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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricks & Effects :: MENTAL DICE by Tony Anverdi (246 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Magic Mark
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My photos have received over 1,500 unique IP hits in less than 24 hours. However, as promised, I've changed the password. Actually, I couldn't just change the password because then people would be trying to type the previous password (over and over again) and I'd get a bunch of reports of failed password attempts.

Therefore, I have moved the photos to a completely new gallery with a completely different URL. The previous URL will no longer work.

If you would like to look at the photos, send me a PM and I'll respond with the link and the password.

Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
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Profile of Maxy
On Dec 15, 2019, videoman wrote:
I really like Mark's cup and dice routine and had planned on doing something very similar so I will add another kicker folks can either use or not.

Show a folded note at the outset and say that this will come into play shortly, then place it into your pocket or drop it into a 4th plastic cup, or leave it in full view. If you have a Vision Box or anything similar then you use that if you like.

Then perform Mark’s routine as per his description.

Finally, for the unexpected kicker call attention to the folded paper (which by now everyone will have forgotten about) and unfold it to show a single number, which won’t have any immediate connection to what has just happened but you quickly point out that the total of the 3 dice add up to this number and if a even a single die had landed differently it would have created a completely different total. Because this folded paper was shown before the whole thing even began it should add an additional layer of mystery.

There are many ways to accomplish this from swami gimmicks to double writing to indexes so I’ll leave it to you to determine “your favorite method” should you care to add this extra kicker, which isn’t necessary at all but I have a fondness for an extra kicker and others may also. Especially in this case where you are repeating the effects 3 times so everyone knows what to expect and can see it coming so it’s nice to throw in an unexpected curveball at the end.

Also, instead of having the spectator handle each die and cup the same, I would probably mix it up a bit and perhaps have them turn over the 1st cup quickly without seeing the die, the 2nd they turn the cup quickly but then peek at the die, the 3rd time they place whichever number they like facing up and cover it with the cup. IMO doing things slightly differently each time just leads them further down the garden path.

Or feel free to ignore this post completely which is perfectly fine too because these dice are capable of dong so many great things regardless.

Fantastic idea, it makes strong ending and will fade away any suspicion of using electronic device , I've similar ending to ESP prediction routine using 4 outs.
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Profile of Ustaad
On Dec 14, 2019, Magic Mark wrote:

My photos have received over 1,500 unique IP hits in less than 24 hours. However, as promised, I've changed the password. Actually, I couldn't just change the password because then people would be trying to type the previous password (over and over again) and I'd get a bunch of reports of failed password attempts.

Therefore, I have moved the photos to a completely new gallery with a completely different URL.The previous URL will no longer work.

If you would like to look at the photos, send me a PM and I'll respond with the link and the password.

Thank you for all your posts on this thread.

As it is, in today's world, life is quite complicated. Why add to the complication. Simply post the link here or better open a topic in the Banquet Room and post the Link & PW. Also at the Banquet Room, one can then discuss this new prop/routines/performance tips more freely.

Just a suggestion. Smile

MAGIC is a SECRET, without the SECRET there is no MAGIC.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke.
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Profile of Ustaad
On Dec 14, 2019, Gaz Lawrence wrote:

Also mine works 100 ft away and is probably my single best investment in magic Gaz Smile

As most of you know by now, I like to perform using Hi-Tech props. I have never felt the need for a long range electronic remote controlled prop - Good, if its available and if not, no worries. Smile 20 to 30 feet distance from the prop/spectator is more than enough. This also helps in avoiding those nasty EMI/RFI interference at the place/venue while helping maintain line of sight communication between the Transmitter and Receiver. Thus ensuring that there is almost zero chance of loosing connectivity - Both, with the prop as well as the spectator. Smile

Note: Always test your prop at the venue for its proper working.

