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Mr. Mystoffelees
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OK- I am way better with resolve in the fall and winter. Who knows why...

Many of us simply DO NOT practice enough! And while I thank Steve for the Café, it is up to US to use it for the betterment of ourselves and magic. So, I propose the following:

1, Anyone who wants can add their name and goal to the list I am about to create.

2. Anyone can change their goals at any time.

3. We meet back here to discuss progress and help each other stay on target.

4. No fibs, do it or admit it, but no fibs.

5. Entry fee for a post on this thread is 30 minutes of REAL practice, No matter if for an audience, a real show, in your basement all alone... it is ALL better than just reading about it...

6. Perhaps video will be in order later...


Your name or identifier

Your goal (the effect or sleight or routine you want to master - ONLY one.

How much time devoted to it each session

Sessions per week

Projected Date of Competency

NO CRITICS - only encouragement and help here

This is a self-help group, and I think it could be a lot of fun. Care to Join?

Posted: Oct 4, 2009 5:49pm
Hey- GREAT IDEA - I am in!!!

1. Jim Rogers

2. Harbottle's 4 coin vanish

3. 30 minutes

4. 5

5. June 1st

My thumbs hurt already...
Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
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Profile of magicalaurie
This is a nice idea, Jim. I've been doing more book-reading than practicing lately, but am beginning work on a new act. I'll be back with details next week. Smile

Posted: Oct 12, 2009 10:00am
1. magicalaurie
2. David Roth's "The Purse and Glass"
3. 1-2 hours/session
4. 4-6 sessions/week
5. February.

I will be working on "mastering" several others as well during this period, so I've given myself a bit of range here. I start tomorrow.
Mr. Mystoffelees
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A-OK! Thanks for joining me, I hate to work alone, and hopefully more will join. You have inspired me to devote 45 min a day and commit to the February goal- I hope you meant the end of February!

I begin with you, and will keep you informed of my progress and pains...


p.s. The Roth routine looks dy-no-mite!
Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
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Profile of magicalaurie
On 2009-10-13 15:16, mandarin wrote:

Just a quick point, Jim- there's an "a" in there- ie. magicalaurie- not to worry- happens all the time. Smile

I actually need a "good" draft of the routine by December 31st, and yes, need to refine it as well as I can by the end of February. I've been working on this routine off and on for a little while already, and put in a good hour last night, during which I made a couple of valuable discoveries, so on track so far...
Mr. Mystoffelees
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Profile of Mr. Mystoffelees
My apologies, magicalaurie- I have no excuse since I recently switched to a Mac Pro with the expanding screen resolution. Well, for once I am getting in some good practice. I purchased The Ostrich Factor a few weeks ago, and I am trying the idea of breaking the routine down into it's smallest individual parts, practicing each part until I can do it acceptably before moving to the next.

This will be a little hard for me, as I tend to goof off a bit when practicing by doing the things I like rather than the things I need. At least I am putting a lot of coins on the floor. Time to get some washers and string them to my belt...

Have fun!

Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
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Profile of magicalaurie
Hi Jim,

There's a little irony in it, but you know you're working when the coins are hitting the floor. Smile
Mr. Mystoffelees
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Profile of Mr. Mystoffelees
Well, must admit I missed my Friday session. Had tickets to "Magic of the Night" which turned out to be a reasonable halloween magic show by Stephen Knight. A nice dinner out, couple of glasses of wine, good show, arrive home late, convince myself better not to practice when tired and loopy...

I thought about it though...

Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
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Profile of magicalaurie
I wasn't feeling well on Friday, so didn't practice that day, myself. Did get 5 sessions in on it this past week, though, and making good progress...

magicalaurie Smile
Mr. Mystoffelees
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I'm back on track too. One thing I know is important for me, is to NOT practice if I am not focused and into it, or not feeling tip-top. It is so easy to practice wrong- better to take a break, don't you think?

This weekend I did a short show which felt really good. I also played around with an effect I just received called "Guru". This is a great effect, or at least will be for about a month until the youtubers destroy it. It's the kind of thing that they can easily expose.

The "Ostrich" concept is going really well for me.

Hope you are feeling better. With what is going around, it can be rather frightening to not feel good...


Posted: Oct 21, 2009 8:13am
Well, now I am having some trouble getting in the practice time, as I am gearing up for a halloween gig. Just got Butcher's Blade, which I find perhaps too dark and creepy to use...

Posted: Nov 1, 2009 8:34am
Butcher's Blade is a great scary effect and went over well. I also got Freakey Body Illusions from Hocus Pocus, which was a great package of neat halloween effects. Guru plays very well, and I already had Torturrette to round out the show.

