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On 2005-03-12 06:31, Werner G. Seitz wrote:
Can't find any clip there?

This link will work:
David Victor - The artist formally (and still occasionally) known as David Straitjacket.

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On 2005-03-12 10:24, hkwiles wrote:

Click on Entertainment..Tradeshow Magic..Tricks 0f the Trade

click on the Demo...takes a while to load

Let me know what you think..I bought the booklet very good indeed.

Thanx..found and saw it..great pitch.. Smile
No doubt he gets the money....
Learn a few things well.....this life is not long enough to do everything.....

( Words of wisdom from Albert Goshman paid off for him - it might
as well for YOU!!!- My own magic is styled after that motto... Smile )
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Profile of DonDriver
My intention from the start of this project was to keep the price down to a bare minimum.I can make VHS tapes myself and even say so in the title I came up with "cheap,homemade" etc.If I went DVD I would have to raise the price,and even at that,I doubt I would recover the inital cost I would have to pay out to go DVD.
I promise I'm not getting rich off this VHS.When I started out pitching 25 plus years ago there was NOTHING out there to learn the pitch.I learn it at the "school of hard knocks" I only put the video out to help the guys that wanted to give pitching a shot and above all "tell them like it REALLY" is,and keep it cheap.
From reading the post here,I think I've reached my objective.
I hope everyone that bought my video is making money and above all having fun pitching.
Thanks everybody.
Werner G. Seitz
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Yes Don, I well understand your point..

My idea was just simply to copy your existing VHS-tape over to a DVD, so it still is a homemade DVD, no fancy menues needed, just a DVD copy instead of a VHS tape copy, exactly the same source used for copying..

The rawdisk isn't expensive, the time used is the same as copying a VHS tape.

The only thing you need apart from the VHS-recorder you already have, is a DVD recorder and a Scart-cable between both devices..
It costs you a DVD recorder, but I suppose they aren't that expensive in the States either..
I've copied a lot of the most interesting VHS-tape I watch ones in a while over to DVDs, much easier to store and handle, and stuffed the tapes away..

Just my thoughts re this..apart from this, I also would advice you use's great for forwarding money to anybody owning a email-adress, and no doubt it also would boost sales...
Learn a few things well.....this life is not long enough to do everything.....

( Words of wisdom from Albert Goshman paid off for him - it might
as well for YOU!!!- My own magic is styled after that motto... Smile )
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Profile of bishthemagish
One point that doesn't seem to be talked about here is the fact that Don Driver's tape is a great lesson in how to sell or pitch anything.

This tape is one of the best tapes that I have purchaced just to watch Don and the way he explains the why's and the how's...

His method will sell any magic trick if a person worked in a magic shop and it has helped me become a better entertainer as well. If I owned a magic shop today I would make every magician that worked for me watch this tape...

The teaching of selling magic is that GREAT!

This tape is worth gold!
Glenn Bishop Cardician

Producer of the DVD Punch Deal Pro

Publisher of Glenn Bishop's Ace Cutting And Block Transfer Triumphs
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Profile of frank
I think Reed is a perfect testimonial for the tape. He
invested $20 on the tape and within a week or two he's
out pitching and making money. That's pretty powerful,
if you think about it.

I look forward to future products from Don!

