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Andi Peters
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Forget fooling Penn and Teller. Paul managed to fool the pants of Gary Jones with material on this DVD.

You NEED to buy this dvd NOW.

Paul has shipped all the pre-orders, I received mine today.

It's full of original, impactful and commercial card magic. Not surprising really when you consider it's the output of Great Britain's premier cardician.

Particular favourites of mine are That's Not Possible, Head to Head Poker #3 and Triple Kick Monte. I think it was Head to Head Poker that completely floored GJ and other top notch magi. This one trick alone is worth the price of entry.

There are 30 or so tricks on the DVD along with lots of additional hints and tips. Paul also has some hilarious stories which he shares.

Keep on inventing Paul. The world of card magic would not be what it is now without your constant innovation.
John Pilotzi
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Andi Peters
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Paul has been wowing the crowds on his UK lecture tour with this new material.

Ernie Thorpe described his new DVD as "Phenomenal, this year's must buy magic item for all skill levels. It's full of first class card magic and that."
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Good enough for Andi and John, good enough for me
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Profile of jayder
I had the pleasure to attend paul's card capers on sunday in glasgow.What a day it was and well worth the money.I would highly recommend this to anyone.He's a top guy and a top entertainer.
John Pilotzi
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Who is Ernie Thorpe? JP
Andi Peters
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On 2011-01-24 09:36, John Pilotzi wrote:
Who is Ernie Thorpe? JP

He's an old guy who sits at the back of magic lectures here in the uk.
John Pilotzi
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Well, it took a while (bad snow in the UK I hear) but BWC arrived in wet Chicago yesterday. I've been kinda glued since! Sure I love Card Startlers (Pauls last big DVD set), but I think BWC might even be better. The LIVE sets are awesome. Truly great. Paul knows how to entertain and get laughs and dropped jaws. The tricks (all thirty) are ALL workers. Double, no triple, awesome. Well done Mr. G.

John Pilotzi
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Well, it took a while (bad snow in the UK I hear) but BWC arrived in wet Chicago yesterday. I've been kinda glued since! Sure I love Card Startlers (Pauls last big DVD set), but I think BWC might even be better. The LIVE sets are awesome. Truly great. Paul knows how to entertain and get laughs and dropped jaws. The tricks (all thirty) are ALL workers. Double, no triple, awesome. Well done Mr. G.

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Profile of Sybilmagic
Paul Gordon Blockbusters 2 DVD set
Paul Gordon Blockbusters 2 DVD set
Paul Gordon
£30 ships Internationally


Approx 2.5 hours

Out of 10:

Opening Comments
I must admit I was wondering whether Blockbusters would be as good as Card Startlers by Paul Gordon (an epic 3 DVD set), which I think is universally accepted as a major hit and a must have in any collection. Card Startlers is 30+ years of the best of the best magic from Paul. Well I honestly think Paul has another hit on his hands. Like a really good music album there may be a few you skip over (at first anyway) and there will be some you get into straight away when you first see them.
The production quality is good and the teaching is clear and to the point. There are 2 camera angles used for the teaching section making picking up small details very easy. The moves are within the grasp of the beginner. I think the only move that isn’t taught that you wouldn’t find in Expert card technique or Royal road is the Jordon count. Although if you can do the Elmsley count then Paul does give you enough detail in order to do the Jordon count.
The DVD does jump around a little bit. I think this is due to some of the performances being together in one clip. I think it is actually good, it is nice to see how Paul smoothly moves from one routine to another. This is something I don’t think we see enough of. Please tell me how in the world you manage to smoothly move into a routine where you have 4 coins classic palmed in a stepped condition with another coin backclipped after just finishing your last trick with a multiple load chop cup routine…. hmm . Well Paul doesn’t brush over these points, he tells you how to be ready and how to get into a trick on the fly.
The first DVD opens with 3 outstanding tricks which (for me anyway) stand head and shoulders above any version I have seen. When I am scoring 10/10 I really mean 10/10 these are destined to be classics of magic and the definitive version of the tricks in the category the are in! All the work Paul has done with the routines makes them workable and even more magical.