Just MY way of using and performing with those Hi-Tech props. Smile

MAGIC is a SECRET, without the SECRET there is no MAGIC.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke.
Gaz Lawrence
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Sorry if I have upset anyone it wasn’t my intention as it’s a very interesting thread with great contributions . I think the point I was trying to make but alas not very well is that as you know the colours once selected sight unseen then you can dictate ( unknown to the spectator ) where to put them etc so therefore have a kicker prediction on view from the start that need not ever be switched . Think Colin McLeod here and you will see the angle I mean , anyway great work guys Gaz 🙂
The Unmasked Magician
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Gaz, you share so many tips & tricks that any upsetting remarks are more than compensated for. 😉
Please check regularly if you are becoming the type of magician Jerry Seinfeld jokes about. (This applies to mentalists as well.)
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Profile of Ustaad
On Dec 14, 2019, Magic Mark wrote:

For the right crowd in the right situation, I could see myself saying something like... "I had to dig through all of my kid's board games to find dice that were different colors." Smile

Good point.

The three dice can be used for the 'Which Hand' method and will play very strong. Without you knowing, the spectator can pick up any two dice and hold them (one each) in any hand while the spectators hands are behind his back. The third dice the spectator can put in his pants pocket and leave it hidden. Now even the spectator don't know the color of the dice he is holding in which hand. You will be able to easily predict the correct color of all the three dice (in the hand as well as in the pocket).

MAGIC is a SECRET, without the SECRET there is no MAGIC.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke.
Gaz Lawrence
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Thanks The Unmasked Magician it’s appreciated Gaz 🙂
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Profile of JanForster
On Dec 14, 2019, Magic Mark wrote:
At the risk of "everyone will do it", I am sharing my favorite Mental Dice routine. The props are just the 3 colored dice and 3 plastic party cups that are numbered 1, 2 and 3. s the Red die, so it's Red with a 5 facing up." ....

This type of longer and (IMHO) quite powerful routine cannot be performed with just a single die.

Mark, don't get me wrong, it is not personal. But while many applauded to your routine, I don't. And I will tell you why, giving you also some additional ideas and thought teasers. I think your routine is exactly what I was fearing and writing before: Playing the dice to death, giving the props far too much importance. What happens easily if somebody believes using three dice is better or stronger instead of using just one (I don't think so!).

The interesting part of mind reading is the process or procedure (the propless part) of doing that, not the final result (nor the props). And generally, I believe (I was lecturing also about that during my lecture at the PM Masters Summit 2018) that it is a mistake using such dice for rolling. We must see our performances always through the eyes of ordinary spectators, although difficult for us. They believe (e. g.) that there are dice which will give three random results while rolling, but will give a predetermined on the fourth roll. They know of loaded and magnetic dice. Not true, false explanation, but also false explanations we have to exclude or to destroy in our construction of a routine. And it is easy: A dice which has been put consciously by a participant with a specific number on top ...

Did you ever think (concerning your routine) why somebody has to put colored dice underneath cups in order to make you able to read his mind? One out of three colors ... Why not ask him to think of one of (only!) three colors and then read his mind? I got several "justifications" in mind for your procedure, or even a change in your routine, in direction of non-verbal communication ... later "control" ... making other people guess, why they can check discretely peeking under the cup if they were right ... All that would lead you away form your dice (and therefore the attention of the audience would be shifted) more towards your participants. They are important, the interaction with them is, the process and your procedure of reading their mind.

And this is even more important in the last phase of your routine. How can you sense a number under a cup? How? What phenomena are you presenting? Which ability? Or just a clever trick with gimmicked dice? Why not ask three spectators to turn up the dice underneath the cup(s) with a number they were merely thinking of? That would offer you again so many more possibilities, interacting with your participants, leading away from the dice and/or props ... and of course, now you could read minds again, communicating with people, not with dead props!

And finally a sad story, although I do not want to make you feel bad (I personal would have more reasons to feel bad): A friend of mine and colleague (a full time mentalist) was approached last week by the director of the theater he was working in and asked where he was hiding his smart phone during his performance in order to see which side of the dice was up ... The director is no magician or whatsoever at all. My colleague acted innocently, asking what he meant as he wouldn't understand the question ... The director pointed out that there are dice which send signals to smartphones showing which side is up. He sent him even the link to kickstarter for "GoDice". For the moment my colleague could destroy his thoughts as he was repeating (privately in the dressing room) parts of his routine which uses just one RDR ...

