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Profile of daffydoug
If you are the kind of guy who can receive a new trick in the mail, and hold back from tearing it open, you have my highest admiration!

We're not worthy! We're not worthy!
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Profile of tdowell2007
Still nothing and now Murphys has it in stock.....*sigh* Figures.

Pre-order.....never again.
Charlie Justice
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Mount Dora, Florida
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Profile of Charlie Justice
I got this yesterday in the Orlando FLorida area.

I too own The RS Show DVD's and knew prior to my pre-order order that this would be an upgraded/extended/extreme version of NAMED just by watching the demo.

I watched it through once... but not closely with cards in hand...just a cursory view in the background while putting a puzzle together with my 3 boys.

I was frankly surprised that he didn't even mention NAMED. I was actually expecting this to be branded like his other 2 re-do/improved prducts. SLOWBURN becomes EXTREME BURN (including the old version for completeness). FIBER OPTICS becomes FIBER OPTICS EXTENDED (including the old version for completeness). I assumed that NAMED would become IDENTITY (including the NAMED version for completeness) would be a good marketing idea but I was wrong. Maybe I missed that he didn't even mention NAMED but it really doesn't matter.

None of that matters. I like NAMED and I really like IDENTITY. The variations are great and the detail of instructions are on par with the overall quality that Richard Sanders always delivers. It would've been a really nice touch to add 2 gaffs (red and blue) but even without the one included I would consider this a great value.

NAMED has always served me well and IDENTITY will simply takes its place in my sets. The longer version is what I realy liked and will pursue. Some really great displays in the Maxed out version. The entire DVD is very thorough, lots of details and bonus stuff to boot. I consider this a one of my great buys of the year.

BTW...I slipped in The RS Show #1 and re-watched NAMED this morning. Richard looks the same except for the same problem I've been experiencing. Lots of grays on top. I'm quite sure that IDENTITY, however, will never grow old.

Kudos and Congrats to Richard.

peace, charlie
Dan McLean
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Profile of Dan McLean
"The good news is that you will still have them before any stores do... so you can brag to your friends, enemies and random strangers on the street Smile"

Richard Sanders, 5/27/2009, written to those who pre-ordered.

I'm getting a little annoyed.
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Danville, Illinois
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Profile of johndraws
Got mine today!!! HAPPY!!!

On 2009-06-25 21:29, Dan McLean wrote:
"The good news is that you will still have them before any stores do... so you can brag to your friends, enemies and random strangers on the street Smile"

Richard Sanders, 5/27/2009, written to those who pre-ordered.

I'm getting a little annoyed.

I know...poor execution. I ordered mine on the 31st of May. Just got it today. Hope that helps give you an idea of when it might arrive.
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Profile of andykean
Still waiting here in New Zealand
I guess we are a long way away!!
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Profile of Socalesq
My main problem with Identity is the misleading demo. All of Mr. Sanders' prior advertising demos (Extreme Burn, Tagged, Ring on Shoelace) showed the effect in real time and without gaps. The Identity demo doesn't show the several portions of the routine that, in my mind, are somewhat unnatural and likely to tip off an astute spectator. That doesn't seem right to me.
Review King
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Review King
Maybe mine will be here today.

Anyone perform Named and have the Identity dvd that can comment? Anyone not know Named that has the Identity dvd to comment?
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Eternal Order
Look mom! I've got
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Profile of daffydoug
I have both effects...and I did.....Smile
The difficult must become easy, the easy beautiful and the beautiful magical.
Review King
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Review King
Daff, you and Charlie Justice, Xcath1 and others have. did. Since I don't have Identity yet, I appreciated reading your posts.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of Markymark
I have both 'Named' and 'Identity'
In 'Named'the word 'Magic' is used but in 'Identity' Richard uses squiggly lines.
It feels like a rehash.
''In memory of a once fluid man,crammed and distorted by the classical mess'' -Bruce Lee
Review King
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Review King
I'm betting that those that don't know Named will love Identity. For those that have both, we'll have folks that like the new dvd and those that don't. Sounds like most things that are released these days. You can't please everyone. There are things I don't care for that folks rave about and vice-versa.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of Calvin826
I have both as well, and I think both are great. Richard is a great magician, and so far, his products have yet to disappoint.
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Profile of magicpatoche
Still waiting for mine in Abu Dhabi. Interesting reading your posts guys.
Just kind of building it up even more. I feel blessed not to know Named right now Smile
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Profile of espresto
Mine just arrived today. I am very, very pleased. A terrific effect with great detailed instructions.
Dan McLean
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Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
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Profile of Dan McLean
I finally got a copy of this from MJM Magic. Just finished watching the Performance section.

I have little to add to what Charlie Justice has already written. As anyone who's seen Covert Coins knows, Charlie understands quality.

I will say that Identity to me is a lot more than Named with a fresh coat of paint as some seem to feel. Yes, the principle is the same. But for me that's where the resemblance ends.

I like Named. It's fast, cute and visual. Identity is not cute. It's downright bizarre. Those little marks hop scotch all over the deck (All hail Sankey), disappear, find the chosen card and then morph into the spectator's name. It's not a trick. It's an act.

This is yet another brilliant creation from Richard Sanders. Can't wait to test drive it.
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St. Louis, MO
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Profile of mcvicarthetrickster
Named was great but It was to short to carry the necessary item and ruin a card. Identity on the other hand is a fully thought out routine and a worker, I just started it in my restaurant last night and the reactions were awesome. Richard Sanders creates incredible material that a working magician can use.
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Profile of PatrickGregoire
You guys are comparing Named and Identity, and obviously Identity will win. The point is that you have to compare Named AND Mr. Stickman with Identity. Then it becomes obvious that there isn't much added at all.
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Profile of nique
My first impressions were that of confusion and wondering what the delay was with that "special" gaff; it really sounded like something that had to be specially custom made, and thus the delay.

Anyhow, as with material from Sanders, I guess it's all in the field testing. To be honest, I wasn't too impressed at first. But on second thoughts and playing with the routine I can imagine it can play quite strongly for a lay audience.

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Eternal Order
Look mom! I've got
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Profile of daffydoug
On 2009-06-26 11:33, Christopher Kavanagh wrote:
I'm betting that those that don't know Named will love Identity. For those that have both, we'll have folks that like the new dvd and those that don't. Sounds like most things that are released these days. You can't please everyone. There are things I don't care for that folks rave about and vice-versa.

Chris, Man, you really it the nail on the head. That has needed to be said for a long time. That is the crux of the matter, that you simply can NOT please everyone.
The difficult must become easy, the easy beautiful and the beautiful magical.