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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The Magic Newswire by Dodd Vickers :: Magic Magazine Appears on the iPad (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Tell me about it.

As big a fan as I am of digital versions of this material, please keep in mind that there is no discussion of eliminating the paper editions at this point. Rather, there are enhanced editions of the same content which can include multimedia that isn't possible in dead tree editions. In addition, development for them all is underway for all the other other tablets that are appearing, android and otherwise, that are beginning to appear on the market.

Dodd Vickers


The Magic Newswire


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Profile of Merenkov
I think some people here may be missing the point. The iPad version of MAGIC is not just a simple PDF file. Like all of the better-designed periodical apps for the iPad, it is an immersive experience (at least try it before you knock it or proclaim your preference for the print edition). And the addition of video (magic is a visual art, after all) is what really makes this a killer app. Imagine seeing the tricks in Joshua Jay's columns actually performed instead of just reading about it, or imagine clips from performers' live shows. To me it's a far better value than the print version of MAGIC (and it's currently much cheaper on a per-issue basis). And I don't have to take up valuable bookshelf space to store it. It's the future of magic publications, and I can't wait until Genii has its version up and running.
Dr. Magic
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Bravo to Stan for staying ahead of the curve!
Chester M
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IMO both formats should be greeted with open arms, the new digital version has the embeded extras which you can't get in a print version worth even paying the same price as the printed version just for that. The print version, well what can you say, nothing like holding and flipping actual pages in your hands.
I'm looking forward to Genii coming on stream with similar
Chester M
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IMO both formats should be greeted with open arms, the new digital version has the embeded extras which you can't get in a print version worth even paying the same price as the printed version just for that. The print version, well what can you say, nothing like holding and flipping actual pages in your hands.
I'm looking forward to Genii coming on stream with similar
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Profile of videoman
I would speculate that if the digital version had been around for years and Stan was now offering a "new" print version, most people would be saying "huh, why would anybody want that?"
Oh and with the print version you not only get much less material (no audio, video, photo slideshows, etc.) but guess what, it's going to cost you more too. In that light you can see why many print magazines (of all types) are struggling to keep the printed version alive and why most will be digital only in the not too distant future.

"The print version, well what can you say, nothing like holding and flipping actual pages in your hands."

Yeah, and there is nothing like feeling that mighty stallion underneath you as you gallop across the plains. But you know, times change as technology advances.
Or how about how so many folks lamented the death of radio when that new-fangled television came onto the scene, because with radio you got to "use your imagination". These are all valid points to a certain extent, but they are more romanticized notions than actual practicalities.
Of course radio is still alive and kicking, just no longer as prime time entertainment. And print magazines will be around in some form for certain niche markets for decades to come as well. But I think magic suits itself especially well to the digital versions so I would expect to see print versions of those disappear fairly quickly. Even though Stan and Richard aren't saying so now (and well they shouldn't), I would guess that in less than 10 years they'll both be digital only. But the biggest difference on the magic scene will no doubt be the scores of other digital magic magazines that break onto the scene. Most won't last but some will I'm sure.
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Profile of mumford
Videoman hit the nail on the head.
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Profile of noble1
The handwriting is on the wall..
R.E. Byrnes
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There will be no print magazines in 10 years
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Profile of eric50
I just bought the new amazon Fire tablet and they boast it's a media tablet. It has a newsstand with about 50 magazine titles, I would love to see magic magazine on their news stand!
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Profile of milesart
I am reading now for a long time the genii magazine on iphone and it works terrific. the zoom option is very easy to handle. I am waiting and waiting for magic magazine to appear also on iphone..
Scott Wells
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For the past year I have been adding some podcast content to the iPad version as well as the Magic Plus free version. You can hear short podcasts promoting some upcoming magic conventions by going to the Conventions column.

"A magician who isn't working is only fooling himself." - Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star

The Magic Word podcast: Listen to convention coverage, interviews with magicians, pictures, videos and more.

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