge," DVDs like Cultural Exchange come to mind. IMHO, Shoot (Apollo, Nabil, etc.) not only shares with us new techniques, but his magic has a fresh feel to in as well. Does the Cutting Edge DVD do this as well?

-- Frank
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Profile of RyanSwigert
I'm glad people are complaining about the demo trailer, and judging the DVD on people's avatar - This means that I'll be able to have more visual effects for myself in my arsenal...

I have known both John & Jason for quite a few years now and I purchased their DVD without ever seeing a demo trailer. Why? Because I have seen their work live, in front of audiences. I've noticed something in common whenever I see John or Jason perform - and that is their audience's jaws dropping.

Their material is very strong, visual, and will be welcomed additions to professional workers' repetoires.

All the best,
Ryan Swigert

PS I just wished Jason tipped his "Card Thru Window" Routine... That still is one of THE MOST amazing things I have ever seen. Has anyone else seen this???
John Born
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I have received the shipment, and all orders have gone out today!

For any others that are interested, look for it at your local magic shop or e-mail me at or Jason Dean at


John B. Born
Chris Keppel
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Keep that card throug window to a low roar Ryan. don't want everyone to know about THE BEST CTW ever thought up in a late night jam session at 5:30 in the morning on the 4th day of a convention. Hahhaha
Kepp's Custom Carbon Fiber
Review King
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I received mine today from Penguin ( free shipping of course-what a Dealer!!!! ).

WOW-What a DVD set. I just started watching ti and am blown away. Translocation ReBorn is John kennedy's Translocation on steroids.

These guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Review King
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Review King
There is a JAM session on the thrid DVD that is incredible. Jason tips his thoughts on the coins across plot and it's worth the price of the entire set.

These guys did a fantastic job and everyone will love these DVD's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Jim Stan Magic Man
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I got my dvd's today. These are great!! John and Jason have done a great job. I have only given them a quick look. These will keep me busy. Highly recommended to all!
David Eichler
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Durham, ME
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Got the DVDs today and will begin enjoying them tonight...
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Profile of Crackcityrocka
Does anything else needed to be purchased with this set i.e. shells or something else
Review King
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Review King
On 2005-03-09 12:52, Crackcityrocka wrote:
Does anything else needed to be purchased with this set i.e. shells or something else

Some effects require a little something extra. It's well worth it!!!!!!!
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of Whywouldyou
Hey all,

Think this is really impressive. Just wondering, if anyone out there with the dvd has sweaty palms. and how that's gonna affect the ability to perform the stuff on it.. coz it looks waay cool! Any help? Smile

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Roseville, CA
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Profile of ftlum
It's not often that a DVD with this sort of title lives up to it, but I think the J team did. They presented some fresh ideas and their magic looks fabulous. 1 DVD is on cards, one on coins, and one with flourishes and a "jam session". On the coin one, the sleeving of the coin in one routine really blew my mind. I also agree-- they've got some good tips on 3-Fly, especially the muscle pass move. I'll have to work on that one. And to answer my previous post: yes, they did cover some creative ways to vanish the last coin. BTW, that discussion is in the jam session part, towards the end (not on the coin DVD).

From a techincal standpoint, the DVD menus/editing was so-so. The music is a bit loud in the performance segments relative to the speech in the explanations. A little annoying, but easy enough to put up with. Although the menus are cluttered, they're done the way it should be done: everything on one page so you're not having to flip back and forth between pages. The camera shots are good and the J guys did a very good job of explaining everything. Having 1 person ask important questions as you go along is a good idea. I was also impressed with the effort to credit the moves as the tricks were explained; it was well done.

All in all, this is a great set of DVDs, and reasonably priced compared to what you see from the big companies. I'm definitely happy with my purchase. Oh, BTW-- don't judge these DVDs from the trailer; they're SO much better than what you see there.

-- Frank
Corey Harris
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These DVD's are Awesome. Money well spent. The coin routines blew me away!!!
Chris Keppel
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Hey corey. Drop me a pm sometime. Me, you, john, and jason can hook up and have a jam session. We try to get together a lot mainly to hang out but we cant help from coming up with new killer stuff. Let me know since your close and we can jam sometime.

Kepp's Custom Carbon Fiber
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Profile of kissthecaptain
Of all the crappy quality DVDs most of you rave about, I'm sorry some of you feel the need to knock the production value of the J-Team DVD set. Most of the time you see less than ten tricks, of which you'll never use nine, shot with a handi-cam, out of focus, all in close up on someone's grimy fingers trying to manipulate cards...or is it the fake fireplaces you all love...or the overexcited canned audience?
Minute for minute this is got more usable material than you are likely to find in another magic DVD set.
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And just for the sake of crew and I have produced, shot, and edited dozens of the magic DVDs many of you have at home, but none of you know who we are. None of you feel obligated to credit the people who brought these magical effects to you via DVD, but you all like to mis-credit the sources. Don't be Hypocrites! Sorry for the tangent to those of you who genuinely contribute to this site.
Joe Mauro
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On 2005-03-18 17:20, kissthecaptain wrote:
And just for the sake of crew and I have produced, shot, and edited dozens of the magic DVDs many of you have at home, but none of you know who we are. None of you feel obligated to credit the people who brought these magical effects to you via DVD, but you all like to mis-credit the sources. Don't be Hypocrites! Sorry for the tangent to those of you who genuinely contribute to this site.

What are the other DVD's you talk about?
Chris Keppel
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Its a secret, for a small fee of only 150.00 you can own a dvd made by them.
Kepp's Custom Carbon Fiber
David Eichler
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Durham, ME
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Profile of David Eichler
I had emailed John about the quality of the shoot, since I have purchased some DVDs which were not up to the quality I would expect from something which claims to be 'professionally shot and edited'. I can say that the production of this set is excellent and is only surpassed by the material they have decided to share. Whether you do card or coins, this set is the bargain of the year. Thanks to the J Team for sharing this with us!


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I've worked with Jason and John, obviously, as well as the zany Simon Lovell, Jan Crosby from Norway, Romaine from Canada, Keone from Hawaii, the exceptionally talented Ben Salinas and John Blake, casino great Sal Piacente, magic's friendliest teacher Gerry Griffin and the master of toppiting, Carl name a few.
Each has a unique style, but all of these guys have what it takes to impress. My production company no longer produces magic DVDs, but you won't be disappointed by work from any of these professionals.