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Profile of ClintonMagus
I hope this is the proper place to post this.

Where can I find some ideas for a three shell game routine?


Amos McCormick
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John Macmillan
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Contact Camirand Academy in Quebec and order "Super Shells" manuscript by Gary Oulette.

Their web page is
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Profile of sleightly
I might also suggest you check out my website not only for my La Maggiore shells (that many working pros consider the world's finest) but support books and videos as well as a reference list for further study...

Good luck with the hunt and let me know if I can be of any help!

Whit Haydn
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Profile of Whit Haydn
Also check out the School for Scoundrels site at
We have lots of different shell sets available, as well as books and videos on the shell game.

Great news is that Bob Kohler is going to release a DVD with himself and Bob Sheets on the shell game.

Bob Kohler's video "The Golden Shells" and Bob Sheets video "Absolutely Nuts" are very valuable references.

The most important book available on the shells is Tom Osborne's The Three Shell Game available at most magic shops. It is a hard to read pamphlet, badly written and illustrated, but it contains all the real work from the street hustlers.

Jack Chanin's book, "Hello, Sucker" is also great, with lots of original stuff, if you can find it.

Eddie Joseph has tons of great original shell game stuff in the fifties in Magic Wand.
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Profile of DaveM
I just checked out your site, its fantastic. Some very devious items.

Erik Anderson
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"Hello Sucker" is available in the book "Chanin", which is a biography of the man and a compilation of his publications.
Erik "Aces" Anderson

"I never let my schooling get in the way of my education." ~ Mark Twain
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Profile of Masimax
What kind of PEA do you use?

I've not found a good PEA at the moment.

Thank you

Massimo Pulidori
Whit Haydn
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The best pea on the market is the Perfect Pea by School for Scoundrels. Available at
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Profile of twistedace
What exactly is the three shell game and what makes it more entertaining or just as entertaining as a cups and balls routine? I'm just curious. I see a lot of hype about it but don't see the possibilities with it.
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Profile of sleightly
One of the main benefits of the shell game is that it is instantly recognized by audiences although most have never seen it performed. Its legendary status creates a compelling interest that the thinking performer can capitalize on. Add to that the general public's fascination with gambling and the hope of making "something for nothing," and you've got a hook that beats the tar off any old "magic trick."

With the great promise comes great challenges, most notably retaining audience interest in something that becomes more and more predictable while having a clear, focused finish that retains a sense of legitimacy to the presentation...

Conjurers were once gauged on their ability with The Cups and Balls, for close-up performers. One could make the argument that modern close-up workers can be evaluated by their work with the shells.

By the by, be sure to keep your eyes out for my soon-to-be-released DVD, The Shells: From Street to Stage. I will be releasing my personal routine for the shells along with a comprehensive look at shell game technique, equipment, presentational approaches, historical information and hopefully some film clips of the greats... The Shells: From Street to Stage will be available early in 2004.

Fleece 'em if ya got 'em!

Bill Hallahan
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Profile of Bill Hallahan
In addition to what Andrew wrote, the Cups and Balls with or without loads doesn't fit in a normal pocket. The Three Shell game can.

The performance mat is the bulkiest item.
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Profile of Lo-Key
I agree Bob Kohler’s video "Golden Shells is excellent.
My all time favorite is Frank Garcia's demonstration of the Three Shell Game. This can be found on the stars of Magic video.
The very best source for information on scams is the School for Scoundrels as Whit has mentioned,

Mark Young
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Yep, Bob Kohlers "Golden Shells" video and a set of "Perfect Peas" to work with and you will be well on your way. Once you get the routine down check out Bob Sheets "Absolutely Nuts". These were all helpful in working out a routine that fits me.

Erik Anderson
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Profile of Erik Anderson
I have to agree. Bob Kohler’s Golden Shells routine is, well ... gold! Combined with Bob Sheet’s acquitment move, you have a thing of true beauty. I can't wait to see what they do together.

What surprises me, even in this day of instantly available information on almost anything, is just how many people I run into (usually in their early to mid twenties) who not only don't know that the shell game is a swindle, but have never even heard of it.

A part of me thinks it is my obligation to teach them and that tuition is expensive, but then I remember my allergy to serious bodily injury and that I really AM an ethical person (A conscience is awfully inconvenient at times) and I shove my inner swindler back into the closet again. <Sigh!> Lead me not into temptation...I can find it well enough on my own, thank you.

There's a lot of magic I do because it plays well. Then there are things like the Shell Game (and Fast and Loose), which I do because I love them so. The strong reaction it gets is just icing on the cake. Smile
Erik "Aces" Anderson

"I never let my schooling get in the way of my education." ~ Mark Twain
Crossroads Mystic
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A little off topic, but… Years ago I had a 3 Card Monte set. The cards had shells on one side and the other sides had a blank, a pea and an eight ball. Anyone have any idea what this was and if it’s still available?
...from whose bourne,

no traveler returns...

Formerly Mr.Skin
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Profile of dlhoyt
On 2003-12-19 17:14, Mr.Skin wrote:
A little off topic, but… Years ago I had a 3 Card Monte set. The cards had shells on one side and the other sides had a blank, a pea and an eight ball. Anyone have any idea what this was and if it’s still available?

I had this, also. I remember it was a packet trick by Nick Trost. Similar in handling to Color Monte. Wish I had it again. Don't know if, or where, it is available.
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Profile of Kjellstrom
You can download a online video with the Three Shell Game here: [click on videos]
andre combrinck
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Profile of andre combrinck
The Art of Close-up Magic vol1 by Lewis Ganson has a few effects using this.
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Profile of GSmithson
7 Steps of learning the Shell Game. (In a nutshell...)

1) Buy a bag of walnuts. Separate the nuts into groups or twins that look similar in size and shape on at least one side.

2) Split the nuts. Eat the nutmeat. Smooth out the insides of the shells with sandpaper. Fashion a "Chanin Dip" on the tail end, if you prefer.

3) Then, apply water-based wood putty, such as Elmer's brand, to the insides of the shells and smooth out the putty. This adds durability and provides a smooth interior. (Use epoxy putty for maximum durability.) Your props will look like real nutshells!

4) Fashion one or more peas. (You CAN use real peas. Feel free to PM me for tips.)

5) Go to your local public library and learn the "secret moves." Write some lively patter for your routine. Funny is good. Practice the moves until you can perform them whilst talking to your audience and reciting your patter.

6) If you feel that you must purchase something... buy Bob Sheets' patter and routine as it is highly amusing and entertaining. Or, wait for Doug Edwards' material as his stuff is always high caliber.

7) Use the money you saved in steps 1-5 to do something nice for someone else.

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Profile of sleightly
I'm sure Whit will chime in but...

Step 2 of the preceding post refers to the Chanin Dip as being preparation to the tail of the shell. This is incorrect (and often mistakenly attributed). The Chanin Dip does not refer to the inverted "v" that often appears at the rear of the shell half (which many suggest is the space where the branch attaches to the shell--this is also inaccurate as walnut shells develop inside a husk and rarely does the branch reach inside to the kernel, but it seem logical). It actually refers to the way the shell "dips" down toward to front when your finger is placed on the front end of the shell. For more detail on the preparation of the Chanin Dip, check out Chanin's "Hello Sucker" book, refer to one of Whit's posts regarding the dip on the Café or check out my "Guide to Shopping for Shells" (which could be used as a checklist of important features to add when constructing a servicable shell).

Thic can be found at:

Otherwise, the rest of the list looks good!

(For those of you who prefer a shortcut, you could always check out for shells, accessories, books and videos).

I particularly like the last half of Step 7!
