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Just ordered this. Tried to hold out...but couldn't =) Already have worked out how I am going to use this and this it will be a great addition. Thanks everyone for you input, really helpful when deciding on whether or not to get this.

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Profile of Voldemort
Has everyone who pre-ordered from Richard gotten thier copy?

I only ask because I haven't yet and I was wondering if I'm in the minority.


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Profile of Daston
I really do think this has to be one of the greatest card effects of all time when done properly but I would love to know one thing. Richard has performed this effect hundreds maybe thousands of times.....I have to wonder if he has ever misspelled anyone's name and what would be a good recovery line to use if and when this ever happens? Today it seems even the most common of names are spelled differently by individuals. Anyone ever given thought to this yet?
Michael Dustman
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Couple things to point out or clear up with all the elephants in the room.

As far as the whole drawn-out saga about how hard it must have been for Richard to get the gaffs, and how easy everyone thinks it is so easy to get them, why don't you call your local magic shop and try it. If anyone has been paying attention to either the internet or the article in this month's MAGIC, the gaffs are not currently being produced and most stores can't get them anymore. I have about half a deck left from the last time I bought a box. I had one magic shop tell me last week that while he can't get me a deck of the gaffs, he could sell me a gaffed deck that had some in them.

There was also complaints about the fact that Richard didn't actually take the time to put the marks on them. So what? Are you too lazy to take the couple minutes to do that? In my case, it was actually better, because I traditionally carry a Purple Sharpie as a running gag to other bits I do, and a gaff that would have been marked up in black would have necessitated me carrying another marker.

The misleading demo.....whatever, I disagree and not going to waste time disussing that. Leave it to a lawyer to nitpick on that issue.

And as for this is just a rehash of Mr. Stickman and Named......So? I had the pleasure of being familiar with the Richard Sanders Show DVD set as some others have, albeit apparently few based on the many posts I see of people asking if you can get these anywhere or if Richard will reproduce them. The most I can say is, MAYBE, Richard could have mentioned that he had combined elements of them into one effect. But I don't think that was that big of a deal. Since the DVD set is hard to come by, for the majority of people buying Identity, this is all new to them. To me, that's just good business on Richard's part. Make something available that is no longer readily available. And my last question on this part...for everyone ****ing and moaning that this is just a rehash of two effects together...well, did anyone else here think to combine them into one routine yet? (Myself included based on previously viewing the Sanders Show) Nope??? Richard did it first? Once again....good business.

Now....for the actual effect.....I like it, think it is extremely powerful, and think the teaching is excellent. (Again....everything on the demo, is clearly taught on the DVD). As some know, I very rarely buy any new magic. For over 20 years of strolling and stand-up magic, I have an act that is well recevied and I have not felt the need to add much to the repertoire. The few times I do, I still do my old standards. I also (almost) never rush something into my act without hashing it out with plenty of practice. I am kind of ashamed to say I broke that rule here. I got this last week, worked hard on the marks vanishing and felt confident I had it down. I took the gaff with me to a 2 hour strolling party Saturday night and decided to pull it out and wing it. If I never do it again, the reactions from the few times I did it Saturday night would have been well worth the money spent. But I would be an idiot not to do it again. The reactions were too great.

As for the question about the fear of not knowing how to spell a name right, my advice would be to try and learn a couple of the names in the group. I wanted to do it on a Jenny the other night, but wasn't sure if it was Jenny, Jeni, etc. So I also knew Chuck was there.

I think once you get past all the petty concerns about the advertising, packaging, etc, and focus on the reactions you will get with the effect, that is all that should matter. The spectators reaction should always trump method.

Just my two cents....if it is even worth 2 cents.
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Profile of PatrickGregoire
There was never anything wrong with making this a rehash of two of his previous effects... The thing is that he should have mentioned it so that those who DO own his dvd set wouldn't have to waste their money to learn what they already knew, unless they wanted to learn the extra 0.01% of info on the Identity dvd that IS new.
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Profile of gaffed
On 2009-06-30 20:35, Voldemort wrote:
Has everyone who pre-ordered from Richard gotten thier copy?

I only ask because I haven't yet and I was wondering if I'm in the minority.