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Reed McClintock
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We just did our second weekend and wow was it great. Our market here in Portland starts at 10 am on saturday until 5:30 pm and Sunday from 11:am to 5:pm I sold out completely of all decks today by 3:30 pm sunday afternoon. I do just as Don Suggests I build a tip, pitch the Svengali and for the mooches show and give away the two card monte. I give them also twenty five tricks with the deck. All for five dollars. Now keep in mind five bucks is not a lot but at the end of the day that is also what all the people that buy are thinking to. And when you hold that grip o cash you will see man five dollars adds up. I also have to add I am getting great leads for gigs. So many people from all walks of life come trapsing through the market.You just never know who your gonna meet. DOn This gift you have given me for a small price of twenty bucks is amazing. Again I thank you for putting this tape out and Whit thank you for turning me on to it. Weekend cash gig leads, unreal.
We figured if we can sell agross aday every weekend at five bucks that is over $4000 dollars a month that is $60grand a year. For me that is not chump change that I concider to be real wages, ontop of events,, and other ways magicians make money. It is really insane. I will say it is tough work pitching all day and keeping it as fresh as the first one in the morning and feeling the same as the last one at night. I think the thing I like most is that they applaude and then throw money at me that is the best. Again thank you Don
I will keep you all posted as to the progress of the joint if you all are intrested.
Reed McClintock
"Stuff is anything, but magic is everything"

Reed McClintock 2003

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Profile of DonDriver
Hey Reed,are there any empty spots at the flea market you are working? If so,I'm moving to Portland !Glad to hear you are doing so good.
Dumping a gross of decks a day at a flea market is almost too good to beiieve.
I wouldn't want to mislead anyone here.Don't think if you buy my video you are going to start making that kind of money at your local flea market.
Reed is taking in as much money as David Walker and I take in at big State fairs working an hour on and an hour off to keep us fresh.
Most local markets with good traffic you can expect to gross from $200.00 to $400.00 a week end,and even that is a good week end for a flea market.
Thanks for the post Reed and keep up the good work.
Had I known you were going to take in that much,I would have charged you much more than twenty for the video...hehehe
Have a good one,
Reed McClintock
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Profile of Reed McClintock
I have to tell you honestly this weekend was an axceptional weekend because there were to big events that happened one was a huge marathon witch brought a ton of outa towners and there was another big thing also. SO that is why I imagine we did so well. I was talking to the other vendors and they said that in the ten months that the market is open that they can plan on about four to six events that will help like this last weekend. Another advantage I think is we have a joint that is catering to "kids". A lot of what is at the market is jewlery. clothing, food, kitch items, standard stuff at a market. Our market is not really a flea market. To me a flea market is a place where you would see people selling items they brought from home like an everyweekend yard sale. Our weekend market does not have anything like that at all. It is all stuff you buy at whole sale to sell sell for retail or you make yourself to sell retail.
SO next weekend there is not any special functions going on and I will keep posting to let you know how it is going.
"Stuff is anything, but magic is everything"

Reed McClintock 2003

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Profile of BroDavid
I have had the video since I first heard about it. Don is the master at the pitch, and no booklet by anybody... could ever come close to Don's showing you everything he does, including a real pitch to a real audience. He givs you all the goods; lines, ideas, the stand, sources, do's and don'ts.

If you cant make money with this video, you aren't serious about it.
I am not surprised at Reed's success with it. Like a lot of things, anyone can do it, but if you are confident and competent, you can do it really well!

I may be speaking out of school, and Don may not want to say anything about this yet, but I am going to say it anyway, hoping I don't tick him off. But telling this will put more pressure on me than him.

I have been working for quite some time on a "proof of concept dvd" of Don's Svengali pitch material (with his full knowledge) and hope to be sending him one within a month (I am a busy guy, and unfortunately it take time to assemble and edit the video, and I have had a series of problems with my computers...) Then, if Don wants to go forward with it, there can be a DVD of the Pitch (and maybe a little bit more... Smile Don will know what I mean.

But don't hold your breath and wait for it. If you want to learn how to set up, and make money with a Svengali pitch, go to Don's web site get the video directly from Don right now, and save shipping. It is one of the real bargains in magic today.

If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.
Werner G. Seitz
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Profile of Werner G. Seitz
BroDavid, that actually is great news.

Hope the project wents through!

One more thing to take care of is, to get Don -are you listening Don? Smile - to sign in for PayPal..

Actually I wanted to order his video -very much against my will, I dislike buying any more vids, too spaceconsuming, DVDs are easier to store, and anybody with a large interest in all this stuff sooner or later gets to his limits re space- but I discovered that Don doesn't accept PayPal (yet).