Head to head poker 10/10 (difficulty 2/10) – This is an outstanding trick. The thinking on this is magnificent. Ten cards are removed from the deck. Two or Three cards are put on the table at a time and the spectator gets the choice of either card(s). At the end the performer has a royal flush and the spectator has a bad hand. Excellent thinking and (IMHO) to easy to do, considering the reactions you are going to get.
Hellman’s Aces - 10/10 (difficulty 4/10) is just pure magic. Each time you place 2 king’s face up onto a face down deck an ace immediately appears face down between them. It plays as it reads, with no funny business. It is better than JB's ‘Club sandwich’(which is a good trick in its own right) but is less movey and does not involve a gimmick!? Dare I say it is better than a favourite sandwich card trick of mine, Hold the mayo by Simon Lovell. Yes it is, why? it can be done standing and It looks like real magic!
Anything Aces -10/10 (difficulty 4/10) This is a Collins style spell to the Aces trick. I struggle to remember the setup for the Collins trick, I think this version is a little more streamlined and easy to remember. I like the change of pace at the end for the final ace. If you can engineer the endings that have happened to Paul you will have something that people will swear is not possible
Gordon’s Aces 7/10 (difficulty 3/10) - this is very similar to Anything aces but it is even more simple to get into. I would personally say that Anything aces is a superior effect but Gordon’s Aces is a great for someone that wants something that is very easy to do.
Psychedelic Foursome- (performance only) 10/10 (difficulty unknown ~ 5/10)- To me this adds an extra dimension to the Vernon twisting the aces plot. I like twisting the aces but it just doesn’t go anywhere for me. This version does, it starts of in the same way with each card turning face-up one at a time then the whole packet turns face-up, when you take one card away it returns to the packet. At the end there is a major kicker of psychedelic proportions.
A dazzling Flush –9/10 (difficulty 3/10) is an excellent follow up to head to head poker as the setup is (almost) already done. A dazzling flush (as far as I know) is very unique. The effect is that 4 cards are selected from a small packet are returned to the small packet. The packet is then shuffled face down amongst a royal flush. After the shuffle the royal flush has sandwiched all 4 selected cards.
Predictable stroll #2 - 8/10 (difficulty 3/10) : A pretty little quickie for 2 people. Also a nice way to use your name aswell. You mix several cards face up and face down. A quick wave of the hand and the only face down cards are the spectators. It does help if your first name and surname are 10 letters! My name is 10 letter. For once I am glad my name is Phil Lawson!
Oh See Williams - 8/10 (difficulty 7/10) This is a very clever little trick where 2 selections end up in your pockets and is ideal for anyone that is dying to do a card(s) to pocket and you want some solid misdirection for the crucial moments. This is possibly the most challenging effect (sleight wise) on the DVD set. The way the cards are selected is very unique and the control is a hidden part of the method. I have seen this live and you would swear blind that there is no way the magician could know the identity of the cards.
Flush the Aces - 7/10 (difficulty 5/10) The four aces are lost into the deck. You then spell the word MAGIC and find the four aces, what about the other cards you dealt of? Well it’s only a royal flush! This is not normally my type of thing, simply because other versions do not go anywhere. This one does. You are left with the royal flush to go into another routine. I nice little trick to throw in at the right time.
Still Flabbergasted: 7/10 (difficulty 6/10) A workable signature transposition where the signature jumps from the back of a selected card that is being held by a spectator and onto the card you are holding. The thinking is very clever on this, they will swear that the signature jumped from their card to yours.I think my rating on this may go up after I have worked it.
Lighter than a feather - 8/10 (difficulty 3/10) A selected card is found within a Zippo lighter that is failing to light (it must have been the card?!) but wait it is the wrong card! It’s a good job the magician predicted the selected card and wrote it on the back of it before it was put in the Zippo lighter. I think this will draw the curiosity of the crowd due to the unusual nature of the reveal at the end and the build up to it.
Three of hearts gag trick - 6/10 (difficulty 3/10) Not to be overlooked. This uses the gag three of hearts jumbo card with every card printed on the rear. After seeing how Paul entertains a group of people why are we bothering to learn knuckle buster sleights! Not really my thing but after seeing the reactions I am wondering why it isn’t!!!!!
Lottery deck/Sexy men - 8/10 (difficulty 2/10) Both are very similar to the Phil deck and the presentations are very clever uses of the principal.
The Main Thrust - 8/10 (difficulty 3/10) A card is selected and lost in the deck. Two locator cards are placed face down in the deck by the spectator. The deck is immediately spread. The locator cards have sandwiched the selected card, and are now face up! This really does use a very clever idea to acheive a superb ending. A magnificent magical ending to a fantastic DVD.

