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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: GENII - The Conjurors' Magazine :: Best tricks taught in Genii (6 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Profile of JAKSarasota
Great ! Post.... and I'm only seven years late.......
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Profile of gotgot
I'm looking for the release of october 2006, can anyone help me? I see it part of a bundle, but I just want that one release if possible :/
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Profile of bassinator
This is a great thread and I was happy to be able to search what tricks were in these old magazines. I just wanted to note that the links Mr. Acer provided in his previous post didn't work for me. However, if you do a search in magipedia for "magicana" you can find the pages he is referring to.
Wizard of Oz
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August 2020, the card effect called Banksy by Sultan Al Qasimi, is worth a year's subscription price at least.

This is a highly commercial effect with the kind of odd, bizarre plot that the delightfully-warped mind of Paul Harris could have come up with. It's visually compelling, relevant, and leaves your spectator with a unique, one-of-a-kind souvenir.

And it's easy.

When I see this kind of creativity and generosity from a magician - and publisher - who could have easily put this offering out as a retail effect, I feel lucky and gracious.

Thank you Sultan. Thank you Genii.
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Profile of Markymark
That is a good one,thank's.My favourite is called 'Splitting the difference' by Gordon Bean. Gordon could have sold this [when he had an online shop] It is in the October 2005 edition.
''In memory of a once fluid man,crammed and distorted by the classical mess'' -Bruce Lee
David Todd
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On Jan 31, 2011, David Acer wrote:
No question - iGenii is a mind-blowing resource. If you're looking for some focus, you might also want to check out these three entries on Magicpedia:

* A list of all the tricks in the original William Read Woodfield Magicana series, which ran from 1948 to 1949:

* A list of all the tricks in Charlie Miller's "Magicana New Series," which ran from 1964 to 1978 (contributors like Roy Benson, John Carney, Albert Goshman, Bro. Hamman, Larry Jennings, Ed Marlo, Harvey Rosenthal, Faucett Ross, Roy Walton, etc):

* A list of all the Magicana tricks published in the Kaufman era, from 1998 to present (Asher, Avis, Britland, the Bucks, Dingle, Duffie, Elmsley, Farmer, Fisher, Fulves, Goldstein, Goodwin, Hamman, Hartman, Hollingworth, Jennings, Kimlat, Kosby, Lorayne, Maven, Maze, McClintock, Ogawa, Regal, Sakai, Sanders, Sankey, Schneider, Steinmeyer, Swain, Wagner, Weber, Yedid, and the list goes on and on):

For anyone interested, those older links (from 2011) to the lists of material published in Magicana have changed:


Original William Read Woodfield Magicana series 1948 to 1949

Charlie Miller's "Magicana New Series," 1964 to 1978

Magicana published in the Kaufman era, 1998 - to - present (this list is incomplete)


NOTE: Charlie Miller's Magicana had a two-year hiatus until the January 1981 issue saw the return of Magicana as a regular column (it was no longer numbered or considered a "magazine within a magazine".) From 1981 until September, 1987 Charlie Miller's writings continued on a more or less regular basis, ghosted at various times by others, including James Patton and Johnny Thompson.

Beginning with February, 1989 issue James Patton officially took over the duties of the Magicana section within Genii. Patton ran the column until 1992.

Tony Giorgio was the next and final editor to take over the Magicana column in 1994 , which ended in 1997.

I haven't been able to find a list of effects published in the Magicana column from 1981 - 1997 .
David Todd
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Jonathan Neal's "Secrets within Secrets" column published 2018 - to - 2020 , has very strong classic magic for the stand-up performer.


March 2018 - The Egg on Fan
May 2018 - Sakamoto’s Cut and Restored Silk
August 2018 - The Hydrostatic Glass
October 2018 - The "Lamp Chimney" Silk Vanish
December 2018 - The Vanishing Cane

February 2019 - The Torn and Restored Newspaper (J. Neal's handling of the Elmsley Newspaper Tear)
April 2019 - J. Neal's version of Duke's Dye-Version
June 2019 - Reconsiderations and the Hevia Proof (Linking Rings)
August 2019 - A "Crafty" Card Trick for Charlie Miller (a jumbo card changes from one to another)
October 2019 - Reaction by Proxy: The Linking Finger Rings

February 2020 - Cause and Effect: The Sympathetic Silks
April 2020 - The Torn and Restored Paper Napkin


At the end of the April 2020 column , he writes:

"This column will conclude my contributions to Genii for a while. I am taking a hiatus to start work on a book of my stage routines. I have enjoyed sharing these routines and the stories that came from them. In particular, I am grateful to our editor Richard, who gave generously of both his advice and space in his magazine. Bravo, Richard!

Someone once asked me how I could still be interested in these old dusty classics, rather than the newest tricks. I quoted to them the line that Arthur Freed (Producer of MGM movie musicals) said to film director Vincente Minnelli when it appeared that Minnelli’s early films were always straining to appear full of new visual effects: “Remember Vincente, it doesn’t have to be different to be good … sometimes, just being good is different enough.”

David Todd
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"An Envanishment and Mysterious Re-Appearance of a Quantity of Salt" (aka "Saline Solution") by David Williamson in the May 1991 issue of Genii.

Sean Macfarlane
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Splitting the Difference by Gordon Bean is in May 2005. It’s’ a beauty!
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On a historical note, the column was begun as an independent newsletter/trade paper in 1946 by William Woodfield at the age of 18 with the encouragement of William Larsen and Walter Gibson. It ran briefly until it's first transfer to the pages of the Conjuror's Magazine, also briefly. It was then (1948) that it began as a column in Genii, once again briefly until 1949. Charlie Miller resurrected it in 1964 where it ran uninterrupted for the next 14 years. It was ghostwritten by Elizabeth Wilson and others after being resurrected again in 1981.

William Woodfield was a fascinating character that went on to Hollywood as a writer. Later he became a photographer as well. He was credited with a nude photo shoot of Marily Monroe on what was to be her last film, Somethings Got To Give, which was never completed or released due to her untimely death.

Lastly, and most interestingly, we have Mr. Woodfield to thank for the eventual success of Mission Impossible. It was struggling 5 episodes in when Woodfield was brought in as a writer and salvaged the series. He did so because he used his magic background to infuse the show with it's characteristic con/special effects bent that became the show's staple. He actually garnered a couple of Emmy nominations before eventually being unceremoniously canned by the show's producer Bruce Geller at the show's peak.

Magicana, one of the all time greatest magazine columns begun by one of magic's more noteworthy proponents.