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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Paul Harris on DVD? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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What sort of magic do you perform Magic Chris?

I have performed some of the items on AOA hundreds of times. And I assure you that to REAL people- people that don't call themselves "Magic ++++"- the effects are astonishing and memorable.

Instead of trying to diminish AOA, tell us (or Paul)- what you might be looking for.

Best wishes,
Review King
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I peform Paul Harris effects ( he created so much, you can't help perform his stuff even if you don't know it's his;-) just not the junk on the art Of astonishment video.

It wasn't good and panned by critics. It was a poor video.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Joe Roberts
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Chris, if you can't support your opinion, I guess that's fine, but don't just keep repeating it and then try to convince others by saying it was "panned by critics." It wasn't.
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Again, I see why Paul Harris avoids this whole internet thing.

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The Shape of Astonishment on the AoA video is a wonderful and creative magic trick.
Review King
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On 2005-02-13 12:37, Joe Roberts wrote:
Chris, if you can't support your opinion, I guess that's fine, but don't just keep repeating it and then try to convince others by saying it was "panned by critics." It wasn't.

It was panned by critics. The effets were poor. Even the greats slip once in awhile.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Okay MagicChris. What MagicCritics are you talking about? Was their opinion more detailed, and informed, than yours?
Review King
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Hey, Paul is a genius, we can all agree on that. His new DVD's will rock the boat in magic!!!

Now, I would give him a critique in person, if I ever meet him.

Let's say he was in the mall. I'd go up to him and say say "Paul, here's my version of Backlash from your art Of Astonishment Video" and I'd bounce the deck off his head.

OR, he'd be at the grocery store and I'd yell "Paul, here's my version of Flesh from your art Of Astonishment Video" and I'd crash my cart into his legs.

OK, I do stand up comedy, so I'm teasing. I'd shake and quiver and trip over my tounge saying hello if I ever met him. He's THE MAN!!!!

Here's something fromt he video that was so incredible and pure Paul Harris that I couldn't invent or do in 1000 years of practice: Zen and the Art of Boomerang. Pure Paul Harris and shows why he's the superman of magic.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Hart Keene
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What magic-critics? BTW, ALWAYS base your opinion on the critics. They ALWAYS know what they are talking about. Especially Mike Close!*lol*

Check out my website:
Magician Portland Oregon
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On 2005-02-14 03:23, MagicChris wrote:

Now, I would give him a critique in person, if I ever meet him.

Let's say he was in the mall. I'd go up to him and say say "Paul, here's my version of Backlash from your art Of Astonishment Video" and I'd bounce the deck off his head.

OR, he'd be at the grocery store and I'd yell "Paul, here's my version of Flesh from your art Of Astonishment Video" and I'd crash my cart into his legs.

OK, I do stand up comedy, so I'm teasing.

I think you need to do a little work on your routines there, Big Guy. The comedy part is a tad weak.
Review King
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My comedy doesn't read well. It's more visiual. Ever read what Sam Kinison said? Looks bad. In person-you'd cry laughing.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Matt Graves
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If there was anything weak about the effects, I'd say it was the environment in which they were performed. They would have looked ten times better performed for an actual audience or even people off the street like David Blaine does. The tricks certainly do work for real people, though. I've performed all of them except Zen/Art of Boomerang and Angel Case. I just had no interest in performing those. (Plus I can't boomerang cards no matter how much I've tried over the years.) But I've tried out all the others on family and on total strangers, and they work bigtime. Hopefully on these DVD's we'll get to see Paul really performing for random people. I find it odd that he avoids the Internet. Someone who knows him on this board told me that he'd invited him to be a guest on the Café', but he wasn't interested because he doesn't like sitting in front of a computer screen. That's kind of odd that someone who has written all these books and produced all these high-tech sleights and tricks is not too keen on technology. Very unique guy, he seems to be. I'd love to meet him. He's got to be one of the coolest guys in magic today. I've met Michael Ammar and Joshua Jay, which was cool, but that would pale in comparison to meeting Paul Harris. Maybe when the DVD's come out he'll do a lecture tour or something to promote them. Hey, it could happen.
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Profile of paisa23
I think your funny. So any way whats the up to date new s on these?
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You think he'll have a whole DVD on mindreading/mentalism type stuff?? or would that be mixed in with the other dvds............
Review King
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On 2005-11-20 11:03, paisa23 wrote:
I think your funny. So any way whats the up to date new s on these?

That's because I'm from New York and your a Jersey guy ( and we're both card to wallets freaks!)
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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On 2005-11-20 12:29, Mental_Mike wrote:
You think he'll have a whole DVD on mindreading/mentalism type stuff?? or would that be mixed in with the other dvds............

AHH I don't know.. All I can say is that he is a Close-up Kinda Guy!!! LOL Smile Smile Smile
Sometimes I just kill myself..

And yes still searching for that wallet.
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Profile of brokin6
Ok did I miss something while I was living under a rock? There's and Art of Astonishment video out? Or is this an older video?
Why does coin magic make my head hurt!?!
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Yeah. not sure when it came out, prob about the same time as the books. Had about 10-15 effects on it I believe. Its been a few years since I watched it.
Dr Marvin
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The AOA tape came out a long time ago. Paul also has 5 stars of magic tapes out. Though some with disagree all of PH'S tapes are great!

Dr Marvin

Review King
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On 2005-02-11 21:57, Christopher Kavanagh wrote:

The cheesey pretend excitement of the spectators looked like an experiment in audience reactioins. It was annoying but, didn't ruin the video. The terrible magic did. Dull, dull, dull!!!

This was an ignorant and stupid post I made. I was wrong and appologize to Paul and everyone else.

I did get when it came out on DVD and here are some thoughts I have:
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier