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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The International Brotherhood of Magicians! :: Is the IBM hard up these days? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Steve Burton
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It just seemed like a good fit. When I was chairman of the Youth Committee I heard of the upcoming Harry Potter movies. I knew there was going to be a ton of merchandising associated with the films so I wondered if the IBM could get an endorsement in the magic sets I heard they were creating. It just might attract more junior members, I thought. Some phone calls to first Warner Brothers then to a company merchandising manager gave me the name of Mark Setteducatti. Mark is a creative marketing wizard himself and told me that they weren't putting out traditional magic sets like I had thought. He said magic didn't need Harry Potter to be marketed and there was something else in the works that might be a better fit for the IBM. But he couldn't commit right then to any more info. I called again a few months later and he told me about Fantasma and specifically Roger Dreyer. I got in touch with Roger and found he was one of us-a dyed in the wool magician and magic fan who had a vision for a company called Fantasma. He liked the idea of giving the IBM exposure in his kits and sent me some of their products. I took it to the Board during the convention that year and showed them the effects. They voted to consider it given the matter had to be examined as to its legality. Subsequently an agreement was signed and Fantasma began promoting the IBM in their products throughout the world. I thought then, and still think, that Fantasma products are quite good especially for young performers.

If nothing else, what Roger Dreyer and Fantasma contributes to the IBM and Magic Youth International is enough, in my opinion, to make the project a success.