Yes, I know, I don't doubt this vid of Don's is a must to study and IF I was depending on earning my money doing pitches, I wouldn't hesitate a second to oreder it from his place, no matter how high the bankcharges are re transfering money..they are here in DK, outstandingly high, you wouldn't believe it!

Next after the government and their ability to charge incerdible high taxes under various desguises, the banks are the true crooks..

So, a DVD and the use of PayPal is a must to also give ppl outside the States a chance to study Dons work .. Smile
Well, somebody has to propose it..right?
Learn a few things well.....this life is not long enough to do everything.....

( Words of wisdom from Albert Goshman paid off for him - it might
as well for YOU!!!- My own magic is styled after that motto... Smile )
Reed McClintock
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Profile of Reed McClintock
What kills me is the video, is way more than the pitch. For Twenty Bucks yes you get the Pitch, But also included is everything else. I personally feel this is worth way more than twenty dollars. Quite frankly its worth a few hundred bucks. It is absolute training video on a money making business opportunity. This is not about magic, this is a course on realy how to make money , and having fun doing it. Now that I have a copy I think Don should raise the price. The information is worth so much more.
"Stuff is anything, but magic is everything"

Reed McClintock 2003

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Profile of KenW
I just finished writing my check to Don. I have always wanted to do this and from what I have read, I am truly excited about it. I can remember the very first time I saw a SV.Pitchman. I was eight years old and now I get a chance of doing the exact same thing, learning from a real pro. Looking forward to getting my video and hitting the swapmeet here in Orange County, CA. Oh yeah, I am a fulltime magician but as you all know, sometimes there is "more month at the end of the money" and this will fill that gap.
Thanks Don!
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Profile of bonehead
Don't you all realize you'd be pitched to right now? Gotta have it, going fast, too good to be true, you'll kill with this....

Maybe if you threw in a two card monte, I might buy one Smile
Whit Haydn
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Profile of Whit Haydn
Hey, Bonehead:

The funny thing is that Don, who actually stands to make money off such a pitch, isn't doing the pitch. These are unsolicited testimonials! I am sure that Don would be glad to throw in a a two card monte. Just ask him.
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Profile of DonDriver
I'm not sure about a free two monte...I have about a nickle in each one.
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Profile of bonehead
Thanks Whit- I was only joking. You have to admit, this thread sounds like a typical pitch. "make $1,000 a weekend....all for 20 bucks" Smile I have the video, that's how I knew to throw in the two card monte comment. Great work and I plan on using it in a non-magic related way myself.
Werner G. Seitz
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Profile of Werner G. Seitz
The moment Don accepts PayPal I'll order a copy, even if it's on an oldfashioned VHS-tape Smile.
I'd like to watch it, NOT for the Svengali 'routine' but for all the other valuable info that's on that vid...
Learn a few things well.....this life is not long enough to do everything.....

( Words of wisdom from Albert Goshman paid off for him - it might
as well for YOU!!!- My own magic is styled after that motto... Smile )
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Profile of bishthemagish
Bonehead Pitching anything to the lay public is work. But it can be fun work. For run I helped out an old friend over Christmas in a mall magic shop. And Don's video improved my pitch on every magic effect I sold over the counter.

Sven decks, delands decks, etc.

I had fun doing it.

This tape is worth gold!
Glenn Bishop Cardician

Producer of the DVD Punch Deal Pro

Publisher of Glenn Bishop's Ace Cutting And Block Transfer Triumphs
Werner G. Seitz
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Profile of Werner G. Seitz
On 2005-03-17 23:31, bishthemagish wrote:
This tape is worth gold!
It's on its way to me Glenn, I wouldn't miss the info provided there for the world..
Learn a few things well.....this life is not long enough to do everything.....

( Words of wisdom from Albert Goshman paid off for him - it might
as well for YOU!!!- My own magic is styled after that motto... Smile )