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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricks & Effects :: MENTAL DICE by Tony Anverdi (246 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Rainer - ParaLabs
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Picture in the attachment.
I have the whole scripts available.
HCS can tell more about ;-)

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Profile of ArtIn
On Dec 11, 2019, paw wrote:
I agree, How many have credited Anverdi... the Originator..

As we’ve already found out, Anverdit isn’t the originator.
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Profile of DavidKenney
"...there is nothing new under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:9
Magic Mark
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Profile of Magic Mark
I'm not getting any replies from Murphy's employees about the possible future release of a vibration/thumper receiver for use with the Anverdi Mental Dice. If such a receiver is in the works, bravo.

If a vibration/thumper receiver is coming, I have my fingers crossed that it won't work with just one die at a time. I hope it can work with all 3 dice at the same time. It could use a coded system of thumps to identify the die's color first, followed by the number that is on top.

This is just an example, I'm sure someone more clever than me can come up with a better method of thumping:

1) Red Die with 5 on top: five quick thumps - long pause - five quick thumps - sequence continues 2-3 times or until next die is moved

2) White Die with 4 on top: Medium length thump - short pause - four quick thumps - long pause - medium length thump - short pause - four quick thumps - sequence continues 2-3 times or until next die is moved

3) Blue Die with 3 on top: Long length thump - short pause - three quick thumps - long pause - long length thump - short pause - three quick thumps - sequence continues 2-3 times or until next die is moved

Basically, no medium or long length of vibration at the beginning of a sequence would mean it's the Red Die. A medium length of vibration to start the sequence means the White Die. Lastly, a longish length of vibration would indicate the Blue Die.

With the vibration receiver tucked into a sock the magician could not only have his back turned, he could be legitimately blindfolded. No need to glimpse anything.

Murphy's, please make it happen! Smile

Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
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Profile of IAIN
Please don't! That sounds sooooo complicated... It's nice and simple at the moment...

Very impressed with this kit, apart from part of the packaging which I thought was over the top and unnecessary and would have added to the price too no doubt...

But the quality and workings are spot on...well played...
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Magic Mark
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Profile of Magic Mark
Vibrations felt:

1) Buzz buzz buzz --- buzz buzz buzz --- Red Die with #3 showing

2) Buzzzzz - buzz buzz buzz --- buzzzzz - buzz buzz buzz --- White Die with #3 showing

3) Buzzzzzzzzzz - buzz buzz buzz --- buzzzzzzzzzz - buzz buzz buzz --- Blue Die with #3 showing

Other than counting the quick vibration thumps (for the number), the only other step is to determine if there was a medium or longish length vibration thump before the number. Not sure how that is "complicated".

And if someone would rather not deal with all 3 die, the magician/mentlaist could simply use one die alone, picking the Red Die, and just have to count the vibration thumps for the number.

More choice is a good thing!

Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
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Profile of bosami
I can't imagine having to count all the thumps and pauses while still engaged with the spectator. The peek is akin to a sleight. Done correctly - it's invisible.

I jumped on this the first day - glad I didn't wait. I see Penguin is sold out already - I got in just under the wire.
...forever curious
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Profile of Martin.Lester
On Dec 12, 2019, IAIN wrote:
Please don't! That sounds sooooo complicated... It's nice and simple at the moment...

Very impressed with this kit, apart from part of the packaging which I thought was over the top and unnecessary and would have added to the price too no doubt...

But the quality and workings are spot on...well played...

Have To Agree why make something complicated when a simple display does the Job !
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Profile of spaceman-sam
Looks like this is sold out in the UK for the time being Smile
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Been asked quite a few times about import fees for the UK...

All I can say is, they're using FedEx. So that usually means a week later, you'll get a letter asking for the fee to be paid.

That's my experience anyway...
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Magic Mark
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Profile of Magic Mark
On Dec 12, 2019, bosami wrote:
I can't imagine having to count all the thumps and pauses while still engaged with the spectator. The peek is akin to a sleight. Done correctly - it's invisible.

I jumped on this the first day - glad I didn't wait. I see Penguin is sold out already - I got in just under the wire.

The beauty of a possible vibration/thumper receiver as an extra cost ACCESSORY is that YOU do not have to buy it if you don't want to. If you don't buy it, the fact that it is available to others should mean nothing to you.

As for being engaged with the spectator... in my routine (I've been performing Antoine's Mental Dice since February), the important moment when I'd be counting the thumps is during a time that I'd be standing quietly while the spectator carries out an instruction I've just given him/her. As I perform it now (Antoine's version), my back is turned. The dice are being handled ONE AT A TIME with additional instructions between each die. With a thumper/receiver I could perform it blindfolded too.

As more and more of the general public become aware of GoDice and other electronic dice, the presentation/routine by the magician will become more and more important. If the people you are performing for know that there are electronic dice that can show the result on an iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch, simply turning your back may not be enough to fool them. They may be LOOKING for you to glimpse some kind of display. But if you are completely (and legitimately) blindfolded, preventing ANY chance to peek at anything, the chances of fooling a technologically savvy spectator increases.

More options are better than fewer options. If you don't like it (vibration/thumper receiver), just don't buy it.

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Profile of johndevacmaker
You are absolutely right Bosami

The display is so small you can put it anywhere
I also just got in before Alakazam sold out
A massive improvement for this trick and at a realistic price that is why it is selling so fast
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Profile of IAIN
How about housing the vibration unit in some undies, get that prostate up and running...
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Magic Mark
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It appears some of you aren't familiar with ProMystic products.

Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
Rainer - ParaLabs
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Profile of Rainer - ParaLabs
Why did Murphy’s publish the videos unprotected?

