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Profile of randirain
On 2013-01-28 00:39, Al Schneider wrote:
Sorry, I did not make myself clear. When I said I wanted a single stick to carry around and do, I was implying I used one of the sticks from Jumping Gems to carry around in my pocket. With that one stick, several magic effects can be presented with that one prop that is not cards or coins. To me having a peweter bar with the right stones in it that will not ever fall out would be valuable.
Al Schneider

Which stick?

I'll make one if you give me a direction.

Al Schneider
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Profile of Al Schneider
The stick with four gems on it.
On one side the gems are at each end of the stick.
On the other side the two gems are at the same end.
The routine goes like this.
I bring out the stick and show no gems on the end.
I whip it in space and catch a gem on one end.
Do that again and catch another on the other side.
Then I whip it and one disappears.
I whip it again and another disappears.
Then I offer an explanation.
I show that I hide gems under my thumb.
I explain that when I whip it out I spin the stick real fast and show the other end.
Then I offer to do it.
When I do, there are gems on all four ends/sides.
I am very confused. I show how all gems can be slid down to one end.
Then I say one gem on one side can be on one end and I slide it to the other end.
At this point I offer the stick to them to see how they can slide the gems.
When they look at the stick, nothing moves and there is no explanation on how it works.

I have also imporved the paddle move a bit so it looks much more natural.
Al Schneider
Magic Al. Say it fast and it is magical.
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Profile of pabloinus
Al, do you not use both sticks of the jumping gems, because of convenience?, 1 vs 2, or because you don't like the routine with both sticks?
Al Schneider
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A corn field in WI surrounded by
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Profile of Al Schneider
I think the routine with two sticks is very good.
I like the gem jumping from stick to stick.
My feeling is that the routine, in that structure, is a very formal routine.
But I do not feel it is really strong in a formal setting.
I would choose other material.
I see it as a walk around item or an impropmptu item.
In that setting I am concerned about managing the props.
Getting them out and getting them lined up seems to me to be tedious.
There might be another issue.
The jumping gem is very pretty.
My feeling is that from that point the routine goes downhill.
Many routines have this problem.
Magic creators come up with brilliant ideas.
Often these ideas depend upon some unusual combination that can only be done at the beginning of a routine.
Right now, I cannot remember what happens with jumping gems after they jump.
In the little routine I just revealed, gems appear and disappear.
Then, in that routine, several gems appear in various places.
Essentially, the plot begins and then expands.

I hope that explains some of my feelings.
As in everything, this is my opinion.
Others may do the routine as published and really kill with it.
I would like to hear from others about this.
And as I say often, what I or any other magician thinks is not as important as what the audience thinks.

Al Schneider
Magic Al. Say it fast and it is magical.
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The Beautiful State Of Maine
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Profile of Dougini! PEWTER! I love it! I have two Varillium Hot Rods by Sterling, but I'd go for those pewter ones! The fact, Randi, that you can do custom work, intrigues me. I have a ton of ideas and variations of the above. Jumping Gems is just a start.

I gotta brainstorm this...

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Inner circle
Fort Worth, TX
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Profile of randirain
Thanks Doughini... and thanks Al...

I will make a paddle with just the four on it.

We'll call it the Pewter Schneider Paddle or something.

Al Schneider
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A corn field in WI surrounded by
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Profile of Al Schneider
You need not call it the Schneider Paddle.
I'm embarssed.
But if you get it to me I'll make a video of my little routine.
Then see what happens.
I looked for my old paddle and could not find it to make a video.
Al Schneider
Magic Al. Say it fast and it is magical.
Bill Hegbli
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
How about calling it the Rain - Allen - Schneider Pewter Gems.

Al I really think the Jumping Gems is a perfect trick. The reason, I believe, we experience the 2 sticks as not getting across or a strong reaction is because the magic is just to powerful. Remember, we know the secret, and they don't. So their brain and eyes have just been shocked beyond belief. Thus if a person is so shocked that it paralyzes them.

