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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: BEST Video/DvD on the Topit ?!? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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My vote goes to Dan Sylvester's "Suspended Dimension"
This is the modern version that deserves to replace the conventional ones!
Werner G. Seitz
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Just a short (?) comment..

I've used the Topit ever since I saw Fred Kaps use it way back around 1963/64 -doing a coin vanish- , and the very first Topit was sewn by my girlfriend...

Later around 1969 I saw Pat Page at a convention/lecture in Enschede/ that time I too bought his *Topit handbook*- and later his tapes re this....

Anyway, again later, I saw Michael Ammars version and got his tapes..
The Ammar design is great and that's the one I personally did sew inside a lot of jackets..

The only one (video/DVD) I not YET have seen is Jay Scott Berrys (I also have the Carl Cloutier tapes)

I HAVE to get the Jay Scott Berry DVDs too..I explain in a moment..

Regarding education/study of the Topit -BTW I did an article in the german Magasine 'MAGIE' with a couple of handlings/descriptions of how to *insert*/handle it as well as routines way back in 1970, the title was *Ein Dank an Harold Comden*/ Thanks to Harold Comden- one simply has to get EVERYTHING that is available on the subject..BUT, the very best start (again-I haven't yet seen the Jay Scott Berry stuff) is to start off with Michael Ammars -now on DVD- tapes..Use the DVDs!!!
To master the Topit takes NOT as long as one could imagine, to do it well and *safe* takes a little longer..but when one gets the touch, it is a MUST..

TBH, I haven't used it for some time, but this is solely because I didn't pull myself together sewing and inserting it in my jackets..pure lazyness..

IF and when doing payed shows, I wouldn't miss it for the world..
My tuxedo...lots of years old, has it..some jackets I can't fit anymore have it too, a single one I can fit still has it, but my latest *clothing* unfortunately doens't have it..

Still, my advice is: GET IT, do it, use it...

BUT, don't overdo is one of those things that are priceless to use and even when not having it incorporated in a routine, but just attached, ready for use, one can safe some situation by using it when needed..a situation that might arrive due to ones sloppyness in handling some stuff, a gimmick, whatever..then the Topit might solve and safe your performance, impromptu.... and take the heat of ones mistake/faux pass/sloppyness..

As Cellini says: I'm sloppy but funny,
BUT the Topit can safe/handle some sloppyness too, when that line REALLY fits Smile Smile Smile
Learn a few things well.....this life is not long enough to do everything.....

( Words of wisdom from Albert Goshman paid off for him - it might
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Werner G. Seitz
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On 2004-08-08 05:23, ReyRey Puentes wrote:
My vote goes to Dan Sylvester's "Suspended Dimension"
This is the modern version that deserves to replace the conventional ones!

Let us know more about this..
I'm *oldfashioned* so I need some more input Smile Smile
Learn a few things well.....this life is not long enough to do everything.....

( Words of wisdom from Albert Goshman paid off for him - it might
as well for YOU!!!- My own magic is styled after that motto... Smile )
Review King
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On 2004-08-08 05:23, ReyRey Puentes wrote:
My vote goes to Dan Sylvester's "Suspended Dimension"
This is the modern version that deserves to replace the conventional ones!

Most folks have said this is a waste of money. reyRey, do you use this in performance?

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Profile of pikacrd
Ammar, Cloutier or Jay Scott Berry are all very good resources. I tend to use the Ammar methods a little more with my style but I have gotten some very useful stuff from Cloutier and Berry. If you have the means or if you belong to a ring that has all three on DVD check them all out and find the style that fits you best.

Good luck
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Fayaad Manie
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I would be a great advantage to have both Ammar and Cloutier
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Profile of jtmorris
On 2004-08-08 05:54, Christopher Kavanagh wrote:
On 2004-08-08 05:23, ReyRey Puentes wrote:
My vote goes to Dan Sylvester's "Suspended Dimension"
This is the modern version that deserves to replace the conventional ones!

Most folks have said this is a waste of money. reyRey, do you use this in performance?


If you wear suspenders, and a loose shirt, this would be the way to go! I have seen Dan use it and it is jaw dropping! Not for everybody, but if you can pull off the style, it is a total must get!

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Profile of erlandish
I'd be curious to know what people think about the Fitch DVDs. I have them myself and I think there's a lot of information (in terms of techniques and principles) on there (moreso than Ammar's DVD, I thought), although some of his handlings and presentations were a little rough.
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Profile of echomagic
I own most of the topit DVDs and tapes that were put out by Ammar, Cloutier, Fitch, Page and Berry.

My opinion-

Fitch and Page: Most information and background.

Ammar and Cloutier: best starting point to begin topiting. Ammar has the best information to install a topit. His topit tapes give a topit pattern design with the tapes. These are where I got my original pattern from. Ive even added some additional thoughts to the design in my clothes.

Berry: I've seen him live and even though I know what is coming, he still manages to get the "dirty" work done before you know he's doing it. He also has incorporated the design into a vest!
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Profile of korttihai_82
Ammar Topit tapes are the best source on topit at the moment, no question about it in my mind.

Fitch tapes have some nice history and thinking about coreography and also different versions of the topit. I liked em, but I still felt that Ammars were better. Not just toss in the jacked kind of thinking that is presented pretty much only on Cloutier set.

Cloutiers expert topiting made easy I found the weakest of all, BUT Cloutiers other tapes and DVD´s have some very very nicely routined topit work. Its just that in ETME he can give impression easily to new topit user that its all about just tossing things into your coat. The routines aren't really well designed and there rarely is any misdirection, just direct toss into jacket under fire.

Patrick Page does wonderfull things with the topit, but for beginner I would go for Ammar pattern simply because its easier to hit. Also Ammar has some other advantages and his teaching is simply more complete on topit.

Berry does some nice stuff with topit as well and his set up with magnets is quite nice and could be included to other topits. However his tape is rather short and also, I might remember this wrong, but it was presented silent so could be hard to learn for beginner...