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Ever since I noticed these little "worms" on my doves (lice) I’ve had parasite problems.
A few months ago I bought the cans of mite and lice spray- I sprayed the birds and that got rid of the lice, but now I’ve been seeing this type of small fly looking bug. Every time I see it, it’s like it sees me and jumps or flies to another part of the bird and gets underneath the feather and I cant find it.

I have sprayed them again with the lice and mite spray and got new cans, but this little fly still comes out from time to time.

One of my doves recently passed, but looking through it did not see any lice or mites. But I would like to ensure that is not the problem on the other three I have.

I recently moved my birds from the cage to an aviary I build for them. Both cages have always been in my backyard under a tree. Most of the roof of the aviary is covered but any tips of getting rid of parasites or preventing them at all would be appreciated.

Has anyone had this little fly looking thing?

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Profile of 1906Alpha1906
Hi Jaime, Does this 'fly' actually fly? I mean, does it actually have wings? If so, it might just be a common gnat.

Posted: Sep 12, 2006 10:57am

It sounds as if it may be lice or fleas. This is a common problem with birds in certain areas. Fortunately, here in the Carolinas we don't have that problem (at least not in the city area because of all the fumes from cars *haha*), but if you live in a "country" type setting, its more common.

A lot of times, doves will preen these out. They may miss a few, but between your treatments and their natural cleaning habits, they will eventually go away. I had a cat one time that had fleas all over it, and bathed it several times to get them off, but eventually they came off.

Hope that helps some. If you do a Google search and punch in the key words "Dove Lice" you will get a bunch of links dealing with the problem, and how to take care of some of the situation.
Dave Scribner
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Jaime, I agree with Alpha, this sounds like a gnat. Is it just one or do you see a lot of them? If it's a gnat, it will go away and it won't harm your dove. Just apply some more lice and mite stuff. I prefer the powder rather than a spray. Mites and Lice won't jump around. They just crawl around the feathers, mainly at the base.
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Thanks Alpha and Dave once again, you guys are great! Always helping out!
I think it might be a "gnat" cause its only one I've seen, but its not the little gnats we get in our faces sometimes here in Miami when it rains a lot. This is a bigger one almast like a fly but smaller. If I see it again, I'm gonna try to focus on it with the digital camara and if I can see it on the pic I will send it.

Thanks Again,

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Ah… It may be a "horse fly". They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes...the only thing they do that is annoying is "bite". They find a heat source and go to it. Since doves can't swat...they are defenseless against those annoying boogers! - If you watch, if your doves sort of "start running" as if something is chasing them, but you see nothing, its most likely an annoying flying creature. Mine do this sometimes.

The fly you are talking about probably looks like a fruit fly. They are just pesky little creatures, and that’s all. No harm in them to the dove. They are probably more interested in nibbling on any sweet type seeds you have in the mix, and try to land on the doves for "rest."

I could never figure out why in the world flies were created...what do they do besides bother? *haha* I guess that is why they were just given the name "Fly" because that is all they do! *haha*
Bob Sanders
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A lot can be said for a sock full of Sevin dust around stage animals. Stage and stage storage areas themselves are often "buggy". I have even lost doves to rats at back stage storge areas that look clean. Hotels have lots of guests!

Glad to see people taking good care of their doves. Assistants count!

Bob Sanders
Magic By Sander
Bob Sanders

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Thanks Alpha and Bob. Well my doves live in an Aviary outside under a tree. I'm not a stage magician yet, just a kids magician. Maybe one day I can be in the big leagues.

Thanks again, and yes, assistants are God's gift to magicians. So we must take good care of them.

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Bob Sanders
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On 2006-09-13 15:52, Jarana wrote:
... I'm not a stage magician yet - just a kids magician, maybe one day can be in the big leagues...



Please don't confuse "kids' magician and stage magician" with success and failure. It's just not a fair measure.

I have been a professional entertainer since I was thirteen years old. There have good times, hard times, and very busy times. At one point I was making more a month than most peoples' houses are worth. Especially after my children's mother died and during the time she was dropping out of parenting my focus changed for the better.

From 1981 until 1993 on stage there were two things that were always on my table's shelf on stage.

One was a small digital clock to help keep me paced.

The other was a card with this:

To a Child

One hundred years from now
It will not matter
What kind of car I drove,
What kind of house I lived in,
How much money I had,
Nor what my clothes look like,
But the world will be a little better,
The universe a little brighter,
Because I was important
To a child.

I was not doing kid shows. I was doing shows for kids, my kids. It's important work.

At six weeks old my son and first child went on the road with me. He could not stay at home. When his sister was born four years later, I was a consultant to KinderCare at international headquarters. Financial adjustments had to be made.

It was a great investment. You have a head start!

Enjoy it! Use your doves and spread wonder. You are in the "Big League".

Bob Sanders
Magic By Sander
Bob Sanders

Magic By Sander / The Amazed Wiz
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You are an Angel sent from heaven, your words just brought tears to my eyes, thanks for the reinforcement, and yes this is the reason why I, and I know for a fact you also, and most likely all of us here do the things we do.

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Bob is right, and by the way hello Bob. As far as the subject of little bugs goes, I have used those little can looking thins that hang on the side of the cage. They can be bought at any pet store. And as has been previously posted, bathing the doves is good. Get a washtub or bucket and put about an inch of water in depth, add about half a teaspoon of Palmolive dish soap.