Finally, when the 1 stick antics are begun, they start to react. They have just recovered from their disbelief and finally are able to catch up with what has been happening. If I had to guess, and I don't want to speak for you, that is why the single phase of the routine has impressed you over the beginning. Spectators are responding.

Randi, if you make the Jumping Gems, don't forget the Flash Finale Stick.
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Inner circle
Fort Worth, TX
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Profile of randirain
What? We now have a name decision and now I have to make a flash finale stick?
This is turning into work. I don't like that.

I'm just going to stick with the single paddle and call it "Leaping Gems".

First, it's going to have to wait for a bit.
Ever so often I make one of a kind magic wands in limited numbers.
The last set I made was indian rosewood with both green and blue "glow in the dark" inlays on the ends.

This set is going to be wood, undecided species, with decorative pewter tips on the ends.
The mold is almost done. It's a three part mold, takes some time.

After the wands, I should be able to make a Leaping Gems paddle.

I am going to keep them at the length they are though.
What I was told, the original Hotrods and Jumping Gem rods were the size I made mine, and the ones now days are too big.
At the size mine are, you can do all the cigarette moves with them.

Al Schneider
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A corn field in WI surrounded by
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Profile of Al Schneider
I appreciate your position.
I like the original size.
The wands sound beautiful.
A thought just occured to me.
A magnet in a wand could be very useful.
I'm not asking for action here.
Just a thought.

Bill guys.
I read your post several times.
I think you agree with me.
I interpret your comments as saying the jumping gem in the first phase is a real shock.
Then they come alive with the other phases because, "it is not as big a shock?"

This makes me think an ideal routine would be to just do the first part that is the real shock.
Have the gem jump from stick to stick then let them look at the sticks.
End of routine.

About the business of the audience going into shock.
This occurs when I perform Expansion of Texture.
When the coin goes into the little bag, the person holding the hank freezes.
They simply stop and they do not recover.
Usually another spectator takes the hank out of the frozen person's hands to see what happened.
The frozen person remains frozen for some time.
Just thinkn.

Al Schneider
Magic Al. Say it fast and it is magical.
Bill Hegbli
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Eternal Order
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
What I was told, the original Hotrods and Jumping Gem rods were the size I made mine, and the ones now days are too big.At the size mine are, you can do all the cigarette moves with them.


You have been misinformed. Hotrods always was one large size. Jumping Gems was available in 2 sizes.
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Inner circle
Fort Worth, TX
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Profile of randirain
On 2013-02-01 00:51, Bill Hegbli wrote:
What I was told, the original Hotrods and Jumping Gem rods were the size I made mine, and the ones now days are too big.At the size mine are, you can do all the cigarette moves with them.


You have been misinformed. Hotrods always was one large size. Jumping Gems was available in 2 sizes.

Yeah.. OK.. it doesn't matter.
I was informed by a magic historian friend of mine, and he said that the original "what ever" paddles were the size that I made mine, and they were made that size so that you can do the cigarette moves, and then proceeds to show me... So I'm going to go with him.
Don't make me look up the post I corrected you on magic history.
It doesn't matter.
I'm still not changing the size.
Not that anyone has said anything about the size.
I am just saying it before someone complains that they are not long enough.
They are the size they are for a reason.

Bill Hegbli
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Eternal Order
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
The Jumping Gems I have in my hand is 3" long for the standard size, and the Jumbo is 4-1/2" long. I found my Jamboree Jewels which is also 3" long.

I don't know the size you made yours, it really does not matter as long as you are satisfied. You do nice work, anyway.

Look up whatever you want, if your talking about your vague description of a knot. Gee!