[u]DVD 1 Closing thoughts[/u]
An excellent DVD with something for everyone.
DVD2 review to follow….
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Profile of Sybilmagic
On 2011-01-27 03:29, Sybilmagic wrote:
Paul Gordon Blockbusters 2 DVD set
Paul Gordon Blockbusters 2 DVD set
Paul Gordon
£30 ships Internationally


Approx 2.5 hours

Out of 10:

Opening Comments
I must admit I was wondering whether Blockbusters would be as good as Card Startlers by Paul Gordon (an epic 3 DVD set), which I think is universally accepted as a major hit and a must have in any collection. Card Startlers is 30+ years of the best of the best magic from Paul. Well I honestly think Paul has another hit on his hands. Like a really good music album there may be a few you skip over (at first anyway) and there will be some you get into straight away when you first see them.
The production quality is good and the teaching is clear and to the point. There are 2 camera angles used for the teaching section making picking up small details very easy. The moves are within the grasp of the beginner. I think the only move that isn’t taught that you wouldn’t find in Expert card technique or Royal road is the Jordon count. Although if you can do the Elmsley count then Paul does give you enough detail in order to do the Jordon count.
The DVD does jump around a little bit. I think this is due to some of the performances being together in one clip. I think it is actually good, it is nice to see how Paul smoothly moves from one routine to another. This is something I don’t think we see enough of. Please tell me how in the world you manage to smoothly move into a routine where you have 4 coins classic palmed in a stepped condition with another coin backclipped after just finishing your last trick with a multiple load chop cup routine…. hmm . Well Paul doesn’t brush over these points, he tells you how to be ready and how to get into a trick on the fly.
The first DVD opens with 3 outstanding tricks which (for me anyway) stand head and shoulders above any version I have seen. When I am scoring 10/10 I really mean 10/10 these are destined to be classics of magic and the definitive version of the tricks in the category the are in! All the work Paul has done with the routines makes them workable and even more magical.

