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Jon-O the Great
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Well, I've actually sold these for about 15 years, mostly at trade shows. It looks a little like pliers with the head bent to one side. You just stick in the wire and it automatically adjusts to the size and strips it. This is not my website but...(

Really a neat tool but as you might imagine, if I've been doing it for 15 years, I've sold a few and doing the same shows with the same tool has finally made me decide I need something new. So the Svengali cards were my choice. I'm just having a very hard time learning to handle the cards. But since tomorrow is THE day...I'm still practicing! ;-)
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Profile of sethb
Sounds neat, no more wondering what the right size hole is. OK, who wants one, just raise your hand, we'll get right over to you . . . .

Good luck tomorrow! Wear good shoes and also bring a bottle or two of water! SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
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Profile of sleightofhander
I have had this dvd now for about 8 months and haven't mustered up the guts to buy the stock and go out and perform it. The flea market in my area is rather small. I really like the deck and handle it well. Maybe I just need to take the plunge. I know I will never know unless I do it.
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Sleightofhander -- please don't limit yourself to the flea market trade. That's a great place to start and get some practice because the table spaces are cheap, but so are the patrons -- they are mostly looking for bargains and don't have lots of money to spend on toys and impulse purchases.

If you check your local newspapers, particularly the weeklies, you will see all sorts of festivals, street fairs, craft shows and bazaars that are potential spots for you to work, especially now with the Xmas holidays coming up. The table fees are a little higher, but you will make more money because the clientele is different -- they aren't there to save money, but to spend money. Also, don't overlook your local mall, where you might be able to rent a spot for an afternoon.

You will have to invest a few hundred dollars in stock, a pitch table or stand, and other assorted stuff, but that's pretty minimal compared to what it would ordinarily take to start a business. And while there might be several jewelry, T-shirt or sports memorabilia vendors at any given location, I virtually guarantee that you will be the only "magician" at any event, and will have that business all to yourself, since there aren't a heck of a lot of Svengali pitchmen around! So jump on in, the water's fine. SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
Jon-O the Great
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The State of TX publishes a "Calendar of Events". It's free and I've seen similar in other states too. TX is a 3 month calendar. I got mine at the visitor's stop when you enter the State but I understand most city's Convention & Visitor's Bureaus have them too. They list many events but obviously these listings have to be sent in months in advance, so be sure to call to see if the event is still going on.

And of course, you can Google Fairs, Festivals, rodeos, farm shows, etc. The problem with some of the larger shows is that they can cost upwards of $1000 (or more!). Add in hotel, gas, stock---I think you see where I'm going. I think that smaller shows, to start, would be best.

I built my own tables (14 years ago, about $25) but Sam's now sells 4' folding tables for about $30. These are also height adjustable. You can buy cheap plastic skirting at party stores OR just go buy some nice cloth at a cloth store. I originally put Velcro on mine but after a time it came loose, so now I staple it on each time.

The real secret, as Don or anyone who "pitches" will tell ya is not the table or the skirt or the show. It's PERSERVERANCE!! TENACITY!! I learned last weekend that just calling them in and doing "pitch" after "pitch" the secret. Don't give up easily because, while it may seem that you're NEVER gonna get a sale, YOU WILL if you DON'T give up!! (You can read about my experience in the "Step Right Up" section of this forum) It just happened I sold my 1st "pitch" but then I went almost an hour before I sold another--and that sale was 2 decks to one person. The flea market was not so good, nor was the location. But I made up my mind I was gonna DO IT and I did!!

Break a LEG!!

Jon-O the Great
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By the way, as I think everyone knows by now, DON IS THE PRO!! Follow his video and YOU TOO can do it!

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Profile of sleightofhander
Thanks for the info Seth and Jon-O.
Bill Beach
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I ordered both of Don's DVDs from MagicPitch 3 weeks ago, they have been charged to my credit card (got the statement today), but, according to the website account information the order is still pending. All I can get at their phone number is a recorded message. I have left several messages and sent e-mails regarding the status of my order with no response. Any suggestions? Anybody had any experience with MagicPitch? I would have ordered from Don directly but it is my understanding that MagicPitch is handling all of his orders now.
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Profile of DonDriver
Hi Bill,

I just emailed Steve at Magic Pitch as soon as I read this.I promise this will be taken care of ASAP.

I'm very sorry for the hold up and will P.M. you as soon as I hear back from him.

