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Bill Hegbli
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General Grant's Hand Silk Dye Tubes come with instructions for the wonderful and surprising "POP" appearance of the color changed silk. I tested several different 18 inch silk brands, Like Rice Silk King Studio's and other brands I have accumulated over the years. I found that do to the thickness or size differences when hemmed, the "POP" appearance would no work 100% of the time.

So I contacted Bob Sanders of Dovelite Magic and had him ship me 3 silks, 2 red and 1 green. Talk about fast service, with in 3 days they were in my mailbox, each in it own envelope. I got out the Grant Dye Tube and tested the silks, and I was ecstatic with joy. The "POP" worked the 1st time and every time I went through the routine. I don't know why, whether it is the thread count or the size, or the combination of these features, but it worked and that is all I needed.

So contact Bob Sanders here on the Café if you want the correct silks to fit your Grant Dye Tube. Highly recommended! The colors are bright! They look Great! And handle very well.

I was at Abbott's Get-Together Convention one year, and Mr. Jupiter from Europe was on the program. He performed the Color Changing silk silent to music. You should have been there when he performed the "POP" move. The whole audience gasp. No one had seen it before, including yours truly. It was a very magical appearance out of the bottom of the fist. It gave the trick a special "action" that no one in the audience has experienced before.

Well, that is about it, I have to go and dye some silks thanks now to General Grant and Bob Sanders.
Levi Bennett
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On 2012-07-16 06:57, Harry Murphy wrote:
Interesting that I bought a dye tube directly from Roger at a TAOM convention 20-25 years ago. He sold a package deal with silks and routine. The tube was not straight sides. It was more like the tube that Joe Poper now sells (with the bulge in the middle). It was short but held a fairly large silk. It was a joy for small hands to handle.

I've made dye tubes for years by rolling a playing card to the diameter I wanted and using flesh colored mole skin to cover it. The edges can be made to act "rolled in" by just folding an lip of the mole skin inside. They work for dozens of shows and take heavy abuse. Since I do a torn and restored card bit and/or a signed card to...bit I always have a box of random playing cards. Dye tubes do not have to be made out of plastic or metal and are not complicated affairs. Make four or five of these at a time (about 15 minutes time) and you'll have what you need for a hundred performances or more.

For larger dye tubes I've used the Kraft paper that file folders are made from. I've even used heavy plastic folders to make tubes. Scissors, tape (mole skin or simply flesh colored adhesive tape) and Bob's your aunt!

It is only a little more time and the used of a razor to put a ribbon/tape through the center if that is the kind of tube you want or need.

Remember this is a hidden (never to be seen) tool and doesn't have to be pretty only functional and as Lance suggests, just right for the application needed.

Thanks for all this great information. I'm working with a shoestring budget and this helps a lot.
Performing magic unprofessionally since 2008!
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Harry Murphy:

I got the same set from Roger, too, about 25 years ago at one of the Desert Magic Seminars....he did "Red and White" at one of his lectures..

Roger took some time to explain some fine points of the handling...I wish a had bought a couple of more sets as backups since the dye tube is unique and I like the feel of it for my hands, and more importantly, fingers, since I have smallish hands....and for kickover moves, they're great.

I believe that the best explanation out there for Roger's handling is in Lance's book...Roger Klause in Concert....GREAT BOOK!

And for newer magicians who worry about what exact type of dye tube/Palmo to get.........don't........just get one, work with it and learn to use it..........silks in and of themselves provide great don't worry....

Like Thumb Tips...Dye Tubes are "invisible assistants".
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I am playing with dye silk concepts and looking for more references.
The handling by Roger Klause as displayed in the Red and White is so elegant
In which material could I find some of the subtleties he uses to make it some flowless ?
And as mentioned in the RK and Friends (2008), is there a performance footage available for viewing ?
Harry Murphy
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Roger made a couple of videos (now on DVD) "Roger Klause in Concert" and "Roger Klause Encore". Plus he made two Video's (now on DVD) for the Steven's Magic "Greater Magic" series, Numbers 11 (Roger Klause # 1) and 12 (Roger Klause #2). All are easy to find. Check out Meir Yedid's website for them.

The color changing silk routine has been taken off the "in Concert" video and made into an inexpensive download at the Meir Yedid site.
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!
Leo H
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Viking Magic sells a great classic ribbon dye tube, curled and straight edge. In steel for those that want to use a magnet:
Josh Riel
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I love mine, I got it from Pop, but it doesn't look like it'll ever be available again. The Jim Riser Dye Tube, similar to the Palmo, but fits a 24" silk easily. I'm glad I bought 2 when they were last available.

I've looked around for various styles, and I've owned a few, but that style works well for me, particularly for stealing, where I totally agree with Bill Hegbli.
Straight sided tubes simply took too much effort, and a "smaller" tube didn't necessarily make it less visible.
Magic is doing improbable things with odd items that, under normal circumstances, would be unnessecary and quite often undesirable.
Brad Jeffers
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I love mine, I got it from Pop, but it doesn't look like it'll ever be available again. The Jim Riser Dye Tube ...

A Riser dye tube recently sold on Ebay for $720!