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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: APPealing or APPalling? :: The Stranger (iPhone App) by Jonathan Levit (66 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Chris Meece
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Profile of Chris Meece
Major price drop right now I believe due to a Blackpool special. $109.99

I immediately jumped off the fence and purchased.
All small town magicians know what 793.8 signifies.
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Profile of carlwag
If I’m in the uk are the recordings English accents or just the american recordings of the original ???
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Profile of Snidini
Any idea roughly when this will be available to us Android users John? After Blackpookl maybe? We are really "chomping at the bit" for this release. Thanks.
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Profile of rosariorose9
On Feb 14, 2020, Snidini wrote:
...We are really "chomping at the bit" for this release. Thanks.

The word is "champing"... Smile
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Profile of tomd
Couldn’t resist downloading it with the discount. But I’m a little let down or maybe just a bit confused...Very mixed feelings.
I’m in Australia right now so I downloaded the only Australian recording I could find on the app... and it doesn’t sound like I’m speaking to someone on the phone at all! It sounds way too clean and crisp, especially when compared to the realistic ring tone before hand.

And to top it off, the accent is over the top and stereotyped. I’ve played it back several times now and I’m not entirely sure if the guy is an actor trying to imitate an Aussie accent, or if this guy happens to be one of the 1% of Australians that have a stereotypical Aussie “g’day mate, shrimps on the barbie ” accent. The accent is way to over-pronounced and doesn’t seem to have any verbal attributes the average person has that you’d speak to day to day in Sydney or melbourne... By comparison, the UK recording is much better. It’s so clearly been voiced by an English lad, and when it’s revealed he got the card right the English guy presumes it a hoax... which again, is a realistic touch. He doesn’t believe for one second that he actually got the card right, and more importantly; he doesn’t seem to care... it’s perfectly English (apart from him playing along in the first place, if it were 100% realistic he would have hung up before saying a card). The Aussies reaction is so... culturally neutral? That’s the best way I could describe it.

That said, the UK recording doesn’t sound like he is on the other end of the phone.... the American recordings are better. You can hear the subtle echo of the background...

The American pizza shop recording is fantastic, it actually sounds like you’ve called a pizza place, and the hold music is a great touch, it’s by far the best recording in my opinion... that said, I feel it would have been a good decision to have 2 versions of this recording: the current guy with the American accent, and another with a foreign guy speaking English. That second recording would cover the rest of the English speaking world!! Foreign workers commonly work in pizza places in the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia (and I’m sure the other English speaking countries too, I’ve not lived in the others). Another important thing is that if you were to try this trick for real in the UK, and ACTUALLY call a real person, the likelihood of them telling you to “f**k off” and hang up would be so high. That’s way the pizza shop concept is so good! Realistically speaking they wouldn’t hang up and would play along...

Honestly this app is close to being perfect for me, but the massive difference between the American recordings and the international recordings I’ve heard is staggering. the good international recordings still don’t sound like a phone call, and the bad ones are laughably bad. Whereas the US recordings are pretty much perfect...

Maybe I’ve missed some trick, and there are actually 100’s if recordings I’ve missed somewhere, or maybe they are coming out shortly and I’ve misunderstood something... but if you want my honest 2 cents, here is one recording that covers the whole English speaking world: A guy speaking English with an Indian accent picking up the phone for an Indian restaurant. If it had the same level of quality and detail as the American pizza shop recording I would die a happy man.

Everything else in the app is good, no complaints.

****UPDATE***** >>> I’ve just got accepted into the Facebook group, and it does seem as if lots more recordings are going to be uploaded soon. So I’m really hoping that they are better than the first Aussie one.
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Profile of ash2arani
Seems to have been removed from the local appstore. Too bad I cannot take advantage of the discount!

Great news nevertheless!
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Profile of Psy
I thought that the option to make your own recordings was already available :/
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Profile of tomd
On Feb 15, 2020, Psy wrote:
I thought that the option to make your own recordings was already available :/

Only your own voicemail recordings (when no one picks up). You can’t actually make your on card reveal recording... I thought the same as you when I bought :/
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Profile of tomd
On Feb 15, 2020, tomd wrote:
Couldn’t resist downloading it with the discount. But I’m a little let down or maybe just a bit confused...Very mixed feelings.
I’m in Australia right now so I downloaded the only Australian recording I could find on the app... and it doesn’t sound like I’m speaking to someone on the phone at all! It sounds way too clean and crisp, especially when compared to the realistic ring tone before hand.

And to top it off, the accent is over the top and stereotyped. I’ve played it back several times now and I’m not entirely sure if the guy is an actor trying to imitate an Aussie accent, or if this guy happens to be one of the 1% of Australians that have a stereotypical Aussie “g’day mate, shrimps on the barbie ” accent. The accent is way to over-pronounced and doesn’t seem to have any verbal attributes the average person has that you’d speak to day to day in Sydney or melbourne... By comparison, the UK recording is much better. It’s so clearly been voiced by an English lad, and when it’s revealed he got the card right the English guy presumes it a hoax... which again, is a realistic touch. He doesn’t believe for one second that he actually got the card right, and more importantly; he doesn’t seem to care... it’s perfectly English (apart from him playing along in the first place, if it were 100% realistic he would have hung up before saying a card). The Aussies reaction is so... culturally neutral? That’s the best way I could describe it.

That said, the UK recording doesn’t sound like he is on the other end of the phone.... the American recordings are better. You can hear the subtle echo of the background...

