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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Control Freak by Olivier Macia ( Olmac ) - DVD review (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Andy the cardician
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Profile of Andy the cardician
There is a new thread in the workers section regarding a further development of this sleight . . .
Cards never lie
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Liverpool, UK
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Profile of teejay
On 2008-01-23 02:05, iamslow wrote:
If you liked his first dvd, then you will probably like his second dvd called atomic or something like that..

Can't find any trace of a second Dvd????
Help, please
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Profile of MarianoG
I have a question regarding the "ONE CARD PASS". This is a move explained by Meir Yedid in his 1982 book called "Incredible Close-Up Magic" by the name of "Pendulum Control", in his trick "Signa Fusion".

Does Ken Krenzel invented that move earlier or not?
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Profile of Waters
I bought this DVD years ago and must say... the WOW Control is a beautiful sleight, whoever created it. Watching this DVD years ago inspired me, that is one of the cleanest looking one card controls there it (but mastering the timing is a bit tricky; pun intended).

A lot of artistic card magic in there!

Review King
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Review King
This is an incredible dvd. I wish we'd see more from Oliver.

"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of cairo
Me too.
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Profile of iamslow
He does have a second dvd that's also good, but its in french, its called atomik revelation... he also teaches some moves that's been published before... not sure if he gives credit on the dvd though as its been a while since I saw this...
"Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face" Mike Tyson
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Profile of markmiller
Any word if Atomik Revelation will be released in English?
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Paris, France
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Profile of studentoflife
On 2010-03-31 02:38, Review King wrote:
This is an incredible dvd. I wish we'd see more from Oliver.


You can order "Olmac in London" directly from him... it's a new DVD released for FISM 2009 containing some really great stuffs Smile
- Y
<BR>"Nothing is's all about what you want, and how bad you want it."
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Profile of Voldemort
Sorry to ask Yif... But do you happen to have a link? I found a site but its in French and I don't see a place to order the DVD.
"Flight from death"
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Profile of msmaster
Thw WOW Control gets a big WOW from me.
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Profile of magicstudent
The best practical card control DVD...
I'll Be Back!