I also pre-ordered but as of yet have not received it. Not at all worried about it though. If I should not receive it within the next two weeks however I might possibly be a tad irked. Whatever, sh*t happens and it's not the end of the world and I don't feel that I must be the first kid on the block to have something.

~gaffed~ Smile
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Scott Fridinger
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Luckily I ordered 312 of the gimmick a few years ago.
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Profile of Voldemort
On 2009-06-30 23:16, gaffed wrote:
On 2009-06-30 20:35, Voldemort wrote:
Has everyone who pre-ordered from Richard gotten thier copy?

I only ask because I haven't yet and I was wondering if I'm in the minority.



I also pre-ordered but as of yet have not received it. Not at all worried about it though. If I should not receive it within the next two weeks however I might possibly be a tad irked. Whatever, sh*t happens and it's not the end of the world and I don't feel that I must be the first kid on the block to have something.

~gaffed~ Smile

No.. Its not that at all.

I was just wondering as it has been a while since they were shipped and I knew a lot of people had received thier's. I thought that, If everyone seemed to have gotten thier's, I might contact Richard and make sure that my order went through OK. Sometimes things do get lost in the shuffle. Or in the mail.

But Thank You for the information. I'll just wait a while and see what happens.

"Flight from death"
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Profile of zifferinolpm
On 2009-06-28 17:54, magicman4646 wrote:
The only thing I thought was misleading is when he showed himself drawing the random marks.

Well, In Richards defense, I haven't even got the DVD yet and I knew he didn't draw the random marks. Not misleading at all.
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Columbus, Ohio
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Profile of emyers99
I've purchased everything Richard has ever put out going all the way back to his Close Up Assassin Camirand Academy project, and he has yet to put out a dud. His teaching is second to none and his effects are always unique or different is some visual way. Identity is no exception. I've been performing Named for years and I think Identity adds some great visual touches. I performed it several times this past weekend and the effect literally gets screams from the spectators (as do many of Richard's recent offerings). That's enough to make this a worthwhile investment. In addition, the nice thing about Identity is that Richard gives you several different versions depending on your performing style and venue. For more formal shows, you get the extended versions. For walkaround, you get the condensed and impromptu versions. I use it is all my walk-around shows and I like it because it instantly resets.

The bottom line for me is that - as I've said many times before on the Café - Richard truly is at the very top of the list when it comes to amazing contributions to the magic community over the past decade. This is yet another example.

Review King
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I received mine on Monday and wanted to watch it and compare and do all the things we do when we get a dvd. I think Michael Dustman summed it up perfectly.

I do Named and Stickman and I feel Identity is worth many times the small asking price Richard put on it.

This is an incredible dvd that is loaded with material ( tips, sleights, ideas, routines ) and should be in the repertoire of any serious magician.

As gar as I'm concerned, it's another Sanders grand-slam effect!
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Profile of Magicmaven
I think people are disappointed with the simplicity of the gaff, but still, I think it is a very solid effect.

As for drawing the random lines:
You can start drawing "random" lines before you turn it out of view. You can draw two or three lines in the appropriate places (which will look random) before moving it out of view to complete it. I hope this is clear, I am not giving all the details because it may reveal part of the method.

Just an idea you can play with.

I think it is a very nice routine. A great final phase to any signed card effect.
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Profile of PatrickGregoire
Nobody is disappointed with the simplicity of the gaff. Nobody is disappointed with the quality of this effect period. People are disappointed that it's not really anything new.
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Profile of Voldemort
On 2009-07-01 22:14, PatrickGregoire wrote:
People are disappointed that it's not really anything new.

When was the last time you saw ANYTHING "new"?

Did any of the people who have Named and Stickman put the two effects together for themselves?

If they didn't, then it IS new to them.

Is Named the same effect as Identity? Is stickman? If the answer is no then I'd have to say that Identity IS a new effect. No different than any other creator putting old concepts together and forming a new effect. That's what happened here.

Some of the people who have Named and Stickman are just pee'd because they didn't think of this themselves. That's why Richard is who he is and does what he does.

