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Profile of johnra
Cant wait to get my video of this and Dons new Busking DVD.
John Shackelford LIVE!!!
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Columbus, Ohio
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Profile of emyers99
This may have been discussed already but where do you guys get your Svengali decks? Don gives two sources. One is wholesale and requires a dealers license. The other is Eddie's Trick Shop. Don says Eddie's sells the decks for $1.25 but I checked an they are now $4.95.


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Profile of Curmudgeon
I typed up a review of Don's Building a Tip DVD, you can see it here (locked thread)

Thanks...And Don is the man!!
Vandy Grift
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Profile of Vandy Grift
That thread should be reopened soon. I asked the Mgmt to combine Ryan and Curmudgeon's thread about the NEW Tip building DVD and he locked them both. Ughhhhh.
"Get a life dude." -some guy in a magic forum
Ryan Matney
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Profile of Ryan Matney
I just sent him a PM before I saw your post here Vandy. Oh well.
The Close-Up Magic Shop
The Great Dave
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Profile of The Great Dave
I just got my set of Don's Building a Tip and Svengali Pitch. Ordered it Monday, got it Wednesday. Great service! The set is fantastic... I have watched it twice and am still amazed. The one sentence where Don explains how long the pitch should be for todays audience was a golden nugget. The written material for the pitch that comes with it was a great way to have a rehearsal document. On the video in the live pitch at a street fair just getting underway, Don sells 7 units in 20 seconds. Not bad for a few minutes of work. This set will pay for itself the first time out. And the historical value of it is priceless. Great material. Excellent value. Thanks Don...

Best Wishes,
Academy of Magical Arts

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat! Whoops, wrong hat ...
Steve V
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Profile of Steve V
It is interesting when you see the guys who realllllly depend on the pitch etc for a living vs the guys who are just putting together a 'how to pitch' video just to make a few bucks. Don's products are the real deal and I've not seen anything else to compare with the knowledge and experience he shares.
Steve V
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Profile of markjens
There is a good reason that everyone has been looking forward to Don's products. Guys have been telling him for years that he should put out tapes and stuff, but he's been adamant that he isn't interested in cashing in. He has now reached a point in his life where he wants to leave the world of magic and pitch some evidence that he was here. Well guys, he has done far more than that. If you have any interest in making some money on the pitch, Don is to pitch what Oxford is to dictionary. Oh, and the fact that he gives you more for your money than just about any other video you've ever owned doesn't hurt, either. I feel completely confident that if Don wanted to, he could easily include the guarantee that if you purchase any of his systems, you will - YOU WILL - get the money back the *very* first time you go out on the street. Turns out, there are way too many guys who would take advantage of the guy, but believe me, you'll get it back. This one is a two thumbs up, easy. He delivers.
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Profile of pgh-mike
I got the DVD's the other day...great stuff! It's stuff you can use in the real world.
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Profile of Snidini
Hey Don, did you ever do any pitching in around Old Town in the 60's. Bought my first deck there from a guy in a little booth on the streets. I still have it believe it or not. Just curious.

The Great Dave
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My Wife said "It's Me or that Stupid Magic Website!" this many times.
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Profile of The Great Dave
Here is a Pitch that really works. I tried it for the first time last weekend and had more crowd than I was prepared for. I recommend both DVD's.

Best Wishes,
Academy of Magical Arts

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat! Whoops, wrong hat ...
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Nashville Tn
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Profile of Darkwing
Don is the best pitch man around and a class act all around. You need this DVD.

David Williams
Michael Baker
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Near a river in the Midwest
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Profile of Michael Baker
I am amazed at the drawing power of both the bally and the pitch shown on this DVD and his "Building a Tip" DVD. Don's psychology is very well thought out, and I would highly this to anyone wanting a real insider's advice.

Check here for more info.

~michael baker
The Magic Company
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Profile of markjens
Guys, I have to add something here. Let's just say that maybe, just maybe, you are giving this DVD some thought. First off, you know you aren't risking much in the way of money, because Don delivers more for your money than just about anyone out there. But, there is something else I want to let you know about, and it is an even better reason for supporting his project. Don is one of the few guys who gives back to the art, big time. I mean GIVES BACK, not just supports his local ring and helps the new guy learn a double lift. Don has mentored a couple of young men now, and he has also given enough magic away to people to start them with their own acts. There is a young man in Colorado who is enjoying an entire act worth of magic, and sent to him by Don, who had never even met him! Don is a guy who wants to leave something behind to magic that is more valuable than having a move named after him. Don is leaving behind a legacy of people who perform wonderful magic, and who know enough to care about the people more than the method. Another young man in the Mid South is placing very highly in magic contests due to working very hard at what he does. His magic has improved a great deal, and he gives Don a great deal of credit for that improvement. What I'm trying to tell you guys is that Don has given away a whole lot more magic than these DVDs will bring back in, so if you're on the fence just go for it. It really IS as good as people here have written, and you really SHOULD have it. Okay? (P.S. Don, don't get ****ed at me for telling people that you really are a nice guy. At least more sales will pay the shipping for all the stuff you give away.)
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Profile of sethb
Adding to Markjens' comments, I would note that Don has excellent "tech support" for his products.

I was having a problem with one of the moves on the Svengali Pitch tape. When I PM'd Don about it, he got back to me within a day with some very helpful suggestions and tips. You just can't beat that sort of attitude and old-fashioned service. SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
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Greg McNeil Peoria,Illinois
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Profile of geemack
I've had this DVD for a few weeks and I've seen it several times now. It's a really good one, and I notice more good stuff each time I watch it. Don knows what he's doing with this pitch, and generously shares it all. The pitch man, the real thing, seems to be a less common sight all the time. If you want to learn how to do the Svengali pitch, or even if you just want to have a piece of some interesting and entertaining cultural history, get a copy of this.

Oh, and I've heard on pretty good authority that you might get a chance to meet Don at the Abbott's Get Together in Michigan first week of August. Smile
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Profile of LeonardH
I purchased Don's Svengali Pitch DVD about a month ago. I built my pitch stand in a weekend, then decided to hit the local flea market. My first weekend out I made $120. I stuck with the pitch exactly as Don gives it on the DVD. I am very pleased with the results - I already have a street festival lined up where I traded a show in exchange for free vendor space. Thanks, Don!
Review King
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Profile of Review King
The more you watch these, the more you learn. You always pick up soemthing new!
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of mota
Talk about a push-button system!

Learn about five minutes of material.

Buy what he tells you.

Go where he tells you.

Sell it for five times (or more) what you paid.
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Profile of DonDriver
Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the kinds words.Just incase you haven't heard David Walker and myself will be at FAB magic in Colon Mi Aug 1-5 doing a free lecture on the Svengali pitch.

David is an amazing person you won't want to miss.He's 79 and still out there going strong.I'm sure this will be the only time you will get to see him lecture on the pitch and "jockpot" with him. Its going to be a fun 5 days.
