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John Deems
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Spring is just around the corner.Time for me to dust off my Svengali pitch joint and go back out making money again this summer.

If any of you don't have this DVD your are missing a great opportunity to make extra money and having a good time all at once.

This is the only DVD that I have that I can say has paid for its self over and over again.

Thanks Don !
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Profile of erlandish
Nice to see you here, John. I wish I could watch your pitch in action...

(T's friend Andrew from Canada)
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Profile of DonDriver
You're welcom John.Glade you liked it and all the other guys that have bought it.

Scott Compton
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Profile of Scott Compton
I ordered Don's video last night, he called me today and told me it is in the mail! I didn't realize that service like this still existed. I learned a lot talking to this modern day master and he offered any support I needed. I feel honored...

I was told that there was only one person to talk to about this and that was Don, now I know why - this guy is great!

Thanks Don
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Profile of sethb
Scott -- if you liked the service, wait until you watch the DVD.

It is THE resource for the Svengali Pitch (and don't overlook the Worm Pitch at the end, either). SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
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Profile of DonDriver
Thanks Scott and Seth.I try my best.

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Profile of G.Gilbert
Well the weather is just right to go out pitching and that's just what I did this past week end.Thanks to Dons Svengali pitch DVD I make an extra $200 to $400 a week end at the local flea market.

How can you not want to buy this DVD is beyond me.I made the money back my first pitch and I'm still making money.

Just go to to order your copy.

Thanks Don,you have changed my life.

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Profile of sethb
I agree with George, Don's DVD is an amazing tool for those who choose to use it.

However, I think the Svengali Pitch can be more than just about making money. Pitching the deck (or the Magic Worm, Money Paddle or other good pocket magic trick) will also make you a better magician. How? Well, you basically get to perform the same trick for different people about 50 times each day. If this doesn't improve your handling, presentation and patter, then nothing will! As the old saying goes, "an amateur does many different tricks for the same people; a professional does the same tricks for many different people."

Folks here at the Café' are always complaining that there's no place to perform, to learn misdirection and presentation, etc., and it's true. Volunteering and free shows will only take you so far. Buskers can perform all day, but often get hassled by merchants, police, the public, even other buskers. With the Svengali Pitch, you have a legitimate right to be where you are, having paid for the privilege to set up your pitch stand. And you can make just as much money pitching as you can busking, without having to use hat lines. [I am NOT disparaging busking, Max Malini started out by busking in bars, I'm just making a comparison.]

Anyway, even though as Don has told us, a pitchman is not a magician, I believe that pitching magic tricks will make you a better magician. In my own experience, I know this is so. Through many repeat performances, I have been able to polish routines, moves and patter in ways I never would have been able to do otherwise. Pitching is also a lot of fun, and I have had lots of good times and experiences doing this, all with a relatively minimal investment in inventory and equipment.

So in more than one way, Don's pitch DVD is a gold mine for those who are willing to take the initiative and give it a try.

BTW, when I book a vendor spot at a street festival, fair or craft show, I tell them that I "demonstrate and sell classic magic tricks." This sounds better than saying "Svengali Pitch," even though it's exactly the same thing. It's also simple and easy to understand; they wouldn't know what a Svengali Deck is anyway! And I have always gotten a good reaction from the bookers with this, who are intrigued by the idea and glad to have my booth at the show. SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
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Profile of DonDriver
Glade to hear you guys are out there doing good and making money with my DVD.

Scott Compton
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On 2008-05-08 08:11, sethb wrote:
I agree with George, Don's DVD is an amazing tool for those who choose to use it.


So in more than one way, Don's pitch DVD is a gold mine for those who are willing to take the initiative and give it a try.


I couldn't agree more Seth!
Magic is an art. I am merely a tour guide.

"You are the magic" Jay Ose to Albert Goshman
Scott Compton
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Profile of Scott Compton
Well, I hit the flea again yesterday and did much better. Thanks for all of the help, Don!
Magic is an art. I am merely a tour guide.

"You are the magic" Jay Ose to Albert Goshman
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Profile of DonDriver
You're welcome Scott...keep up the good work.

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Profile of chrusa
I have a couple of questions.

My cash supply is low right now and I want to learn how to pitch Svengali decks. Will I be successful at this buy purchasing the Svengali dvd and not the building a tip?

The second question is how much impact the building a tip will have on Svengali sales in a flea market type environment where people are already there and I don't necessarily need to draw them to me?

The third question is does the Svengali DVD give you any info on how to draw a crowd?


<BR>Chris Hrusa
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Profile of sethb
Chris -- if what you are asking is whether you need to buy Don's "Building a Tip" DVD in addition to the Svengali Pitch DVD, the answer is no. Don shows you how to attract a crowd in the Svengali Pitch DVD. His "Building a Tip" DVD will show you another very effective method, but you don't absolutely need it for the Svengali Pitch. In my own opinion, it would be more useful for a busker than for a pitchman, and I believe Don makes that point on the DVD.

And even in a flea market, where there are already strolling patrons, you will still need to do something to draw a crowd. In fact, it has been my experience that unless you do something -- say "Good Morning" or riffle or ribbon-spread the cards, about 75% of the people will walk on past you, mostly because they have no idea what you are doing and are not motivated enough to stop and find out. To sell the Svengali Deck, you definitely need to demo it, hence the need for the Svengali Pitch. You've got to show folks what the deck can do in order to sell it.

Hope this helps. SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
Scott Compton
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I hit the flea again today and sales were great. I was only there for a couple of hours, but I did real good! Thanks for your help!

Having to busk some in the near future, I am going to order your Tip DVD, and I think I may as well get the Jam Auction one too. I think there is a guy out here that just started doing one.
Magic is an art. I am merely a tour guide.

"You are the magic" Jay Ose to Albert Goshman
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Profile of DonDriver
Thanks for the order Scott...its on its way.Glade to hear you're doing so go with the Svengali pitch.

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Profile of sjballa147
I got Don's Svengali pitch DVD yesterday and because I got home really late I couldn't watch it, but I watched some of it this morning before school. I have only one word to describe the DVD, INCREDIBLE! He really explains step by step the way to get it done. Thanks Don!!!!

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Profile of chrusa
I am buying this today is there a way to do this pitching in the winter?


<BR>Chris Hrusa
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Profile of DonDriver
Hi Chris,

I tell you where to go set up and pitch in winter in the DVD.So yes you can work in winter.

Thanks for your order,
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Profile of G.Gilbert
'I made 3 times my money back on the price of this DVD pitching the first day.If you don't get this DVD...well,you just don't get it....Go to to order .Be sure to check out Don's special.The Jam Auction,Building a Tip,and the Svengalli Pitch all at a special price.