I have the actual Ken Allen props. I was going to take a picture, but you would not believe the photos anyway. I thought you might like a copy of the original instructions, but the insulting attitude you are taking, does not want me to help you.
Motley Mage
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I do not want to get in the middle of what seems go me to be a personality clash, but I do think I have something to contribute. I have in my possession several versions of this trick as folows: A flat rod with six reflective bands about 1/2 inch wide by 4 inches long by 1/4 inch thick marketed as Rainbow Rod (circa 1978), a black rod about 1/4 inch wide and 1/8 inch thick and about 4 inches long (circa 1982), and a clear lucite rod about 1/4 inch square and about 5 inches long (also circa 1982). The last two seem to be the ones Bill and Randi are arguing about as the authentic original size, and (though I am not certain) I think BOTH were sold inder the name Hot Rod when I bought them.

Personally, I like each for different reasons. Randi's are modelled after the ones I have in black, and hers are beautiful. While I have some tiny issues regarding the depth and angles of the jewels, I can say first-hand as one of her first buyers (I think) that they are lovely and wonderful to manipulate.

"What is in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
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Profile of Chessmann
Here is a quote from Steve Dusheck you all might find interesting:


In 1966 I was living in Hartford, CT and met Jim Zachary. He made the paddles for Ken Allen and had recently started making a jumbo set. The new, large paddles were too big for one of the moves I used in my paddle routine. I asked Jim if he could make a set just for me. I set the large paddle across my palm and showed him the size I needed.

Jim was no longer making his traffic light version of the trick but he was making a patriotic paddle called “Flagstaff” so I had him make that to match the size of the Jumping Gems he was going to make me. The custom made paddles looked great and to my surprise, Jim sold them to me at his low, mass produced price.

He started making his jumbo paddles the same size as the ones I had him make for me. When he put out his Hot Rod trick they were the same size as the width of my palm also. All the dealers who copied the Hot Rod made their versions the same size too. So, the size of the first Hot Rods was the size of my palm.
My ex-cat was named "Muffin". "Vomit" would be a better name for her. AKA "The Evil Ball of Fur".
Motley Mage
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Which would, for most people, be about 4 inches. But not necessarily...
Bill Hegbli
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Eternal Order
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
I am of course speaking of the original Jumping Gems by Ken Allen. I believe credit should go the originator because without them, the trick would have never been made in the 1st place. I do have a clear Hot Rod, probably made by Jim Zachrey. I use the clear Hot Rod as a continuation of the Finale for the Jumping Gems. It all works very well together.

Jumping Gems has been through several other men since Ken Allen, Lee Noble supplied them for a while, the a person by the name of Bob Fallner (sp). I could never find who actually made the sticks, but it does seem to Jim Zachrey of Dice Stacking fame and his wonderful Okito Boxes.

I worked for a magic store at the time, and by the time we sold out of the current stock, it seems the manufacturer has changed. So I tracked down the person using the telephone and mail. These people always sold the nice sticks very well made.

Today I don't know who is making the plastic sticks, but they are not as nice as previous sticks under the same name.

It is nice Randi is making a quality set for the magic community. This is the best paddle trick in all of magic as far as I am concerned. It can't be topped!
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The Beautiful State Of Maine
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Profile of Dougini
This thread got me curious, so I got out all my hot rods. I have a clear lucite rod that is 3 1/4 inches long. Then I have two Varillium Hot Rods by Sterling. They are just shy of 3 1/2, maybe 3 3/8". Then, my black plastic one made by Hampton Ridge Magic Creations...that one is 3 3/4 inches long.

I guess any length between 3 and 4 inches is correct. Interesting. I'm glad I looked.

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I made a 12" plexiglass one with giant star gems on it I called the star bar. Then I had another called the heart rod with giant heart gems. But I love the metal rod by viking (not made any longer). That is 3.36" or so and ornate carvings on the rim.
Illusionist, Illusionist consulting, product development, stage consultant, seasoned performer for over 35 years. Specializing in original effects. Highly opinionated, usually correct, and not afraid of jealous critics. I've been a puppet, a pirate, a pawn and a King. Free lance gynecologist.
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Inner circle
The Beautiful State Of Maine
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Profile of Dougini
Wow, Ian, that is exactly like my two Varillium Hot Rods by Sterling!