"Flight from death"
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Michael Dustman
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Profile of Michael Dustman
Thanks Voldemort.....that was kind of the point I was trying to make in my long rambling post.
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Inner circle
Columbus, Ohio
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Profile of emyers99
Thanks Michael for not writing another long rambling post.
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Inner circle
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Profile of PatrickGregoire
On 2009-06-30 23:06, PatrickGregoire wrote:
There was never anything wrong with making this a rehash of two of his previous effects... The thing is that he should have mentioned it so that those who DO own his dvd set wouldn't have to waste their money to learn what they already knew, unless they wanted to learn the extra 0.01% of info on the Identity dvd that IS new.

I never said there was anything wrong with putting the two effects together and selling them, as you can see I have already stated this. I personally am not peeved that I didn't think of combining these two effects together. I just don't think I should have had to pay $29.95 just to learn that pretty much everything he taught I already knew because I already learnt it from him in another project. Identity should have been targeted towards those who never learnt Mr. Stickman nor Named, and it should have been stated in the add that it is the two effects put together. Then, everyone would have known exactly what they were getting if they bought it. That's all I ever meant.

P.S.: The biggest addition is the Maxed out version, and I personally don't think it's worth it since you get the exact same effect, which is already 100% impossible, without everything involved with the Maxed out version. All you need to know is the regular Identity and the impromptu version.

Bottom line, I think Identity is a great effect, but that he should have stated that it was two previous effects routined together.

EDIT: By the way, you know that's not what I meant by "new". I meant that it is a routine containing two effects that already exist. It's all the same handling. He hasn't changed anything except maybe a teenie, tiny bit to make the two effects work together without disturbing each other.
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Profile of Voldemort
Putting two (Or more) existing effects together and then selling them as a different effect happens everyday without mentioning what was done. Before you read the credits anyway.

If you like Identity, And you didn't think of putting the two effects together yourself. I don't see why you are upset that you paid 30 bucks to learn it.

After all, You wouldn't be doing this effect that you said you like without Richard selling it. Would you?

I'm sorry if I sound rude. I don't mean to really. And I'm not trying to start a fight. Just trying to understand what Richard is suppose to have done wrong here.

And BTW, What was Richard suppose to have done to prevent those who had Stickman or Named from buying this? Put it in the ad copy? "Hey if you know these two effects already, You may not want to get Identity". Have you EVER heard of ANYONE doing something like that?

"Flight from death"
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Steve Brooks
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Okay folks, for what It is worth I've posted my two cents worth - Enjoy. Smile
Identity DVD by Richard Sanders
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
Simon Bakker
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On 2009-07-02 01:03, Voldemort wrote:
Putting two (Or more) existing effects together and then selling them as a different effect happens everyday without mentioning what was done. Before you read the credits anyway.

If you like Identity, And you didn't think of putting the two effects together yourself. I don't see why you are upset that you paid 30 bucks to learn it.

After all, You wouldn't be doing this effect that you said you like without Richard selling it. Would you?

I'm sorry if I sound rude. I don't mean to really. And I'm not trying to start a fight. Just trying to understand what Richard is suppose to have done wrong here.

And BTW, What was Richard suppose to have done to prevent those who had Stickman or Named from buying this? Put it in the ad copy? "Hey if you know these two effects already, You may not want to get Identity". Have you EVER heard of ANYONE doing something like that?


Well, I just purchased Bro Gilbert's Deep 3 based on the extremly fair demo. He very clearly explains what it is and what it is not. Probably the fairest demo I've seen. To my great joy, he mocked the mysterious, ultracool, mtv-like demo's that seem to be the standard for a cardtrick these days.

I think this (the bro gilbert demo)should be the standard for demo's. Obviously, some demo's need to be edited a bit to prevent every magician from figuring out the method on the spot. Sadly, a lot of people misuse that argument to produce totally misleading demo's.
Please note that I'm not talking about the demo for Identity. Everything Richard shows in the demo, is explained. But I must say eventhough I was familair with named and mr. Stickman that I got a certain impression from the demo that wasn't entirly correct. When Richard said on this thread that Identity was indeed based on Named, but that it is nothing like it, that impression grew stronger. I personally disagree with that.

Having said that, I will also say (as I said before) that I like Identity, simply because it is a great effect. I came up with a handling that suits me better. It eliminates some of the moves and a wristkill. It does require you to know (and write)the name in advance. To me this can make the handling cleaner and stronger. You do lose the spontanity and impromptu nature of the original Identity.
Anyone who feels (or doesn't) feel the same way?