Mark Chandaue wrote already days ago that he believes having proof that the guys behind "GoDice" are the guys of "estooge" (apart Giddy). I did some research as well and came to the same conclusion. "Particula" (creators of "GoDice") came up also with "GoCube". Money you send when ordering with "estooge" goes to "Particula".

Jan Forster
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Profile of taller8
Great post. as a hobby guy ,it’s always great to get insights from pros.

i like the idea of the spec choosing a number rather then a roll and just selecting one die out of 3 rather then getting 3 predictions right. Could be overkill.

i never want to portray i’m reading minds, so ill have to find another path as to how I got it right.
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Profile of ash2arani
I think we are overplaying the exposure card a little bit. I hate when a method becomes mainstream but a kickstarter campaign is not the end of any method. I do not see the same pros talking about smart watches which are part of the daily routine now.

Secrets have been exposed on national television. Sometimes bad camera work, sometimes plain exposure. Secrets have been shared on youtube and other online platforms.

So yes, the new campaign with dice can hurt but I doubt it will hurt performers of RD or this product.

With that said, I have to agree with Jan that putting emphasis on the die is an issue of its own and it will only be magnified with having more accessibility to the tech.

While I love this product, the very trailer demonstrates how NOT to perform it. Once a spectator questions the dice, it is game over. Whether it is RD or this product or even a genuinely normal game die.

So my advice, consider the routine and where do the dice stand. The secret can still be saved if they are kept in their right place.

Just my 2 cents.
Magic Mark
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Thank you for your thoughts.

For those that have purchased Anverdi Mental Dice, a tip. I've put the receiver inside a playing card box. I cut a rectangular hole in the BOTTOM of the card box. The height of the hole is just slightly taller than the height of the displayed numbers. The width of the hole is just wide enough to show all the numbers plus allow access to the power button on the receiver. Since the hole's dimensions are a fair bit smaller than the receiver, the receiver is held in place securely.

I then shortened an entire deck of playing cards by the thickness of the receiver. After putting the receiver in place in the inside bottom of the card box, I wadded up a little bit of paper and stuffed it into the gap between the end of the receiver and the other side of the card box. Then I placed the shortened playing cards into the box to hold the receiver and wad of paper in place.

It worked beautifully. I can slip the playing card box down into my shirt breast pocket with the bottom facing up. It's super easy to glimpse the numbers. And, if I absolutely had to, I could remove the playing cards (hiding the receiver as I did so), flip open the top, and even partially remove the deck of cards from the box. But, it's highly unlikely I'd ever need to do that.

I'll post photos tomorrow. I've got a Holiday Party to get ready for, I plan to perform Mental Dice while I'm there.

Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
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Profile of NeverMind
On Dec 15, 2019, JanForster wrote:
They know of loaded and magnetic dice. Not true, false explanation, but also false explanations we have to exclude or to destroy in our construction of a routine. And it is easy: A dice which has been put consciously by a participant with a specific number on top ...

Great post, Jan. But I sort of disagree with the above portion. If a spec has to consciously put a specific number on top, then he can as well simply think of a number between 1-6 - why use a die at all? A die is there to be rolled - that's the purpose of its existence - and the built in 1 in 6 randomness. A die basically represents "chance" and not "choice", imo. And finally, if someone suspects that the roll is being read on a smart phone - that perception would not change whether the die is rolled or a number is consciously put on top.

Jan, I admire you and love your work. Hope to meet you sometime, somewhere...
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Profile of ferrissteve
Exposure is a constant issue that we as magicians are always going to have to face, and with the current means of disseminating information via SM, Google etc - well its easy to find out just about everything. But in the case of these particular dice, I think using them in conjunction with a routine will help mask the fact (the dream lunch for example) that the dice are the M.O. Just using them straight up could work but again would need to have more going on or a compelling performance to justify the dice being there.