Fold up a paper towel or a few and use this as a washcloth. Wash them up and rinse them I use a spray bottle for a rinse. Keep them in a place without a breeze for them to dry so they won't get sick. They look real scraggly for about a week so don't do this right before a show they need time to preen out there feathers. Doves hate baths but they seem to be livelier after they get one and they are dry and preened out.

Oh and by the way Jaime, I have performed in conventions and huge stages, and I still do children’s shows and I work close up and balloons at a restaurant I have been at the same restaurant for 6 years now. I teach magic and sometimes build props for magicians, write music for magicians, whatever it takes to pay the bills.

So as Bob was saying you should be proud of what you do and those kids, even if they make it to 100 years of age, will remember you as the most amazing magician the have ever seen.
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Dave Scribner
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A word of caution about using dish soap or any type of soap to wash your doves. The soap will remove the natural oils found on the feathers. This isn't a good thing and should really only be used if you are going to color your doves. In fact, it's necessary to make the color stick. There are special bird washes to spray on the feathers that will bring back that glow, in fact it's called feather glo.

Every bird is different but I've had just the opposite reaction that Larry has experienced as far as bathing. I put the shallow dish of water down and my birds fly right to it, splashing and having a good time at the beach. When they are down, they start preening.

Most people don't know but doves love to bath in sand. In place of the water, I sometimes just put a dish full of sand down and they do the same thing. Sounds strange but it does clean them up and they like it.
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Sand by itself? (Beach sand?) I do put big bowls of water and they do get inside and bathe, but its just water. Another thing to mention was a vet helper suggested from time to time to squirt a little lemon on the water. He said its good for them. Also to squirt a little on their buds (behind).

Just wondering if anyone knew about this?

Larry- thanks!! Always proud of entertaining the children!! What I need next is to loose my fear of adults!! Ha ha!

Jaime Arana Cardenas

AKA: MagicJac
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Dave Scribner
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Jaime, yup, just sand by itself. I've never heard of adding lemon to the water but then I don't know everything. It'll make them smell fresh anyway Smile
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Ok, thanks.

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Autumn Morning Star
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I know about this fly that Jarana is talking about. It is a really dark, flat fly with rounded wings. I have seen this fly hide in my bird's feathers on occasion. It is fast, crawls around the feathers with its claws, and has no business being between the bird's feathers because it sucks blood. Nasty!

It is called a "flat fly" or a "Pigeon Louse Fly":

Here are more photos and info: It can kill young birds and can make older birds sick. You can control it with a pyrethrin powder like the one you would use to control lice.

I put my doves in a dry bathtub for this application. Be careful to apply the powder slowly, rubbing the pyrethrin (permethrin) powder into feathers with your fingertips. You don't want the powder to become airborne. Doves are sensitive to dusts like this.

Clean out all your bedding and nests and keep them really clean for a few weeks. Dust the cage, too. Let us know how your birds are doing and good luck!
Wonder is very necessary in life. When we're little kids, we're filled with wonder for the world - it's fascinating and miraculous. A lot of people lose that. They become cynical and jaded, especially in modern day society. Magic renews that wonder.
Doug Henning
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Wow Autumn, I think from the first link that this is it! But I hope it's not and maybe I'm wrong!

Pyrethrin powder, can I get this in a pet shop? And how do you ensure it dies? I had found lice and mite powder but it was for dogs.

I don't have any bedding or nest material in the cage (aviary) now. It's just all wire all around even on the floor (I just built this aviary recently). Most of the roof is covered with plastic type roof.

I have sprayed them with the regular mite and lice spray, but don't think it's helped with this one! Although I have not seen it lately, I would like to make sure their blood is not being sucked out!


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Autumn Morning Star
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I just contacted Foy's Pigeon Supply regarding the Pigeon Louse Fly and they suggested you use "Pigeon Cleanser #680" Here is a link:
Scroll down to the middle of the page.

It is a bath and it is gentle (and will make their feathers pretty, too).
Makes all parasites leave within twelve hours.

Foy's is a FANTASTIC resource for bird care supplies. You order online and they will deliver it to your door fast. I think they are located in Pennsylvania. They are even online for free consultation between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00pm EST.
Wonder is very necessary in life. When we're little kids, we're filled with wonder for the world - it's fascinating and miraculous. A lot of people lose that. They become cynical and jaded, especially in modern day society. Magic renews that wonder.
Doug Henning
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Thanks Autumn, you're an angel!

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Autumn Morning Star
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My pleasure, Jaime! We are all happy to help anytime.
Wonder is very necessary in life. When we're little kids, we're filled with wonder for the world - it's fascinating and miraculous. A lot of people lose that. They become cynical and jaded, especially in modern day society. Magic renews that wonder.
Doug Henning
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I think I know my mites and lice and pigeon fly problems- once I build my aviary - I've had wild doves land on top of it- It has a wooden frame and they perch on top of it and on top of the wire also - before I had my doves in a smaller cage outside also - but the doves never landed on top of it (and never saw mites before, unless I did not notice them )- can this be the problem ? -wild doves sitting on top of the avairy? how can I prevent them from sitting on the roof? should I cover the whole entire roof?

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