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Danny Hustle
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Oops.. I forgot to mention that in Mr. McComb's half dyed routine he used two gimmicks and not one as he used in the original color change routine he devised from the Frank Lane idea. What Mr. McComb created was the idea that the hank be half dyed.



"MT is one of the reasons we started this board! I’m so sick of posts being deleted without any reason given, and by unknown people at that." - Steve Brooks Sep 7, 2001 8:38pm
©1999-2014 Daniel Denney all rights reserved.
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Profile of FCpreacher
I have to chime in with brutal honesty. This was one of the worst magic dvds I have ever seen in my life. Merlin seems like a really nice guy, but it was really bad ... I mean really bad. His movements were jerky, his acting poor, the music monotonous, and his plots unclear. I don't think he contributed anything to most of the routines on the dvd. For example, the only thing he MIGHT have contributed in his confusing professor's nightmare routine was the ball to ropes (which did not even come close to looking natural), but he didn't even teach that on the dvd. He passed over it with, "but we won't get into that here."

Merlin seems like the kind of guy I would get along with and hang around, but if someone is going to make a contribution to the magic community (and charge money for it ($40!)), it needs to be better quality magic and better quality performance.

Forrest Chapman
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Profile of Markymark
My brutally honest opinion is this dvd set is the best dvd I have ever bought!
He does perform to a jazz soundtrack a lot of the time so if jazz is not your thing that sure you may find the music monotonous.
But hey! Merlin also gives spoken presentations! The ball to 3 ropes is not explained because I'm sure topit work would require another dvd set to explain!
I LOVED the music to the beautiful floating butterflies!
Merlins acting reminded me of Tommy Wonder so maybe he is influenced by European
theatre. This is in my 'never part with' collection!
''In memory of a once fluid man,crammed and distorted by the classical mess'' -Bruce Lee
Harry Murphy
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I guess it’s “courses for horses” here. Lucky for us that magic, magic books, and magic videos/DVDs are not a one size fits all proposition! Honestly, I have never heard of or seen Merlin work. After watching the DVD’s I know that I would really like to meet him and more importantly see him work.

I tend to work in places that have very, very, very bad angles (like on the street, fairs, church basements, and small clubs). I am always on the lookout for routines that are based on things I already know but have been worked with the bad angles in mind. I bought this set to see the work on one (yes that’s right ONE) routine with one prop. The prop is simply the “Spot Card” (or “What’s Next” or “Domino” depending on who you bought it from). It’s a prop that I have used off and on for almost three decades.

A friend of mine told me that Merlin had a novel and original handling for the prop that could be performed almost surrounded.

He also said that Merlin performed the routine silent to music and that he did a number of other routines that would normally be considered “patter dependent” silent to music. I’ll tell you that piqued my interested and caused me to open my wallet! Still it was his handling of the Spot Card prop that I wanted to see (and learn).

I was not disappointed in anything on the two DVD set. There are items on there that I enjoyed watching but know as I sit here typing that I’ll probably never use (but then I don‘t use anything at all from, say, the Malone set I bought). But there are a couple of items that I will (and do) use, including his handling of the Spot Card.

For me, the real gold on the set was Merlin sitting and discussing the development of the routines. The “how’s” and “why’s” it all come together. I watched those segments a number of times.

Is this DVD for everyone? Probably not! But then no trick, prop, book, video/DVD is.

I think that a busker will get a thing or two from the set as will the stand-up in a rotten venue performer.

Honestly, I am looking forward to seeing other offerings from this performer. I’d like to see his work on the puff of smoke from the hands and the posts here have made me curious about his version of the linking rings.

As an aside, the DVD set was well produced and easy to navigate. In all a professional job, thanks Bill Abbott!

Hey Danny, thanks for the history lesson. I was just getting ready to have a go at posting something similar but you beat me to it! You da’ man!!!!
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!
Danny Hustle
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Boston, MA USA
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Profile of Danny Hustle
Thanks Harry!

I got to tell you, some of the stuff from this DVD went right into my act. I am 180 degrees away from Merlin in performing style as I talk A LOT and use a lot of comedy in my act. I started doing the silk fountain in my act to comedy patter right after seeing this video. The tips were just a gold mine and took a trick that I always loved but thought was a gigantic pain in the butt and made it direct and simple. I also pulled out my Dinamo and I started using the premise Merlin gives on the DVD and was able to routine it into something that works great for me.

It's the little ideas that sparked my interest and gave me the ability to take stuff I already owned and get them to really work for me. It is not a DVD about, "Okay, he does this in his act and I should copy it just the way he does" For me it was more about, "OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! THAT is how you make it direct." I just love these DVDs and have found them truly inspiring and some of the principals taught are easily applied to other things just as easily. It is a DVD about making you think.

Just great stuff.



