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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tenyo of Japan :: What You've All Waited For: A Tenyo BOOK (5 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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I realize it may not be practical but possibly you could force people to have pictures of themselves with their Tenyo products to prove that they are really interested in the book to read and not as an investment. I know, it isn't practical! It does bother me thought when people buy or acquire things just to sell them. I had an acquaintance who would run to the toy stores to get the most rare Beanie Babies (and this guy was in his 50s) for the sole purpose of investment. I know there's no way to stop it but it makes me feel sad for people who would really appreciate the item in question.

Just my 3 cents,

Just adding my 3 cents worth because anybody can add their 2 cents worth...
Wizard of Oz
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Psychod, I cannot give you a photo, as I spent all of my money on Tenyo effects and can't afford a camera. I can however, give you a drawing of myself next to my Tenyo products.
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Profile of teevtee
This is entering the world is absolute absurdity.
Choi Sin To
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Profile of Choi Sin To
Hi, Richard, I just read this post. Hope that I can still on the list of the deluxe edition. I truely look foward to have a great book like that.

I will send a email as offical request to your mail box. Here is just a double comfirm.
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Profile of Franky33
I think a lot of people are forgetting that the book will be available in the regular version which I am sure will be very nice. What you can do is make them exactly the same as far as the inserted tricks are concerned. That might be a good solution. The autographs are nice, but I would guess to some people it is not that big a deal but missing out on the two tricks would be more of a disappointment.
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Profile of teevtee
Yhe point of a special edition is to make it special right? If the only difference (albeit a nice one) are autographs I think it is missing the point. We are talking about a very expensive proposition and part of the reason the cost can be justified is because it is unique and different from the regular edition and also because it is available in very limited supplies. That is simply the law of supply and demand. Richard shoudl be very happy that is demand is greater than his supply, that allows him to create a great product without fear of being stuck with costs he cannot handle and it also alows him to gain a good profit.

It's really a win win situation for Richard and those who want the book(s).

The only small downside is that there will inevitably be a few people who decide the value of the book on the open market warrent selling it on eBay... that is again part of capitalism... it just is what it is.

I'm really looking forward to the book and as someone who has been on both sides of limited edition releases (both getting them and not being able to get them) I understand the frustration and concern but what we really have here is a very successful book in the making and that shoudl be celebrated.
J M Talbot
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Well said teevee.
Richard Kaufman
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I'm pleased all of you are so interested in the project.

There will of course be a regular edition of the book:

1. It will be about 400 pages and in full color. It will be hardcover, oversized (8.5x 11).
2. It will come with 2 or 3 DVDs (it's looking like 3, but I can't really tell yet), but whether it's 2 or 3 DVDs, the content will be exactly the same.
3. It will come with an envelope containing flat tricks from Tenyo inventors (obviously these are not tricks that Tenyo has put out, but different tricks from some of the inventors that I think are interesting).

I have been published deluxe editions of some of my books for decades. I used to be able to have them done in bonded leather, but this is no longer possible. What distinguishes these deluxe editions are three things:
1. There is a page at the front that is signed by myself, the author, and the artist about whom the book is written.
2. That page is also numbered, which is a legal requirement when selling a "limited edition."
3. The deluxe edition comes in a slipcase.

So, to sum up: signature of author and subject, limitation number, and slipcase. These are the differences between the regular edition and the deluxe editions of my books, and have been so for a long long time.

I have produced books where the number of deluxe editions was only 50, but sometimes larger than 70. In this case getting all the creators to sign the pages was no easy task. No one wants to end a tiring four-hour interview by signing their name 150 times. So, out of courtesy to them, I decided to limit it to 70.

I hope this answers most questions. The ideas of personalizing deluxe editions in any way is not necessary.

I have no need to make the following statement, since all the deluxe editions are already reserved, but as a Tenyo collector, having the actual signatures of all the major creators in a copy of a Tenyo book I own is very alluring. Some people don't care about having books signed, but I certainly am asked to sign enough books at conventions that other people must value the idea as well.
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Profile of pierredan
On 2013-04-25 00:47, Richard Kaufman wrote:
Plus I have to buy one prop, and have a second manufactured, for the deluxe edition.


You initially posted that the Deluxe edition will come with 2 props that are exclusive to the Deluxe edition. Is this no longer the case?
Richard Kaufman
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One prop is an existing piece of magic, however Tooru Suzuki has a routine with it that raises it to what I feel is a "Tenyo" level of cleverness and amazement. I have to buy the prop in order to include it.

The second prop must be made.
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Profile of Franky33
By reading the posts it is easy to see who is one of the 55 people. It is a case of the have and have nots. The haves would be singing such a different tune if they were on the other side of the fence. Such is human nature. Good Luck to All.
Richard Kaufman
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While the list of 55 people is full, no one is guaranteed their copy until I require payment and they pay. Some people won't pay ... some folks on the wait list will get in.

So much attention is focused on the deluxe edition, it's easy to overlook the fact that the content will be the same as the regular edition except for two props and the signature page. Any Tenyo collector, or person who remembers Tenyo with affection from their younger years, will find a huge amount of information they've never seen before in the book.
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Profile of Franky33
If you do not get the deluxe version of the book you can always get and enjoy the standard version and buy an Ultra Tube or some other cool rare Tenyo(s) with the money you saved.
Richard Kaufman
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Profile of Richard Kaufman
Should cover an "Ultra Tube" and that's definitely one of the coolest Tenyo items to own.
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Profile of MagiChrisMitch
Even though I made the list for the "Deluxe", I plan on getting a standard edition that will be gifted to my nephew along with some various new Tenyo tricks. He's starting to get a little more serious in magic, after catching the bug from me. I know he will appreciate it, since he always enjoys the tricks I carry in my pockets. Richard's book will be a great gift and will certainly attract new fans of Tenyo.
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Profile of Franky33
On 2013-05-03 11:46, MagiChrisMitch wrote:
Even though I made the list for the "Deluxe", I plan on getting a standard edition that will be gifted to my nephew along with some various new Tenyo tricks. He's starting to get a little more serious in magic, after catching the bug from me. I know he will appreciate it, since he always enjoys the tricks I carry in my pockets. Richard's book will be a great gift and will certainly attract new fans of Tenyo.

That is great. How old is he? I gave magic tricks to my nephew but he did not take care of them and they are long gone. I have a new young apprentice (12 yrs old) and we have an agreement. Each time I see him he has to bring his magic tricks I gave him previously (he now has enough that I also gave him a case) and if they are taken care of I give he a new one or two. I have never given a Tenyo away yet, they are too valuable but if he keeps it up he will get some Tenyo for sure.
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Profile of Houdini103126
The DX Edition is a true keepsake. It's always later than you think and most of the original Tenyo creative team are senior citizens, if not all of them. The timing for a DX signed book couldn't be better. If you were lucky and got in quickly enough to retain a reservation for the book, I can't imagine too many people backing out. You will forever have a piece of Tenyo history like no other.

No matter, the standard edition should be a part of any Tenyo collector's library.
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Profile of overflow
What about........more or less......for the date of the release of the standard edition ?

Richard Kaufman
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The regular edition will be released just before, or at the same time as, the deluxe edition.
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Profile of teevtee
Do you have a better idea of when you will need the deposits or payments for the reserved limited copies?