OK, halloween was great fun, but now back to my practice. I have decided to work on Tenkai Pennies as my first "master this before you move on" effect. It is such a clean effect and, done right, is hard to figure out. Think I will use at least quarters, though...

Picked up the Roth DVD's last week, and am also very interested in the Hanging Coins, which is the same vanish as Harbottle's. May start to work on that a little.

Hey, Laurie, are you out there practicing? Do you have that routine?

Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
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Ontario, Canada
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Profile of magicalaurie
Hi Jim,

I'm practicing, yes. On schedule. The purse and glass is coming along very well, so I set it aside a bit, and have been working on a couple of other things for my act, all progressing nicely...
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Profile of JamesTong
Great to see that both of you are progressing and on track. Congratulations!
Mr. Mystoffelees
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Profile of Mr. Mystoffelees
Thanks, James. Join us!

Laurie- very smart. I need to do that too, from time to time. My halloween gig provided a nice break. Appreciate your reply, I am always way better when I have a compatriot to spur me on...


Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
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I would be back soon to join in the fun.
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Profile of magicalaurie
Got some coins in from ebay today. They're a little bigger than ideal for me- they're about dollar size. I've been substituting with twoonies while waiting for these- 3 more still to come. I'll start subbing with my silver dollars now til the rest come in. These will be a challenge at this size, but they are BEAUTIFUL coins and I definitely intend to use them...

Mr. Mystoffelees
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Wow- those are gorgeous! What are they? Do they have milled edges? I am actually looking for some palming coins, as I am "classic palm challenged". Also heard that violin rosin, etc., works well to help hold the coins, so I will be giving that a try...
Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
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Ontario, Canada
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Profile of magicalaurie
Jim, they're Chinese zodiac 24K gold and silver plated coins- year of the sheep- about $8.00 total (including shipping) each. They ship from China. I was glad to find the edges are milled, so I'll have that in my favour.

David Roth sells a prepackaged rosin that I was lucky enough to receive FREE at New York Coin Magic Seminar 5, that works very, very well. I've heard it's a little more expensive than some, but it's convenient and easy to use, and I'd definitely recommend it highly. Shop around if necessary, but keep it in mind if you can't find a less costly one you like. It's helped me alot.

My new act is a close-up "animal act" Smile so I really want to put these lovely sheep to work...

Mary Mowder
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I find cross training helpful.

I practice more often and better with several projects in the works, preferably at different stages (like research, finding props, 1 or 2 hand practice projects and something big and juggly ). All the projects seem to inform the others as they progress. When I'm blocked on one, working on something else helps ease through the block.

I like the projects close-at-hand around where I sit most (Tom and I live alone and are both Magicians so secrets and magic clutter are not a problem). I have a Magic toy box near my chair.

So while I don't meet your criteria to join I applaud your project.

I like to practice in general and chose practice intensive hobbies pre-Magic. Why have a hobby you don't enjoy doing? I admit finding time is hard.

Have Fun! - Mary Mowder
Mr. Mystoffelees
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Well, the criteria are flexible. I imagine you are speaking of "only one". That is just for focus on the goal and to have some way to qualify progress. It certainly does not mean you can not be working on many different things at different stages.

Many magicians, especially hobbyists, seem to skip around so much that they never really master any effect. To commit to one, not to the exclusion of others, but just to be the focus for awhile, can be very freeing.

At any rate, I would love to have you join us, and see if we all get to the "mastered" level soon. I know from my perspective, I am doing way better in my progress with my one current project. Feel free to change any of the criteria except 2- (a) regular practice toward a goal, and (b) honest assessment of progress.

Have to go now, I only allow myself one minute on the Café for each one minute I have practiced...


Posted: Nov 4, 2009 8:48am

Just bought a Case Logic flash-card holder at Walmart in the camera section for $4 that holds at least 6 silver dollar size coins in fine style and safety. Would be good for your spiffy new coins...

Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
Mary Mowder
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Profile of Mary Mowder
OK mandarin and magicalaurie I'm in. Hope to see JamesTong take the plunge as well.

1. Mary Mowder

2. Flying Knots into Ring and Rope

3. 30 min a day

4. 5 per week

5. Jan. 1, 2010

I already do this routine so the time frame to polish it isn't over optimistic. I know the times aren't long but like I said I've got other irons in the fire.

Jim I know what you mean about Magic Café time. I bribe myself to get things done with Magic Café time.

-Mary Mowder
Mr. Mystoffelees
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Profile of Mr. Mystoffelees

I am so excited that you are joining us! Hope James does also. I do a lot of rope stuff, but am not familiar with this effect. I will try to find it somewhere- it sounds like fun! Good laugh about the "rewards" program we seem to have established... Regards, Jim
Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"