The American pizza shop recording is fantastic, it actually sounds like you’ve called a pizza place, and the hold music is a great touch, it’s by far the best recording in my opinion... that said, I feel it would have been a good decision to have 2 versions of this recording: the current guy with the American accent, and another with a foreign guy speaking English. That second recording would cover the rest of the English speaking world!! Foreign workers commonly work in pizza places in the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia (and I’m sure the other English speaking countries too, I’ve not lived in the others). Another important thing is that if you were to try this trick for real in the UK, and ACTUALLY call a real person, the likelihood of them telling you to “f**k off” and hang up would be so high. That’s way the pizza shop concept is so good! Realistically speaking they wouldn’t hang up and would play along...

Honestly this app is close to being perfect for me, but the massive difference between the American recordings and the international recordings I’ve heard is staggering. the good international recordings still don’t sound like a phone call, and the bad ones are laughably bad. Whereas the US recordings are pretty much perfect...

Maybe I’ve missed some trick, and there are actually 100’s if recordings I’ve missed somewhere, or maybe they are coming out shortly and I’ve misunderstood something... but if you want my honest 2 cents, here is one recording that covers the whole English speaking world: A guy speaking English with an Indian accent picking up the phone for an Indian restaurant. If it had the same level of quality and detail as the American pizza shop recording I would die a happy man.

Everything else in the app is good, no complaints.

****UPDATE***** >>> I’ve just got accepted into the Facebook group, and it does seem as if lots more recordings are going to be uploaded soon. So I’m really hoping that they are better than the first Aussie one.

Another update on this “review”.

I wouldn’t call the above ^ a review really anymore, it’s not going to be up to date very soon. There are a lot of cool concepts and recording types that are coming very soon, and I’ve sent my feedback and Jonathan will be re-recording the Aussie ones and for some other languages as well. The biggest positive to take away from this is that Jonathan is taking everything in board and is willing to change it right away.

If you want to call genuine people, this app is already a monster.
If you want to perform solo with recordings, this app has the foundations to be a monster, and it looks like it will flourish very soon.
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Profile of reignofsound
So the international version is available now?
I’m sure I signed up to be alerted.
Would have been nice to be able to have the option to purchase with the discount .
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Profile of makulit974
On Feb 18, 2020, reignofsound wrote:
So the international version is available now?
I’m sure I signed up to be alerted.
Would have been nice to be able to have the option to purchase with the discount .

I signed up too. Did not get any update either.
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Profile of tomd
I only saw an option to sign up to be alerted for the android release, I didn’t see one for the international version. Maybe I’m wrong. Android still isn’t released.

It still might be discounted, check the App Store: I paid 109 euros... if it’s an equivalent price in your currency then it’s the discount price
Pete Legend
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Curious if the app is compatible with Irish numbers? Anyone here have a clue?


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On Feb 18, 2020, Pete Legend wrote:
Curious if the app is compatible with Irish numbers? Anyone here have a clue?



Ireland is covered!
Pete Legend
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Thanks tomd!
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Profile of Johnsypoppins
Thinking between this and Diverter, can anyone who has both give there opinion on which to go for? Seems Diverter can do virtually the same just without any of the non-helper stuff, but this has those extra convincers which feels would add a lot... but price way way higher.

Differences with ease of use etc?
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Profile of jugagien
Any update on the Android Release Jonathan???
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Profile of jugagien
On Feb 12, 2020, jlevit wrote:
On Feb 12, 2020, jugagien wrote:
Any update Jon?? Hope we're not being ghosted...

Not at all! I’m on my way to black pool. All is good. I actually have the app on my android device! Development is moving along beautifully!

Jon, you say we're not being ghosted but it sure does feel like it >__> Sorry about it but an update ensures us you haven't forgotten about us.
You said the Android version was coming out February. Any chance this week....? Else it'll be March.
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Profile of jlevit
Hello! I'm here. Not going away. In fact, you can chat with any of the current users and I'm sure they'll express how much I am present. Smile I am working with my development every day on new features and updates. It's been non-stop! As for Android, we are moving along nicely. We had a hurdle that we needed to get over. Here is what I posted in the Facebook group:

"Android update: Several of you are asking about the status of The Stranger for Android. I'm thrilled to tell you that it is in active development and looks great on my Android phone! A short time ago, we hit a roadblock that caused me to wonder if we were going to have to stop development. But, after some creative thinking, we are past that point! We are now full steam ahead. However, the solution to that issue has added some time to the development process. The good news is that this solution will make for a more seamless user experience for Android users. As many of you know, Android is a very fragmented ecosystem and that can present issues that we would not encounter on iOS for iPhone. I have an incredible development team working with me and on this to create something that you will all be proud to perform. At this point, I'm looking at a release in the next month. I appreciate your patience as we work to release a product that is right and not one that is rushed. I can't wait to get it into your hands!"

We are targeting a late March official release. That means that I should be in testing in the next 1-2 weeks. I receive weekly builds of Android that live on my device and it's looking great!
Nathan Alexander
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Hey guys, he announced in the Facebook group that there was a delay due to programming (if I remember correctly) but he and his team are working really hard on it and it should be available in March.

He's a stand up guy, works hard, apologized for the delay, and is dedicating his time to get it to us. Already has a working version on his Android and it won't be long. Probably just oversight he didn't post that here as well for those not on Facebook, but no worries, it's coming, and we'd rather all the bugs be ironed out as much as possible before release.

Stay patient Smile He's constantly improving the app on iPhone, so his attention to detail is a great thing.