"MT is one of the reasons we started this board! I’m so sick of posts being deleted without any reason given, and by unknown people at that." - Steve Brooks Sep 7, 2001 8:38pm
©1999-2014 Daniel Denney all rights reserved.
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What does Merlin cover on the Salt Pour?
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Profile of Markymark
The salt pour? Another gem to watch.He covers the gimmicks and how he uses them.
He talks a little about the great Roy Benson. Sorry this answer sounds obvious but all I can say is you really would not be disappointed if you buy them.
''In memory of a once fluid man,crammed and distorted by the classical mess'' -Bruce Lee
Danny Hustle
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Boston, MA USA
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The salt pour info is soup to nuts. He covers everything all of the hows and whys are there. The information on just about everything on this set is from a guy who does these things for paying audiences, often. It is almost like a master class with the guy. There were several times I was watching the video and I was thinking, "yeah, well what about the so-and so" and The guy said something like, "Some of you may be worried about the so-and-so." Really, the guy covers everything. Just a great set of DVDs.



"MT is one of the reasons we started this board! I’m so sick of posts being deleted without any reason given, and by unknown people at that." - Steve Brooks Sep 7, 2001 8:38pm
©1999-2014 Daniel Denney all rights reserved.
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Profile of Merlinhands
I want to thank those of you who purchased the Classic Workers 2 DVD set and have found it useful for your work.

I will try to be on this forum regularly but currently am on the road as well as preparing for the Release of the upcoming Merlin's Rings DVD.

Hope to make those of you who have bought the Classic Workers set feel like geniuses as Bill & I will be raising the price on the remaining stock.

Also will have some exciting and I hope innovative news about the upcoming releases.

Back to the grind for now.

Magical Regards,

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Profile of Markymark
Thank you! After viewing your dvd set I will buy anything you decide to release.
I keep checking the HP website just to see when your new dvd is out.
Look after yourself Merlin!
''In memory of a once fluid man,crammed and distorted by the classical mess'' -Bruce Lee
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Profile of Merlinhands
Check Morrissey Magic or the Browser's Den of Magic in the next week or two for an announcement.

still hoping steve Brooks or someone will answer my email about Banner Ad Rates so I can plug the Rings DVD on this Website.

Any one who can help me with this I would be thankful for the assisstance.

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Profile of emanmagic5
I saw Merlins lecture at Morrisseys and it was great, and I am sure the DVD's are too. The rings Dvd is also available at Morrisseys now for a pre-realese at $80. The price goes up to $100 on Sept. 29. And when will your smoke from anywhere be realesed? I thought Bill said in July...
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Right now its been a struggle to get the DVD's out. Currently I am busy performing, producing and booking shows. As for the smoke its down the pike after the Renaissance Pirate and unfortunatley Bill and I have severe time constraints.

I will be at Morrisseys on Sept. 29 from 10am - 2pm and Browsers Den the rest of the afternoon. Will be doing a Rings workshop at Browsers on Oct. 6.

If you see me on either of those dates I can talk to you more about the release of the Smoke. All I can say is Be patient.

Also, I would suggest anyone interested in the Classic Workers buy it before Sept. 29 as the price for the remaining stock will be going up to $100.

Appreciate the support and the kind remarks.

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Profile of Neznarf
I just ordered it from Hocus-Pocus.

I want it before it goes up to $100.

Looking forward to viewing it.

3 routines have sparked my interest.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain."
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Curious as to which 3 routines have sparked your interest.

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For those of you who are interested and might be in the area.

Click on this link.'s_rings.htm#1

I am currently speaking with Hocus Pocus about carrying my new Rings DVD.

I was pleased to hear that Tony Blanco is using Merlin's Classic Workers to teach the Spot Card to hisKids Magic Club/Class.

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Here is a link to a recent and very brief TV spot I did recently for the largest Santa Claus Parade in the World. It features my Appearing Christmas Tree.

the Flash player in the top left will say Santa Claus Parade Part 1 of 9. A commercial precedes it

Hope you Enjoy it

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Profile of paymerich
I treasure these DVD's . They are on Par with Tommy wonders Set with the depth and breadth of knowledge imparted. Great work Merlin and tell Bill he still owes me a beer.
Have a Magical Day!
<BR>The Maniacal Mage
<BR>Pablo Aymerich
<BR>Norwalk, CT 06851
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Here is a link to a recent TV spot I did that will be seen in Ireland, Norway,Australia,New Zealand, Canada, the Good Ol' U.S.A. and many more (?) as they say.

This will be up until some time in January - It is the Opening of the World's Largest Santa Claus Parade and will be shown over the Holiday season mostly on Pay channels like Disney(one o them they have several), YTV, TVTropolis I'll see if I can get more details.

Looking forward to some time next year promoting the DVD's a little more aggressively.

For those of you who have purchased the Classic Workers DVD(s) use this forum for any questions or issues you are having as I am only to glad to see you get something out of your purchase.

Will do the same on the Merlin's Rings site for material on that DVD set.

Best of Season to You!

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If you have any questions or issues with the material in "Classic Workers". Please, post it here and I will help you with it here or in a private message.

Hope your shows went well this weekend.
