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Adam Paul
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So, its been delayed - AGAIN!

This is the very last time I'll pre-order anything again. What happened to folks waiting until they had the goods BEFORE taking the money?

I dare say people will come back and leap to Richard's defense - they always do! But the fact is, this happens a lot. I'm not having a go at Richard here - just the whole pre-order system in general.

Incidentially, from what I understand, the "gimmicked" cards are very standard and available at practically any magic shop. If I'm right about that, why couldn't Richard pick up a few decks from his local magic shop and use them for the pre-orders, if he was THAT concerned about keeping us waiting?

Ron Vergilio
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A lot of people pre-order to get the discount. I, for one, know we'll get it before anyone else, so not pre-ordering will just delay you getting the effect at a later date. I guess you have to think about 'why' you pre-ordered.

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Cameron Francis
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Gaffs are becoming difficult to get a hold of, even the standard ones. I noticed a few online shops are out of some standard ones at the moment.

This might have something to do with the USPCC's new rules...
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Profile of bobbyk
On 2009-06-09 18:06, Adam Paul wrote:
So, its been delayed - AGAIN!

This is the very last time I'll pre-order anything again. What happened to folks waiting until they had the goods BEFORE taking the money?

I dare say people will come back and leap to Richard's defense - they always do! But the fact is, this happens a lot. I'm not having a go at Richard here - just the whole pre-order system in general.

Incidentially, from what I understand, the "gimmicked" cards are very standard and available at practically any magic shop. If I'm right about that, why couldn't Richard pick up a few decks from his local magic shop and use them for the pre-orders, if he was THAT concerned about keeping us waiting?


I'm guessing that pre-orders aren't for you. If there was a discount and I believe there was for pre-orders, then I guess the price one pays for being out front & getting the discount is that there is ALWAYS a chance that some circumstance will arise that will cause a delay. What I've learned over the years's no big deal as long as you get what you paid for in a reasonable amount of time. The world can wait for another magic effect....

If one isn't willing to take the risk...then simply don't pre-order. As for me, I'm fairly confident that any effect Mr. Sanders puts his name on is generally well worth it...and if I should end up waiting for be it. I have had the same thing happen with effects that have been out for some time...the ole "out of stock" ploy....

I hope this is a great effect....

I am ordering mine today...even tho I will be behind all those Pre-Orders Smile

My advice....(not that anyone wants it...RELAX & enjoy life Smile )

Review King
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I've had strong opinions about not pre-ordering. But, when it comes to creators like Richard, I like to support them anyway I can. I understand that delays happen and with a classy guy like Richard, he doesn't vanish, but tells you exactly what's going on.

Read what Richard wrote and you can feel his pain.
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I totally agree with you Christopher

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Profile of Voldemort
I'm of the same mindset as you Chris. I don't place pre-orders much at all. (Been screwed a few times). But I have no problem pre-ordering from a select few. Richard is one of them.

I'm sure we will all have this in no time at all and I'm sure that Richard will not rest until we do have it.

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Profile of bekralik
It's all about managing expectations and good communication, which I think Richard has done. If he had originally said June 16th, everyone would be cool - so put your expectations into perspective, it's not the end of the world.
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Profile of gaffed
On 2009-06-09 18:06, Adam Paul wrote:

Incidentially, from what I understand, the "gimmicked" cards are very standard and available at practically any magic shop.

Really! Now how would you know that?

Anyway, I don't have any qualms in pre-ordering from Richard in the least. I would however never do such a thing with some magic sites which I'll refrain from mentioning. Then again, I would never order anything from them again given the junk (in my opinion) as to what they throw out.

As I mentioned earlier that Rich is a stand up guy and at least he has the decency to keep everyone informed as to where others would just let people sit by the side and steam!

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Profile of NYCJoePitt
The whole concept of pre-ordering is about being one of the first to get an item. Actual release dates of products are another thing entirely. Richard is an excellent magician with an excellent reputation. He was even generous enough to offer a discount with the pre-order (though we know the advantage does work both ways!) There is little doubt that those who pre-ordered will get the effect before the general public as he has stated and re-stated.

Delays in a release date are a fact of life. It amazes me that the magi on this board still continue to **** and moan when a product gets delayed by a week or so... Richard Sanders is not trying to rip you off Smile LOL.
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Profile of Voldemort
I don't think its that bad NYCJoepitt. Theres only been one poster complaining as of now.

At least I would HOPE that there are not so many who would complain over what really amounts to nothing.

I was happy to get the small discount. Ordering direct from the creator in this instance is another bounus for me. If its delayed for a month I wouldn't really be concerned.

"Flight from death"
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Adam Paul
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I guess I'm old fashioned - if I'm told a product will be available on a certain day - I expect that to be the case.

I'm also like a big kid at Christmas and wait by the door when the mail man arrives - only to be disappointed to find he's just delivered bills and not my DVD!

Obviously pre-ordering has its benefits - usually cheaper price and you get it before everybody else. Of course on the creators side, they get money back quickly to help finance the project. Of course some people (like a certain mentalist) take advantage of this and get money for products that are not even written, but that's another story....

