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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Right or Wrong? :: Lance rip off!! (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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And he seems blissfully oblivious of the fact...
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Profile of davemajor
Hey guys, just found another video with another act of Lance Burton 9although I know not originally his) but the is another copy, same moves etc.

Dave Major M.M.C
Member Of The Magic Circle, London
Ken Northridge
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Maybe he's having some kind of identity crisis.
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Profile of Brinum-X
It is time of some talk.
I know very well this situation, as I'm a magician living in the same country where this fellow perform (Latvia).
I never write nothing, till now, because I was really shy of the situation and I did not want to move things. It is more then 10 years that this magician (maybe it could be better say "impersonator") stole material from Lance Burton, The Pendragons, Kevin James between others and it is more then 10 years that I'm fighting (togheter with other magicians here) this situation in our country. A couple of years ago he made a "national tour" (Latvia is a very small country with 2.000.000 inhabitants...) with all his material, the television made a program of it (in TV...I do not know for royalties, do not ask me) and the video you see in youtube is part of the video they have in their homepage.
As I allways fight this situation here, talking also personally with this magician, he started to hate me and all who had something to say.
Sometime is passed since last fight; two months ago, togheter with the help of other local magicians and the many young boys of the "new generations" (believe me, here are also many talented young magicians, not only this "things") we founded the first official magic club in Latvia (hurra !), the name we all thought for the club is A.M.B.E.R. (Amber is a simble of Baltic states and it mean also Association of Magicians of Baltic - Established in Riga); after to make a registration of the club and some week before to organize the official opening... they invited the press to a press conference where they show that they had organized the magic club "AMBER" (see the difference ? no dots...) in Latvia and that this was, finally, the first magic club in Latvia that will represent Latvia and Latvian magicians in the world... .
No comment.
So, what do you think ?
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Profile of edh
Congratulations on forming the first magic club in Latvia.

Now that you have established an organization I would confront this magician.
Magic is a vanishing art.
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Profile of Magicray69
This 'so-called' copy of Lance's act was filmed with an 8mm movie camera in 1952,
long before Lance was even born. I showed this movie to Lance in 1979 and gave him the only copy I had. This is the routine Lance used to form his famous act.
There was a time I had the blues,

the reason was I had no shoes.

Until I met upon the street

a man who had no feet.
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Profile of Magicray69
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
There was a time I had the blues,

the reason was I had no shoes.

Until I met upon the street

a man who had no feet.
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Profile of jstone
On 2008-03-24 10:51, SeasideShowman wrote:
I find it funny that when he posts text in "About This Video" he says:

"Important Please Read Everything Below...

Probably the worst copy of Lance Burton's signature act. Do you agree?
Rate 4-5 I agree it's the worst copy.
Rate 1-3 I do not agree it's not the worst copy. "

Now that's a clever way to troll for high ratings (NOT!!)

Thanks to Dave Major for giving us all something to consider and to ChrisK for posting The Original for comparison.

Cap'n Mike

I don't think the guy who posted this on youtube is the same guy in the video. I think the guy who posted it is someone who is just as upset as the rest of us that the act was stolen.
Joey Stalin
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On 2008-03-28 16:20, randirain wrote:
Could be worse...




Here is Penn talking about it on Penn Says from
-A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.
-It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.
-The secret impresses no one. The trick you use it for is everything.

See you space cowboy...
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Profile of stoneunhinged
SO... wife and son and I visited an amusement park last week. We were having breakfast in the breakfast room of the park's campground (we slept in a TEEPEE!), and they were running a promotional video about the park.

And this promotional video was pushing business conventions, and showing the kind of entertainment available.

And some guy appeared in the video--mind you, this was only for two seconds or so--dressed like Lance and working with doves.

And I thought of this thread, and had this question:

How many magicians are there in the world who are copying Lance's act?

It's kind of amazing, when you think about it.
Drew Manning
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Watching that is like seeing your sister naked...

Makes you wish for one of the nebulizers from Men In Black.

This guy took one of the most beautiful things I've seen and truned into second rate garbage.
I live my life for a layer of ice
Just like those poured by my bartender vice
Any taste of vermouth would be really sublime,
When you have a good martini time!

-The Reverend Horton Heat
Drew Manning
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Dallas, Texas
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Profile of Drew Manning
Watching that is like seeing your sister naked...

Makes you wish for one of the nebulizers from Men In Black.

This guy took one of the most beautiful things I've seen and truned into second rate garbage.
I live my life for a layer of ice
Just like those poured by my bartender vice
Any taste of vermouth would be really sublime,
When you have a good martini time!

-The Reverend Horton Heat