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Pete Biro
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Now That's Funny... but true. Smile
John C
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On 2005-06-30 22:17, Euangelion wrote:
I suppose boycotting Farrell doesn't mean I could go to a Bewitched matinee and watch Nicole Kidman with one eye closed.

No offense but with Farrell and Kidman I'w have to watch with both eyes closed.


Larry Davidson
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John, actually with Kidman, it would have to be with Eyes Wide Shut.
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Actually, I was teasing Rik. My wife and I went last night and enjoyed the movie. Kidman has deveolped into a first class actress. She constantly varies her roles and works hard now approaching 50 films. Recently, has done Moulin Rouge, The Other, Cold Mountain, The Interpreter, and now Betwitched among others and all roles with vastly different characters and film genres and styles.

I will say she was, absolutely, charming last night. She simply is more stunning and beautiful as she has aged with a maturity of self confidence about her. She is one actress my wife and I can agree on seeing. I failed miserably at keeping one I shut, but neither were trained on Farrell.

As to Farrell, I just don't get him, he's not funny and has one style: over-acting.
Bill Esborn

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Profile of blindbo I needed another reason to dislike him.
I can't even stand to watch the trailers of this unfunny guy.
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Profile of evolve629
Come on guys and gals, I thought Will Ferrel in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy was very funny as the guy Ron Burgundy, San Diego's top-rated news anchorman. Other than the movie, I really don't understand why he needed to expose the rings. Shame on you, Will.
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Profile of Jordini
I JUST finished watching this, and I thought it was great. (Especially the Cameos by just about everyone). I really don't think that he has exposed the linking rings anymore than they already have been. Besides, if nobody ever exposed it, magicians today would still be doing the same lame routines. Exposures only lead to bigger and better things. When Shoot Ogawa did his Ninja Rings at the Shoot and Apollo lecture, I doubt ONE person in that room didn't know how the linking rings worked (except for maybe the mom who was dragged by her 13 year old son). HOWEVER everyone was totally floored. I'm sure even those familiar with the Ninja Ring routine were entertained. So everyone just chill, have a twix bar or something, and continue practicing the classic pass. Will has done no more harm to magic than a boycott by us will do to his paycheck.
Glenn Godsey
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Well, I may be mistaken (it wouldn't be the first time), but I have always assumed that the basic work of the linking rings was common knowledge and that there was not a person left, at least in the USA, that didn't know how the rings worked. Small sets of rings have been included in virtually every toy "magic set" since 1937 and probably much earlier.

The challenge, like the TT, is to make bewildering magic IN SPITE of their awareness of the basic principles. It can still be done.

Best regards,
Glenn Godsey
Robert Black
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Just another 2 cents worth,

I have to go along with Munro on this one, but I already do that even before this came up. So now that he stuck his foot in it.........Will Farrel is a poor actor, a and an even worse comic actor. The man isn't/never was funny, how the guy got on SNL I have no clue. He sucked then....and he sucks now. Who did this guy pay anyway to become an actor?? It sure wasn't talent. An while I'm on the subject, thanks very much Will for "f"ing up Bewitched too. Another thing you've ruined for the rest of the entertainment public. Why is it that geniuses like John Candy have to go so young and A-Holes like this are allowed to continue. Please excuse my back to your regularly scheduled card trick, Smile
"Creativity is the sudden cessation of stupidity." -- Dr. Edwin. Land
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Profile of Jordini
On 2005-07-03 03:31, Robert Black wrote:
Just another 2 cents worth,

I have to go along with Munro on this one, but I already do that even before this came up. So now that he stuck his foot in it.........Will Farrel is a poor actor, a and an even worse comic actor. The man isn't/never was funny, how the guy got on SNL I have no clue. He sucked then....and he sucks now. Who did this guy pay anyway to become an actor?? It sure wasn't talent. An while I'm on the subject, thanks very much Will for "f"ing up Bewitched too. Another thing you've ruined for the rest of the entertainment public. Why is it that geniuses like John Candy have to go so young and A-Holes like this are allowed to continue. Please excuse my back to your regularly scheduled card trick, Smile