I just wished that when creators set release dates for pre-orders they maybe added a week or two on top of the date they expected delivery. That way, any delays wouldn't affect the purchaser and in most cases people who pre-ordered would have their orders EARLIER than expected and not later - so no disappointments!

Anyway, I don't expect people to agree with me as I'm sure people will read in to this that I'm having a go at Richard - which I'm most certainly not!

Just my thoughts on pre-ordering in general.

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Profile of MagicRoo
Well, I can image situations where you need to rely on the dates. For example if you planned a show and already announced an "incredible" effect. But even in this case you need to be aware of the risk of internet shopping (pre-ordering AND regular ordering).

I was willing to take the risk and I appreciate that Richard does inform us. I also believe that he is really doing everything he can to speed up the process.
Christopher Williams
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Richard is a top Magician, and as only a few I have noticed actually say, has some serious chops in card handling! Easily one of the most skilled sleight of hand Magicians on the planet, and not many people see this or praise him for it.

As for pre-orders, I can understand a creator offering pre-order, but not a Magic shop. Creators do it because unlike Magic shops and sites, they don't have all the time in the world to process high amount of orders and get them posted out on a one off basis, sending the all out to various locations. A Magic shop/site is intended for that purpose, and so the creator sends to them a bulk to just a few locations, sometimes just one (Magic wholesaler - Murphys Magic). The site can manage the huge amount of orders and send them out to customers as that is their job.
Creators when sending to wholesalers or shops have to slash the price so the shop can make their money on the product, so when they offer it themselves for pre-release, it is to try and make some sort of costs to cover not only the production value in all aspects, but to make some sort of financial benefit for their hard time, work and release of an item in their reportoire. They also know that a lot of people will go to their regular Magic shop/site to order, and so hope in offering discount and pre-release, that this will make more people go to the creator instead of the Shop/site.
This is why I find it unfair of shops to do the same. I realise they are all competing with each other to try and get their finanical gain as well to the business, but it takes away from the creator, and when the creator comes across issues such as this one occuring here, the shops get it in the ear as well for people who made pre-orders through them. Perhaps this should be a lesson to shops/sites not to offer pre-orders as their reputation is on the line as well...

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Profile of MikeOB
This is actually my first preorder. Richard seems to be a real stand up guy. He comes across as a very honest guy. I am very excited about Identity. I am glad I preordered from someone like Richard and will do so in the future. I understand that there was a snafu and it really is not a big deal to me. He has done a great job of communicating why their was a delay.

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Profile of judgehiker
I have had this theory that all magicians are really little kids trapped in an adults body. This thread has proven my theory because it sounds like a bunch of kids who can hardly contain themselves in anticipation of opening the present that will soon be coming. I am one of the kids too. Intellectually I understand patience and and the virtue of waiting for good things to come. I also understand that this is beyond Richard's control and he is a great guy etc. Emotionally though, when it comes to new magic the juices are already flowing. The expectation is exquisite pain. I look longingly at a mail box that I know is empty. Soon it will be there. I will open the package. By next week I will be prowling the forum for the latest and greatest and it will start all over. Perhaps not,though. This really may be the ONE! I know it is out there. I want it now.
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Profile of andykean
Good things come to those who wait!!
I am sure this will be worth it
Adam Paul
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I'm pretty sure that Richard's email said that he would be shipping all orders for Identity on Monday 15th at the latest. But he also said he'd send an email letting us know when they have been shipped.

Since I've not received a further email, I assume it's been delayed (AGAIN!).

This is the very last time I will pre-order anything - no matter what!

From what I understand Russ Stevens' latest release was sent out a week early than the advertised date. Now THAT's a man who understands customer service!

Since Richard is clearly "Mr Popular" on here and nobody seems to say a word against him - I fully expect a barage of angry replies. But before you do so, please remember that just because my opinion doesn't match yours, doesn't mean that I can't have my say too!

Review King
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Richard's DVD comes with a gimmick. The gimmick not being available is what caused the delay. My cousins baby is two weeks overdue. I guess she can be mad at GOD for the delay;-)

Based on his track record, IDENTITY will most likely will be a big hit. I use his "NAMED" which is based on "IDENTITY" so I know the impact it has on people.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Nico Zottos
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Adam, yes you are entitled to your opinion but it doesn't seem you understand the circumstances. This isn't Richard's fault. Im sure he allowed plenty of time for the gimmicks to arrive and was expecting to get them on time but something OUT OF HIS CONTROL happened. What could he do? He isn't just sitting there laughing at all of the people waiting for Identity. Im sure he is trying his hardest to get these out which will will most likely be notified about!

The same situation can be applied to a lost package in the mail as an example. Who do you blame? The person who shipped it or the Postal Service? Obviously the postal service because it was out of the shipper's control after he gave it to the Postal Service. If you place an order for special cards from the USPCC but the cards don't arrive on time or there are delays, who do you blame? The person ordering or the person making and delivering the cards.

Just my two cents.