I also think their effectiveness will largely be driven by the type of audience too. I worked a party last night for a group of very tech-forward software engineers...wasn't exactly the crowd type I specifically wanted to try this out on. Now a group of Accountants or a less tech centric company party that's another target audience altogether.

Bottom line the secret is certainly out there, but I think a well thought out presentation can make reverse engineering a difficulty for spectators. MY .02 this AM.
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Profile of JanForster
On Dec 15, 2019, NeverMind wrote:
On Dec 15, 2019, JanForster wrote:
They know of loaded and magnetic dice. Not true, false explanation, but also false explanations we have to exclude or to destroy in our construction of a routine. And it is easy: A dice which has been put consciously by a participant with a specific number on top ...

Great post, Jan. But I sort of disagree with the above portion. If a spec has to consciously put a specific number on top, then he can as well simply think of a number between 1-6 - why use a die at all? A die is there to be rolled - that's the purpose of its existence - and the built in 1 in 6 randomness. A die basically represents "chance" and not "choice", imo. And finally, if someone suspects that the roll is being read on a smart phone - that perception would not change whether the die is rolled or a number is consciously put on top.

Jan, I admire you and love your work. Hope to meet you sometime, somewhere...

If you take just a part of my idea, you might be right. But if you take the entire idea or construction, it makes sense...

Assume somebody is asked to think of a number from 1 to 6 ... and then you hand him a dice, asking him to put the dice underneath a cup (e. g.) with the side up showing the number his is thinking of, and then you let people silently guess what number he is thinking of... and then peeking underneath the cup to find out if they were guessing right or not (you stay far away and don't see anything) ... then it makes sense as you use the dice as sort of tool for non-verbal communication between participants. And finally you do a mind reading concerning the number one of the participants is thinking of. By then, you had a lot of interaction between the people, they became important, and finally you are far away from the dice, the dice is not important anymore, you more or less ignore the dice totally...

BTW, this is the way I've done it for many, many years. So, I speak with a lot of experience and can state that it really works. The dice is of no importance at all, people were NEVER talking about it, but instead where talking about the rest, guessing, mind reading, observing eyes a. s. o. Jan
Jan Forster
Magic Dust
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I am surprised that so many tips and hints are made publicly accessible here

Why are there more "protected rooms" that are not accessible to everyone ?

From my point of view, something is going seriously massive wrong here
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Profile of Robb
On Dec 15, 2019, JanForster wrote:
On Dec 14, 2019, Magic Mark wrote:
At the risk of "everyone will do it", I am sharing my favorite Mental Dice routine. The props are just the 3 colored dice and 3 plastic party cups that are numbered 1, 2 and 3. s the Red die, so it's Red with a 5 facing up." ....

This type of longer and (IMHO) quite powerful routine cannot be performed with just a single die.

Mark, don't get me wrong, it is not personal. But while many applauded to your routine, I don't. And I will tell you why, giving you also some additional ideas and thought teasers. I think your routine is exactly what I was fearing and writing before: Playing the dice to death, giving the props far too much importance. What happens easily if somebody believes using three dice is better or stronger instead of using just one (I don't think so!).

The interesting part of mind reading is the process or procedure (the propless part) of doing that, not the final result (nor the props). And generally, I believe (I was lecturing also about that during my lecture at the PM Masters Summit 2018) that it is a mistake using such dice for rolling. We must see our performances always through the eyes of ordinary spectators, although difficult for us. They believe (e. g.) that there are dice which will give three random results while rolling, but will give a predetermined on the fourth roll. They know of loaded and magnetic dice. Not true, false explanation, but also false explanations we have to exclude or to destroy in our construction of a routine. And it is easy: A dice which has been put consciously by a participant with a specific number on top ...