Funny how quick we are to criticize, but when it comes down to the facts, he's in big movies working with big names making big paychecks. The man has to be doing something right. What was the last big movie you were in? How many times have you appeared on national TV? How many fans do you have? Besides, it wasn't Will's fault Bewitched was bad, just like how it wasn't Ben Stiller's fault that Dodgeball was horrible. The TT is WAY more exposed than the linking rings. Most laypeople own, or have used a TT at some point in their life, and yet magicians still continue to both use and amaze with TT's.
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Perhaps instead of moaning about it, everyone who performs the linking rings should try to create a routine that makes people think Will Ferral's exposure was complete bull. And perhaps all those who don't perform it should work on the magic you DO perform. We all should consider Will Ferral to be another annoying spectator that is only there to prove he knows more than the magician (which people here advise to just ignore). Who cares if he exposed the rings on tv? Magicians. Lay people don't care. They will forget in a week, and if they don't, then it's your job to give them doubt in his method.
Skip Way
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I perform Ninja Rings in the restaurants with a spare key ring in my pouch. Anytime someone mentions the "split ring" (which is very rare) I simply agree with them, reach into my pouch for the spare, hand it to them and say something like, "Yup, that's how some so-called comedians do it without the magic. This is how we do it WITH the magic." The Ninja moves are so beautiful that a key ring becomes the last thing on their mind. I stopped worrying about exposures a long time ago. Laymen have such short memories for these things.

:o) Skip
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Robert Black
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Just to clear things up,

The fact that Will Farrel exposed the rings isn't my point. It's done. I don't do the rings, never have done them, never will do them. It's not in my forte. It's the simple fact the he thinks so low of someone else art form as a fellow (and I use the term loosely) performer, as to impune these 'tools' as nothing more than a joke. With that said. The fact that he is a highly payed(depends on what you consider high I suppose) actor means he must be good? I beg to differ. He is the new Pee Wee Herman, aka = Village Idiot. The fact that Bewitched was bad (considering what it's based on)is not to say the movie in an of it's self was poop, it's the total destruction (as usual) of the "way" of an esstablished character type. 90% of the so called actors today are not actors in my opinion, they are part of the beautiful people psychology that pervades Hollywood. That's another subject......Flame off Smile
"Creativity is the sudden cessation of stupidity." -- Dr. Edwin. Land
Alan Munro
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On 2005-07-03 03:47, Jordini wrote:

Funny how quick we are to criticize, but when it comes down to the facts, he's in big movies working with big names making big paychecks. The man has to be doing something right. What was the last big movie you were in? How many times have you appeared on national TV? How many fans do you have?

Andrew "Dice" Clay had a successful run, before he self-destructed. All I know is that I pity Farrell. I don't think his career is sustainable. I feel uncomfortable watching him, because I think that he's uncomfortable.
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Profile of kcedelcycib
At the end of the gag, he said "no one ever said magic was easy".

I don't agree with what he did. But cut the guy some slack. He's only doing what he was born to do. Ferrel's entire career was built on bizarre, over-the-top stupidity.

Here's a clip of his appearance:
Larry Davidson
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Actually seeing the clip is very informative. Does anyone believe that laymen will conclude that he's revealing anything to do with how the effect works? I don't. I believe that laymen will conclude he just broke and stretched a ring for comedy.
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Profile of evolve629
Yes, I appreciate seeing the video clip posted by kcedelcycib. I didn't see any exposure and if I were the layperson watching the show, there's no way I know how the effect works. Will Farrell is just being Will Farrell - a comedian goffball poking fun at himself mostly.
One hundred percent of the shots you don't take don't go in - Wayne Gretzky
My favorite part is putting the gaffs in the spectators gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside! - Bob Kohler
Pete Biro
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NO big deal, but I still don't care much for his work.
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Profile of Jordini
...are you people joking me? Did you see how large he opened that ring? NObody is going to think that's how it's really done. He revealed nothing.
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Profile of TheFish727
Yes I had the same exp. as Erik, once I was doing my ring effect and after the show a woman came up to me and said " I used to think there was a cut in the rings but after seeing what you did, I was wrong