Thanks for your business...
Bill Beach
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Thanks Don. I had a feeling if you saw my post you would take care of the situation immediately. Most appreciated.
Joshua Barrett
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Don are you still taking orders from your site or only from magicpitch? looking to order this weekend
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Profile of DonDriver
Hi Joshua,

Everything goes to even the paypal from my site.

Thanks Don
Rod Pringle
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Hello Folks:
I am new to magic Café, and really enjoy the postings on this web site. I am also just starting out in pitching. I recently purchased the Don Driver dvd's WOW! WAHT A GOLDMINE OF INFORMATION! Being new to the pitch business, these dvd's have put me on the right track on how to pitch and DO IT RIGHT!

Don is a master pitchman, and walks you through every detail that you need to know to be successful in this business. Also I want to send a BIG THANK-YOU to Don, for personally calling me up and answering some questions for me on canopies and joint building in general, THANKS DON FOR THE PERSONAL SERVICE.

If you want to pitch and do it right, look no further, JUST GET DON'S DVD'S!!!!!!!! ITS THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU WILL EVER MAKE!

Have a MAGICAL day!

Rod Pringle
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Profile of sethb
I second Rod's comments -- Don is a very gracious gentleman who is quick to share his hard-earned knowledge with others. I have also PM'd him with some questions and problems about the Svengali Pitch, and he has always been prompt and helpful with his replies. Many other Magic Café' posters have said the same thing, so we know these aren't just isolated incidents or random acts of kindness.

Yes, Don is making a buck from his Svengali Pitch DVD in the process, but he is certainly entitled to do so; he is giving good value for money paid and also provides excellent "service after the sale".

Other magic dealers, please take note! SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
Jon-O the Great
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Since I now have a couple of shows "under my belt", I can say, the thing I really like about Don's DVD is that when he says, "..we'll take the deck apart and show you how it works...", HE DOES! There are lots of guys online who do Svengali tricks but NONE of them show you how it's done. But, even if they did, KNOWING the how to do the tricks is only part of it. NONE of them show you how to PITCH the cards.

Don's DVD is PERFECT for both. Even the books I've seen on Svengali decks only show the TRICKS, not the PITCH. It's wonderful to be able to DO the tricks, but where does that leave you? Popular but poor? It takes BOTH...the tricks AND the pitch. And with books, you don't really see the intricacies of the tricks.

One more thing. Doing the cards Don's way not only makes you money---it gives you a feeling of accomplishment. And you will always have friends! Kids just love to hang around my table, watching pitch after pitch. And the good part is, they almost always buy. And kids attract kids. Other kids come by and they shill for me without knowing it. "Hey...come look at this...." I think I could just sell to kids. The adults are the icing on the Svengali cake.

If you wanna do Svengali the right way---GET DON'S DVD!


Don Sautter
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I am excited to get my copy but I ordered it 2 weeks ago on the 3rd of December - was supposed to be my Christmas present. Unfortunately my credit card was charged immediately yet my order is still "pending" 2 weeks later. I have left several voice mail messages and e-mails with no reply.

Not sure what is going on but they may be just gone for the holidays. This is not a shot at the company - just an FYI for any of you ordering around the holidays.
Bill Beach
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I had the same experience (see my previous post), Don contacted the supplier on my behalf and it was shipped immediately. I'm sure if you send a PM to Don about the situation he will take care of it for you. By the way, although my order has been shipped it still shows as pending. Even it took a while to get it, the video is well worth the wait!
Don Sautter
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Thanks - somehow I did not pay close enough attention to the thread to see that - I PM'd Don and he is getting things moving.
Don Sautter
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I have received the video and it is fantastic!

I am very pleased with the content. Mr. Driver’s knowledge is very apparent in this production and his insight is appreciated. Tip management suggestions and details are very helpful. I also enjoyed the information on the squirmel(sp?) pitch as well.

The pitch is very informative and it is obvious that it has been tweaked over many years to be the lean and mean presentation that it is now.

It may be a couple months before I rent my first space – but the insight provided in this video has given me confidence that I can try it. The other thing that is intriguing is that you don’t have to buy in for very much to make the first attempt.

I was also impressed that a printed version of Mr. Driver’s Svengali pitch is also included. This is a nice touch for those of us who learn best by looking at words on a page. A lot of thought has gone into the materials here and they are certainly worth the investment.

One more happy customer here!
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Profile of DonDriver
Thanks ambaratur,glade you liked it.Now go make lots of money.
