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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: New !!! True Magic Volume 1 & 2 by Aldo Colombini - DVD (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of MagicBomB
Livemagic is the most famous magic company in Hong Kong which is appraised by many top magicians and magic companies in.

Livemagic and Magictone is the most famous magic company in HK(Hong Kong) only because they have many branches in big shopping mall. In HK, it is "famous" among magician, who care about ethic, because it does many ripped off. However, in fact, many magician hate this shop.

it is the main enemy of those small and unprofitable magic shops

Of course, You can say other magic shop is "small" and "unprofitable". The reason is very simple. Consider this: "A shop" sell a copyrighted DVD, how much the shop can earn ? probably some dollars. Another situation is "B shop" selling pirate DVD. The cost they spend is not more than a quarter. How much they can earn is totally the $20-25 of the disc price. Can you see the difference? Which shop can make more profit? Which shop is "small" and "unprofitable"?
Every one know that! Selling pirate DVD and props can of course earn much more. Are they clever? I cannot deny that. Are they ethical? Ok, it depends on your values on this topic.

Finally, what I can say is, being one of the 6000 Magictone’s and Livemagic’s members

I think the number is meaningless to me but I think I found something interesting.
In HK, I think general public do not care about copyright.(this is also true for movies, album, etc.... ) That's the main reason it can get so many members. Just think about the following: The Magic Café have less than 25000 members. The magictone ,as GiaMa said, have 6000 members.
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Profile of HiraseMagic
Oh! Mickey_. I am sorry, I should have asked you before posting this, sorry!
I will edit my post
In love with magic!
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Profile of mickey.w
On 2006-01-23 09:35, mickey.w wrote:
Right you are, hirase....(thanks a lot Hirase, I've read your e-mail, and as you wanted I will say something here. Smile )

LOL have to read man....It's ok now. Smile
Next time just remember to notify me first BEFORE you request me openly for giving opinions like these. NOT the other way
Review King
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Profile of Review King
Aldo got paid for the work.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of Jean-Luc.R.
So then , what about the content of the 2 DVD set ????

Any review ???

It was the main topic after all. But it is my fault ...
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Profile of MagicBomB
I personally will not get this set of dvd on this stage. It sounds no difference to me between this and buying stuff from criminal. Of course, I do not have much experence as most of you. I am not even a magician, I am just a hobbyist. I may get something wrong about the ethic of magic. If there are more and more of you trying to prove I am wrong by getting this set of dvd, I will definitely get this set since Aldo's creation always stun me. Yes, I am not a magician. Why I need care about the magician ethic when most of magician do not care about it.
However, in this stage, I think it is good for me not getting this set of dvd.
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Profile of Jean-Luc.R.
I have seen four tricks on demos of TRUE Magic by Colombini.
I must admit this is really good quality DVD.Nice production.Goog stuff.

Aldo is standing up and is surrounded by 4 Chinese girls .They do not react as much as L&L
spectators but the performances are good.You will recognize the usual jokes and humor from Aldo.
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Profile of lifeisgreat
Hi Everyone,

I also live in HK and have been into magic for a while. I would normally not make a post, but feel the need to do so. Everything bad that's been said about magictone is true. I think Aldo is great, but if I were him I wouldn't have worked with magictone/livemagic or whatever they call themselves. The Hong Kong way is to make Money and make Money only. The people at magictone could probably care less about what they are doing for magic or should I say what they are doing to harm magic. They just want to turn a profit. As for that guy Eddie who is defending magictone, he's no better then they are with his Eddie magic company.

Here's a few facts about magictone:

1. They sell copy VCDs and DVDs.
2. They hardly ever give credit to the orginal creators.
3. They overcharge (rip-off) customers who don't know any better. They simply charge too much money for a lot of the stuff they sell. For example, they sell an invisable deck for HK$120.00 or USD$15.00. This is just one of many many examples.
4. There shops are small and are in very shady old style Hong Kong shoppong centers. The times that I have visted there shops in Mongkok and WanChai the people working in the shops were smoking.
5. There are a lot of magic shops around the world that do care about the advancement of magic for the new generation (i'm included in that generation). Trust me, this is not one of them.

If I need new tricks, decks, DVD's I'll buy them online from a good US company. I'll get much better service and it'll cost me less even after the shipping. There are several topics in these forums that mention some good online stores. I recommend having a look at them fist before buying at magictone if you live in Hong Kong.

All the best,
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Profile of kuroko
On 2006-01-27 12:27, MagicChris wrote:
Aldo got paid for the work.

Yes I think we're all pretty sure he got paid , otherwise it'll not be on sell at murphys'

But that's not the problem isn't it? The problem we're are discussing about is whether we should buy from a unetheical shop or not. Even if Aldo is being paid it doesn't mean that the shop is all a sudden ethical isnit it Smile
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Profile of Jean-Luc.R.
Am I the one and only to be interested in this 2 DVD set apart the magic friends from Hong kong ???
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Profile of lifeisgreat
Hi Rivard,

I haven't seen the DVD's, but I'm sure they are pretty good. Aldo Colombini is a really good performer and funny as well. If you have other stuff by him and enjoyed it, you will probably enjoy this as well. I was tempted to pick up his three set impromptu card trick DVD's, but just bought some other stuff before they came out, so I will probably pass.

If you do decide to get them, give us a brief review. BTW - As mention in another post above, the reactions from the specs on the DVD's are probably not as strong as you would expect. At least it seems that way from the demos on magictone.

Best Regards,
the fritz
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Profile of the fritz
I did a search for viewable demo material from these DVD's and found the entire performance section of each DVD. You can basically watch the performance of every trick in the set if you go to (for those of you who aren't sure if you want to purchase the set or not). There are quite a few nice looking pieces on this set of DVD's. I recognize a few that have been previously published but, unless I'm mistaken, I believe most are new. Enjoy.
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Profile of maxello
On 2006-01-23 12:08, mickey.w wrote:
Let me do a recap here....if all sounds confusing, let's put a recap here:

[u]First, there was MAGICTONE COPMANY LIMITED, this company famous for it's unethical ideas.....

then afterwards they found out they had earned a lot of money from their acts (probably from cheating..) so they decide to get things more sorted out.

They wanted to promote their magic, so (seemingly) they opened a seperate assosciation called MAGIC CULTURE ASSOCIATION OF HK, which in reality doesn't have any recognition from the real side of the Magic community in Hong Kong.

They wanted to make their own DVDs, and therefore LIVEMAGIC COMPANY LIMITED is OPENED to do just that. Responsible for all videos they have made.

They wanted to Make their own cards (maybe so they can make fake copies of other people's effects and sell them as their own) so TINGO MAGIC COPMANY is opened, and is responsible for producing JAGUAR CARDS and supplying packet tricks (those cheap remakes) to MAGICTONE. [/u]

is produced by LIVEMAGIC,
has the promotion logo of TINGOMAGIC and JAGUAR CARDS I believe,
and is Sold Through MAGICTONE in Hong Kong.

which is basically the same gang of people.

wicked isn't it? no one can do A thing!
Arve Lisland
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
Inspite of all this controversy regarding the company which produced this dvd set, Aldo offers up some very nice effects based on the demos.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
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Profile of motown
These DVDs have some very strong effects, especially Vol. 2.
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– Karl Germain
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Profile of linhong
I was from HK and I have to agree with the majority opinions here on magic shops in Hong Kong.
Jason Simonds
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Profile of Jason Simonds
I suggest visiting Aldo & Rachel Colombini's site at

They have a store setup to sell their work and the best part is everything is $10.
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Profile of magicbern
But they don't sell True Magic set! It really does contain lots of powerful effects!