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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricks & Effects :: Anverdi's Mental Die (157 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Joaquin
For those that are still looking for an additional idea about how to introduce or use any Mental Die. Check in mentalism book Divine by Colin Mcleod. He includes a great idea/effect where the die is not the main object of interest/attention.

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Profile of VernonOnCoins
Have anyone’s dice crapped out on them? White still works but my red and blue have stopped transmitting.

Any suggestions what I can do to repair them?

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Profile of Relick666
On Nov 18, 2023, VernonOnCoins wrote:
Have anyone’s dice crapped out on them? White still works but my red and blue have stopped transmitting.

Any suggestions what I can do to repair them?


Wow. That's sad.

At 300$ they should at least be reliable.

Currently thinking about buying a set, but if they are not reliable then I don't see the point in spending the money.
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Profile of AlvinMaker
On Nov 14, 2023, Joaquin wrote:
For those that are still looking for an additional idea about how to introduce or use any Mental Die. Check in mentalism book Divine by Colin Mcleod. He includes a great idea/effect where the die is not the main object of interest/attention.


Thanks for the suggestion. I just got mine in and have started sorting out what routines I want to work on first. So many possibilities. My head is spinning with ideas. Can't wait to put these into practice.
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Profile of sthielman
I didn't use my Anverdie Mental Dice for a while (months), then started playing with them again and realized that one, two, and then all three of them were shot. Love the trick, though. There should be some sort of manual and warranty for these dice. Too expensive to just provide a couple of breezy video instructions and then leave people to figure out the pros and cons by trial and error. The advice given in the instructional video to charge them every couple of months is certainly good advice. Realized too late they'd "die" if you left them alone too long. In the end there are indeed advantages to low tech (though this particular high tech, minus battery issues, is pretty great).
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Profile of Deckstacker
AlvinMaker- I got my Mental Die (singular) a couple of months ago, and like you, I'm still flush with ideas about how to use it. One idea involves combining its use with that of a Tenyo Koornwinder Kar to have the Kar stop in front of a card with a number on it matching the die. Another is to have me give discreet hand signals to a "lovely assistant/confederate" who can correctly guess the topside of the die while honestly disclaiming knowledge of how the trick works (since I have not disclosed to her how I get the answers that I pass along to her!)

The possibilities for use of the die appear to be endless once you start thinking outside the box even a little bit.
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Charming Cheat
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Profile of Charming Cheat
Hi !
I just bought this. When charging the remote for the first time with remote turned on, the blue light is flickering really fast. I am also not able to pair the remote with the die. Anyone else facing the same problem?
Not that youtuber.
David Klass
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Profile of David Klass
I bought a Mental Die this weekend and was hoping you guys can help me with a question.

I can hear the thumper from across the room in a quiet place when on it's highest setting (number 3)

However, still at this highest setting the vibrations can't be felt.
I have tried the strap on my leg, on my arm, on my shin, in my sock.

But although I can hear the buzzes they can't be felt.

The only place I can feel them is when I am holding the thumper in my hand.

Do you think I may have a faulty unit?
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Profile of georgebd
I have purchased Mental Die but have not used it yet. Still brand new in package. I am going to be away for quite an extended time. Do I need to charge this before I leave? Or can I wait until returning to charge it for the first time? I don't want it to "die" in the meantime. Thanks!
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Profile of spudster85
On Apr 8, 2024, David Klass wrote:
I bought a Mental Die this weekend and was hoping you guys can help me with a question.

I can hear the thumper from across the room in a quiet place when on it's highest setting (number 3)

However, still at this highest setting the vibrations can't be felt.
I have tried the strap on my leg, on my arm, on my shin, in my sock.

But although I can hear the buzzes they can't be felt.

The only place I can feel them is when I am holding the thumper in my hand.

Do you think I may have a faulty unit?

This is how all of the thumpers have felt that I have seen. I place mine on my ankle, like literally touching the bone as much as possible. That is what transfers that vibration. One would think it wouldn't be that difficult, but it truly is. And, all thumper devices seem to be this way. It is not just this specific item.
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Profile of martysh
Hey I could use some help... I have had mental die for or two and though I go back to the instructions every so often I can't dependably get it to pair up... might you write me privately and hold my hand on this a bit.... I have the best purpose for this and yet because set up is such an undependable challenge I lack the confidence to ;use it... Here's what I am going to use it for if ever I get the chance.... Joe Daniel here in South CArolina has quite a piece..."real Vision" It is a beautiful beautiful upgrade to the color vision we all got in our first magic sets. a gorgeous wooden box that houses a child's alphabet block the block as the vowels on it and each a different color... I knew Joe for years anbd bought this cause of the look.. .he kinda forgot to send the promised pdf on this and when I got it I literally fell off my chair... I had it for months and didn't know it was made to hold secretly our mental die. so the work is a bit of wonderful and easy sleight of hand to get the info without hgaving to put it behind your back and then with this you get to tell the selection without ever touching it!! I did it on the street a bit this past weekend without this great ending ginving my electronic paranoia. Hey he even said he'd help me this but I haven't seen him in quite awhile.. anyone help me get full circle on this and you will have a friend for life!!!
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Profile of trickster2000
I Just bought a set yesterday from my local magic shop and when I got home, I tried to charge the dice and the little blue ring on the charger didn't even light up.... I went back to the shop today, and the shop owner was helpful and tried it out and deemed that it was defective.... he went and got another brand new unit off the shelf(last one) and opened it to test out before exchanging my unit.... To our surprise, the second brand new unit was defective as well as the dice didn't seem to charge.... The owner then admitted that there was another customer that bought the anverdi die and it also had problems.... Unfortunately, it was the last unit in stock and now I have to wait till the shop owner gets a hold of murphys to figure out what is going on.... Im sorry to say, but this will be my last anverdi product and this particular item is an absolute piece of $(-)it.... I paid $200 cdn. for something that's unreliable out of the box... now I'm afraid this thing will die very quick once I get a replacement.... I also noticed they are now selling replacement dice for a ridiculous price and theres no teling how long it will last.....