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Profile of hugmagic
Makes me want to come to LA just to root around old hardware stores. But I am in the heart of Amish country and there are a bunch of fun old stores to hit around here.

Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
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Profile of JNeal
C'mon out Richard...we'll have some laughs, get a burger and go slumming in hardware stores!
YOu know it's a good hardware store when you aren't buying nails or screws in little pre-packaged bags.
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Pete Biro
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Take him to Pinks.
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Profile of JNeal
Good idea Pete...right after we hit an "In and out Burger"!
Also a stop at international Silks and Woolens and around the corner to Oriental Silk..real sources in LA for the right materials.
visit me @
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Profile of hugmagic
I know about IN and OUT burgers. When I went the LA Conference two years ago, I walked about 1 mile to get a burger literally.

I also know about International Silk and Woolen and Oriental Silk. Both great places.

Yes, when I get out there next time we can go hardware slumming.

Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
Write direct as I will be turning off my PM's.
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Profile of ClintonMagus
On 2009-08-27 21:44, Pete Biro wrote:
Take him to Pinks.

What is the lure of that place, for crying out loud?!?!?! When we drove by it a few weeks ago, it was about 3:00 p.m. Sunday, and there were probably fifty people waiting in line!
Things are more like they are today than they've ever been before...
Ray Pierce
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On 2009-08-28 01:48, JNeal wrote:
Also a stop at international Silks and Woolens and around the corner to Oriental Silk..real sources in LA for the right materials.

lol... Hey! Now you're giving out the REAL secrets of magic!

It should read I***********l S***s & W******s and O******l S***s.
Ray Pierce
Ray Pierce
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On 2009-08-28 09:21, ClintonMagus wrote:
What is the lure of that place, for crying out loud?!?!?! When we drove by it a few weeks ago, it was about 3:00 p.m. Sunday, and there were probably fifty people waiting in line!

You didn't eat there are you would know!
Ray Pierce
Jay Mahon
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Perhaps a misunderstanding of the products...
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Profile of ClintonMagus
Maybe we'll have to try it next time. In my mind, hot dogs were created for athletic events... (I know they sell a LOT more than just hot dogs...) I LOVE the names of some of their selections!

Do they ship? Smile
Things are more like they are today than they've ever been before...
Donal Chayce
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Profile of Donal Chayce
Pinks and In-n-Out Burger are da bomb. (Too 2003?) And I concur re: International Silks & Woolens--I can always find what I'm looking for there...and often leave with stuff "I might need sometime" as well.