In my opinion they are destroying business for a lot magicians and mentalists.
It’s a secret worth nothing?

The video is telling also the biggest idiot that the dice is sending signals....

Time for new secret products from fair creator....
Magic Mark
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Profile of Magic Mark
I agree that it would be far better if all videos and photos showing the method were completely hidden from public view (accessible only with a password), but the cat has been out of the bag for 2 years.

Google this: Electronic Magic Dice

Then Google: GoDice

These are additional reasons to NOT use any form of display that you need to glimpse during your performance. Enter: Vibration/thumper option

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Profile of ferrissteve
A thumper seems like it could be good in theory, but seems really overly complicated in delivery. If someone wants to produce one and bring to market fine. But given the current setup and display why mess with it? The visual display seems more than adequate.

I think a solid presentation and natural handling/usage would help cover up the gaff and present spectators less the means of figuring out how its done. In other words don't give them a reason to look up 'signal emitting dice trick'. My .02 on it.
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Profile of videoman
I owned an RD from PM for a while but recently sold it because I was on a search for a visual readout. I’m sure I am in the minority (heck, I may be the only one) but I had a lot of trouble with reading the vibrations. The routine I would perform most often would involve 3 or 4 people and I almost always get one specs number wrong. It would be a large number and because I got the others all correct it still went over really well with a great impact. But it would bug the heck out of me when it happened so I felt no choice but to go visual.

Most of it was me I’m sure because I had a difficult time trying to count and still engage the specs. Plus, at times they would change numbers at the last moment and it was hard to determine if the next buzz was the last buzz of the prior number or the first buzz of the current number. And even though it was supposed to repeat the sequence multiple times mine seemed to often repeat only 3 to 4 times so I would only get a couple chances to nail it. Which admittedly is probably plenty for most people but I had a hard time with it. It just didn’t suit me. Also, with large numbers it would take forever to cycle through multiple times so I didn’t feel like I could wait for it anyway.

So now Murphy’s has put out a visual display and for the first time actually got it right IMO. By that I mean they made it small allowing performers the option to do with it what they please. I never got the display in a card box thing. That totally wouldn’t work for me. Best answer I got was that it allowed for bigger antenna and further range. But how many people actually perform this 40 feet away? I always felt they should make that long range an additional option for those that need it rather than the default for everyone.

Now having admitted the vibrations weren’t a good fit for me, I still hope Murphy’s releases a thumper. And even one with a user selectable option to allow the user to receive some type of Morse Code to determine multiple dies would be great. It probably wouldn’t work for me but hey, I’m willing to give it a try. Not sure I would ever use an additional thumper even if used in the standard manner but I’d almost certainly buy one and give it a go. I could see using the thumper most of the time but having the visual on hand as a back up in case I got stuck.
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Profile of kissdadookie
On Dec 12, 2019, videoman wrote:
I owned an RD from PM for a while but recently sold it because I was on a search for a visual readout. I’m sure I am in the minority (heck, I may be the only one) but I had a lot of trouble with reading the vibrations. The routine I would perform most often would involve 3 or 4 people and I almost always get one specs number wrong. It would be a large number and because I got the others all correct it still went over really well with a great impact. But it would bug the heck out of me when it happened so I felt no choice but to go visual.

Most of it was me I’m sure because I had a difficult time trying to count and still engage the specs. Plus, at times they would change numbers at the last moment and it was hard to determine if the next buzz was the last buzz of the prior number or the first buzz of the current number. And even though it was supposed to repeat the sequence multiple times mine seemed to often repeat only 3 to 4 times so I would only get a couple chances to nail it. Which admittedly is probably plenty for most people but I had a hard time with it. It just didn’t suit me. Also, with large numbers it would take forever to cycle through multiple times so I didn’t feel like I could wait for it anyway.

So now Murphy’s has put out a visual display and for the first time actually got it right IMO. By that I mean they made it small allowing performers the option to do with it what they please. I never got the display in a card box thing. That totally wouldn’t work for me. Best answer I got was that it allowed for bigger antenna and further range. But how many people actually perform this 40 feet away? I always felt they should make that long range an additional option for those that need it rather than the default for everyone.

Now having admitted the vibrations weren’t a good fit for me, I still hope Murphy’s releases a thumper. And even one with a user selectable option to allow the user to receive some type of Morse Code to determine multiple dies would be great. It probably wouldn’t work for me but hey, I’m willing to give it a try. Not sure I would ever use an additional thumper even if used in the standard manner but I’d almost certainly buy one and give it a go. I could see using the thumper most of the time but having the visual on hand as a back up in case I got stuck.

For a single die in play, the PM style of signaling I think is perfectly adequate. Gets really messy when you're trying to get a read on more than 1 dice though.

As for your routine that you used the RD for, did you ever try to come up with a memory system to keep track of which spectator picked which number? Something along the lines of how Colin keeps track of responses from a line of spectators on stage he's doing Tequila Hustler for? His suggestion in the TH book addresses the exact issue you've encountered.
M Pitcher
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On Dec 12, 2019, Rainer - ParaLabs wrote:
Why did Murphy’s publish the videos unprotected?

In my opinion they are destroying business for a lot magicians and mentalists.
It’s a secret worth nothing?

The video is telling also the biggest idiot that the dice is sending signals....

Time for new secret products from fair creator....

Do you mean password protected like this?

Shame for describing what the trick does and that it allows you to get a peek and talks about perk wallets.
I see double standards.
You haven’t password protected your website and you are expecting a wholesaler that sells through thousands of dealers to password protect everybody’s shop?