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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: "Nestor Hato" DVD/Download Review (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of BMWGuy
Hi Guys,

I had ordered this on DVD, but for some reason the order did not go through, so I decided to purchase the download instead.
I am downloading the product now, and will post a full review later on today after viewing it.
Download is a bit on the pricey side $62
Get it at
I will be back shortly.


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Andi Peters
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Profile of Andi Peters
That's a lot of cash for a little splash!
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Profile of Wesker
Looking foward to the review!
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Profile of BMWGuy
OK guys,

Im sure not many people have this because the price scared them off, but let me tell you,it is well worth it!
Jean Luc Bertrand does it again!
I didn't get the DVD, since I did not want to wait around for it to arrive in the mail, so I bought the download instead.
I had some problems acquiring the license to play it, but all is well now.

OK now for the REVIEW everyone has been waiting for:

Nestor Hato download is 290 MB, and spans almost an hour's length.
Quality is good, and performances plus explanations are all silent with music.

The first part goes over using the gimmick The Nestorizer and all the applications one could actually use with a deck of cards.
This includes everything from, rising card, card shot out of the deck,card out of the deck as you spread the cards on the table, etc.
This is called Risers and Jumpers in this section.

The next section is the non Nestorizer section which does not use the Nestorizer gimmick.
Here Nestor does everything from 4 Ace productions, to Royal Flushes.
He also does a matrix routine called Hatrix, which is really good, and can be done impromptu on the spot.

There are some favorites of mine on this download which include color changing card, and 4.4.1 which is absolutely fantastic.
Desc: 4 aces are shown and places under the card box, then a card is selected, lets say 5 of spades. Then magician takes the 5 of spades out of the deck, and now in his hands he has the 4 aces, and under the card box is the 5 of spades.
Very STRONG routine.

Also his NTDS......this is his haunted deck routine, in which you cover the cards with a clear bowl, and the cards cut themselves once, then a moment later one card reveals itself!

At the end of the download for those of you that don't want to buy the gimmick, Nestor teaches you how to build the gimmick!

I will start building mine ASAP!

Very very good gimmick!!! IMHO.

OK so lowdown is

Quality of download: 9
Length of video: 9
Effects: 10
Nestorizer gimmick learn how to make: 8
Instruction: 9
Practicality: 9
Worth $62: Yes, if you want something new to add to your arsenal that deals with cards.
Should I purchase the gimmick? Really depends on you! He teaches you how to make it in the download. Some people purchased it for comparison reasons.
Should I purchase download or DVD? Again depends on you! I didn't want to wait.
File size: 290MB for download

All in all this is a great DVD or download whichever you decide to get!
It is worth the asking price of $62 and I am glad I purchased this.
I will definately be practicing the effects on this for quite some time.

Available at

IF you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


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Profile of jprace
How long does the gimmick last?
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Profile of Markymark
The gimmick is not very delicate so it should last a while.There is a part which you just replace when it goes.
I bought the gimmick on it's own and basic instructions would have been nice!
You only receive the gimmick.Guess I may have to buy the dvd but being pig headed I don't think I will.
''In memory of a once fluid man,crammed and distorted by the classical mess'' -Bruce Lee
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Profile of Irishghost
Just ordered the dvd. I have been waiting on this to release for awhile. I need to get a life lol.

Jeremy Hanrahan
I get to gaff some cool stuff for some cool people
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Profile of magiCAD
On 2008-05-23 13:43, Irishghost wrote:
...I need to get a life lol.

I actually "LOL'd" at that one. I was in the same boat, but I think I'll wait a while to get this.
Lord Freddie
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Profile of Lord Freddie
I am planning to purchase this DVD soon. The effects look superb, I just hope that the gimmick is not I.T.!
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Profile of Dam
The gimmick is not IT Smile
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Profile of tian_ci
Any more reviews?
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Profile of daviaac
Quite honestly the gimmick I find extremely practical and would reccomend to anyone however it is a bit of a pain getting it in/out of deck (getting easier). but the effects are endless and so brilliant. flourishes are amazingly visual and one badly fooled me. coin matrix I love as it is ungimmicked and cool. overall I think I would have paid double for the gimmick and it's effects which are worth it.

just a short review

- the secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources
Lord Freddie
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Profile of Lord Freddie
I'm pretty much sold on this now. The demo video just looks superb and of course the production values are up to the usual Jean-Luc Bertrand standard.

Doctor D
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Profile of Doctor D
On 2008-06-19 19:07, daviaac wrote:
Quite honestly the gimmick I find extremely practical and would reccomend to anyone however it is a bit of a pain getting it in/out of deck (getting easier).


How is this hard to ring in/out? Thanks to its properties, you can easily cut to it and get rid of it in your favorite way.

Best of all, depending on the tricks you do, you might even leave it in the deck when you're not using it!
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Profile of daviaac
If I ever have a gaff card in play I prefer to remove it and add it than leave it in the deck especially if a later routine involves audience participation/interaction with the deck. it can be cut to very easily iagree but I normally like to cop it off the bottom of the deck or one hand top palm normal gaffs but this one is slightly more difficult because of the main part of the gaff. If have you have any soloutions to this problem I would love to share ideas on it.


p.s if anyone has any good materials for this please p.m. as I cant find the right materials anywere
- the secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources
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Profile of APC
I watched a little of this DVD and I must say I really love the thinking behind these effects and flourishes. The gimmick being "new" is not completely true, but the uses for it and all of his effects are great new applications of this old gaff. I absolutely love this DVD!

Doctor D
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Profile of Doctor D
On 2008-06-20 08:37, daviaac wrote:
If I ever have a gaff card in play I prefer to remove it and add it than leave it in the deck especially if a later routine involves audience participation/interaction with the deck. it can be cut to very easily iagree but I normally like to cop it off the bottom of the deck or one hand top palm normal gaffs but this one is slightly more difficult because of the main part of the gaff. If have you have any soloutions to this problem I would love to share ideas on it.


p.s if anyone has any good materials for this please p.m. as I cant find the right materials anywere

I agree that a full palm, top or bottom, is harder than usual; copping it off shouldn't be a problem, perhaps under the guise of taking something else (card case, marker) from your pocket.
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Profile of highmagic
On 2008-06-20 05:48, Lord Freddie wrote:
I'm pretty much sold on this now. The demo video just looks superb and of course the production values are up to the usual Jean-Luc Bertrand standard.


Yes the production values of JLB are much above the average. His best work IMO is David Stone's latest video
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Profile of puggo
Another view / review
I purchased the DVD and gimmick, and ended up making up a few more for red / blue / yellow decks (so I'm never without). The Gimmick really does offer very strong visual possibilities. I now use it in one of my own routines, and it's added a new dimension to it. I don't think I'd use it for haunted deck, as the normal method allows instant examination without hazard.
I found the gimmick very easy to make, but by using rubber cement instead of the suggested glue, it allows better card springs.
As far as ringing the gaff in /out, I have found it easier to do a few effects with it in the deck, and then do a rope trick etc which allows an easy deck switch (sorry, no new ideas or solutions!).
The DVD is beatiful to watch, and well worth the money.... but... if you like the longer tricks with a bit of plot, this may not deliver.
Overall, a worthy purchase if only for the inspiration.
PS Checkout Nestor's Stage act on Youtube. Stunning.
Robert M
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Profile of Robert M
I thought the performances looked really good. But, I'm actually sorry I bought this. It's not something I would use.