Did you ever think (concerning your routine) why somebody has to put colored dice underneath cups in order to make you able to read his mind? One out of three colors ... Why not ask him to think of one of (only!) three colors and then read his mind? I got several "justifications" in mind for your procedure, or even a change in your routine, in direction of non-verbal communication ... later "control" ... making other people guess, why they can check discretely peeking under the cup if they were right ... All that would lead you away form your dice (and therefore the attention of the audience would be shifted) more towards your participants. They are important, the interaction with them is, the process and your procedure of reading their mind.

And this is even more important in the last phase of your routine. How can you sense a number under a cup? How? What phenomena are you presenting? Which ability? Or just a clever trick with gimmicked dice? Why not ask three spectators to turn up the dice underneath the cup(s) with a number they were merely thinking of? That would offer you again so many more possibilities, interacting with your participants, leading away from the dice and/or props ... and of course, now you could read minds again, communicating with people, not with dead props!

And finally a sad story, although I do not want to make you feel bad (I personal would have more reasons to feel bad): A friend of mine and colleague (a full time mentalist) was approached last week by the director of the theater he was working in and asked where he was hiding his smart phone during his performance in order to see which side of the dice was up ... The director is no magician or whatsoever at all. My colleague acted innocently, asking what he meant as he wouldn't understand the question ... The director pointed out that there are dice which send signals to smartphones showing which side is up. He sent him even the link to kickstarter for "GoDice". For the moment my colleague could destroy his thoughts as he was repeating (privately in the dressing room) parts of his routine which uses just one RDR ...

Mark Chandaue wrote already days ago that he believes having proof that the guys behind "GoDice" are the guys of "estooge" (apart Giddy). I did some research as well and came to the same conclusion. "Particula" (creators of "GoDice") came up also with "GoCube". Money you send when ordering with "estooge" goes to "Particula".


All dead on. So in summary: everyone says “it’s not about the prop but the presentation” but then the presentation is all about the prop!

And the fact that so many want to bury their heads in the sand regarding the ubiquity of connected devices (watches, toys, keys, pens, pads, etc.)... Well, that’s fine. Reality is what it is and if we truly wish to elevate our art and not walk into a dead end trap, my feeling is either don’t use electronics or use them in such a subtle, invisible way that there’s no possibility of them being recognized as in play. I would liken that to using a blindfold and applying Richard Osterlind’s advice: make the effect such that even if you weren’t blindfolded it would still be impossible. Can we achieve that with an electronic prop that’s front and center? Perhaps, but it would require some subtle thinking, a routine structure where the prop is apparently incidental and excellent performance skills to draw attention away from the presence of the prop.

I love you all and wish you the best success with your investment in whatever props, but I myself have struggled with this issue and have worked very hard to go beyond what I call the “prop as effect” trap. Admittedly this is not as much of a concern with magic or mental magic, but for mentalism, it can be deadly to your credibility and impact as a performer.
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Profile of ferrissteve
On Dec 15, 2019, Magic Dust wrote:
I am surprised that so many tips and hints are made publicly accessible here

Why are there more "protected rooms" that are not accessible to everyone ?

From my point of view, something is going seriously massive wrong here

WOW...isn't the whole point of this forum a means of magicians helping magicians? Just because a method is being discussed doesn't mean someone can just go out and do it. In this case there is a monetary barrier to entry.
Michael Daniels
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On Dec 15, 2019, Magic Dust wrote:
I am surprised that so many tips and hints are made publicly accessible here

Why are there more "protected rooms" that are not accessible to everyone ?

From my point of view, something is going seriously massive wrong here

Agreed. This whole topic should be downstairs IMO.

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Profile of Chollet
On Dec 15, 2019, Magic Dust wrote:
I am surprised that so many tips and hints are made publicly accessible here

Why are there more "protected rooms" that are not accessible to everyone ?

From my point of view, something is going seriously massive wrong here

I agree. It’s enough that Murphy’s ads fully expose the workings with zero resistance. But this thread is so “google friendly” with its keywords and being on the Café, that at this point it should probably be moved downstairs. Routines, other products, and further exposure is rampant in this thread. I think we are beyond the discussion of “hey, look at this new release”.