Head to head poker 10/10 (difficulty 2/10) – This is an outstanding trick. The thinking on this is magnificent. Ten cards are removed from the deck. Two or Three cards are put on the table at a time and the spectator gets the choice of either card(s). At the end the performer has a royal flush and the spectator has a bad hand. Excellent thinking and (IMHO) to easy to do, considering the reactions you are going to get.
Hellman’s Aces - 10/10 (difficulty 4/10) is just pure magic. Each time you place 2 king’s face up onto a face down deck an ace immediately appears face down between them. It plays as it reads, with no funny business. It is better than JB's ‘Club sandwich’(which is a good trick in its own right) but is less movey and does not involve a gimmick!? Dare I say it is better than a favourite sandwich card trick of mine, Hold the mayo by Simon Lovell. Yes it is, why? it can be done standing and It looks like real magic!
Anything Aces -10/10 (difficulty 4/10) This is a Collins style spell to the Aces trick. I struggle to remember the setup for the Collins trick, I think this version is a little more streamlined and easy to remember. I like the change of pace at the end for the final ace. If you can engineer the endings that have happened to Paul you will have something that people will swear is not possible
Gordon’s Aces 7/10 (difficulty 3/10) - this is very similar to Anything aces but it is even more simple to get into. I would personally say that Anything aces is a superior effect but Gordon’s Aces is a great for someone that wants something that is very easy to do.
Psychedelic Foursome- (performance only) 10/10 (difficulty unknown ~ 5/10)- To me this adds an extra dimension to the Vernon twisting the aces plot. I like twisting the aces but it just doesn’t go anywhere for me. This version does, it starts of in the same way with each card turning face-up one at a time then the whole packet turns face-up, when you take one card away it returns to the packet. At the end there is a major kicker of psychedelic proportions.
A dazzling Flush –9/10 (difficulty 3/10) is an excellent follow up to head to head poker as the setup is (almost) already done. A dazzling flush (as far as I know) is very unique. The effect is that 4 cards are selected from a small packet are returned to the small packet. The packet is then shuffled face down amongst a royal flush. After the shuffle the royal flush has sandwiched all 4 selected cards.
Predictable stroll #2 - 8/10 (difficulty 3/10) : A pretty little quickie for 2 people. Also a nice way to use your name aswell. You mix several cards face up and face down. A quick wave of the hand and the only face down cards are the spectators. It does help if your first name and surname are 10 letters! My name is 10 letter. For once I am glad my name is Phil Lawson!
Oh See Williams - 8/10 (difficulty 7/10) This is a very clever little trick where 2 selections end up in your pockets and is ideal for anyone that is dying to do a card(s) to pocket and you want some solid misdirection for the crucial moments. This is possibly the most challenging effect (sleight wise) on the DVD set. The way the cards are selected is very unique and the control is a hidden part of the method. I have seen this live and you would swear blind that there is no way the magician could know the identity of the cards.
Flush the Aces - 7/10 (difficulty 5/10) The four aces are lost into the deck. You then spell the word MAGIC and find the four aces, what about the other cards you dealt of? Well it’s only a royal flush! This is not normally my type of thing, simply because other versions do not go anywhere. This one does. You are left with the royal flush to go into another routine. I nice little trick to throw in at the right time.
Still Flabbergasted: 7/10 (difficulty 6/10) A workable signature transposition where the signature jumps from the back of a selected card that is being held by a spectator and onto the card you are holding. The thinking is very clever on this, they will swear that the signature jumped from their card to yours.I think my rating on this may go up after I have worked it.
Lighter than a feather - 8/10 (difficulty 3/10) A selected card is found within a Zippo lighter that is failing to light (it must have been the card?!) but wait it is the wrong card! It’s a good job the magician predicted the selected card and wrote it on the back of it before it was put in the Zippo lighter. I think this will draw the curiosity of the crowd due to the unusual nature of the reveal at the end and the build up to it.
Three of hearts gag trick - 6/10 (difficulty 3/10) Not to be overlooked. This uses the gag three of hearts jumbo card with every card printed on the rear. After seeing how Paul entertains a group of people why are we bothering to learn knuckle buster sleights! Not really my thing but after seeing the reactions I am wondering why it isn’t!!!!!
Lottery deck/Sexy men - 8/10 (difficulty 2/10) Both are very similar to the Phil deck and the presentations are very clever uses of the principal.
The Main Thrust - 8/10 (difficulty 3/10) A card is selected and lost in the deck. Two locator cards are placed face down in the deck by the spectator. The deck is immediately spread. The locator cards have sandwiched the selected card, and are now face up! This really does use a very clever idea to acheive a superb ending. A magnificent magical ending to a fantastic DVD.

DVD 1 Closing thoughts
An excellent DVD with something for everyone.
DVD2 review to follow….
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Here is something to wet your appetite while I work on the 2nd DVD review. This is Paul performing in his element, in a pub at Covent Garden. The last 3 tricks Hellman’s aces Anything aces and head to head poker are the fantastic.
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Thanks for the review. Mine are on the way Smile
John Carey
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Hold the mayo is a Bill Goodwin effect.

Andi Peters
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Have you bought your copy of Blockbusters with Cards yet?

If you haven't then expect to get fooled by someone that has.
John Carey
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Bring it
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Profile of slyhand
Hmmm, Startlers or Blockbusters? I know I want one but which to start with? Any suggestions? Any deals if I get both?
I am getting so tired of slitting the throats of people who say that I am a violent psychopath.

John Pilotzi
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On 2011-01-29 22:41, slyhand wrote:
Hmmm, Startlers or Blockbusters? I know I want one but which to start with? Any suggestions? Any deals if I get both?

I know Paul does an offer where you buy both sets and get three marketed packet tricks for free. Good offer. But, I think you have to email him to see. is his website. JP
Andi Peters
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On 2011-01-29 10:43, John Carey wrote:
Bring it

I heard, on the magical grapevine, that you were fooled by head to head poker last night.

Paul's material has served you up a facial my friend.
John Pilotzi
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On 2011-02-03 20:00, Andi Peters wrote:
On 2011-01-29 10:43, John Carey wrote:
Bring it

I heard, on the magical grapevine, that you were fooled by head to head poker last night.

Paul's material has served you up a facial my friend.

Careful, ASW will accuse YOU of being Paul (too many nice comments) and I thought I held that title Smile Yeah...Paul's Head To Head Poker IS the best there is.